You are reading too much into the word. EMBEDDED is a technical term that refers to a computer CPU that is attached as part of another device. Since modern computers are a collection of devices attached to a central computer, you could ALSO EMBED another computer into that.
There is nothing spoopy about the term.
If you want to expand your thinking you should realize that what you get in the box that you buy and what someone else gets in the box that they buy, might be different even if the name and part numbers on the boxes are the same.
People can easily divert computers from the factor, embed stuff that spies on the user, and then ship it out again as if it was just a normal computer. So how do you stop that?
You just need to control then entire path from the assembly line in the factory to your secure quartermaster corps. How does the USA do that with Apple devices manufactured in China or Brazil? It doesn't. Instead it gets Apple to set up a factory in the USA, and takes control that way.
This is something that should have been done years ago. And the same thing applies to Android phones. We may even see ZTE open a factory in the USA which would be great because Chinese electronics manufacturers are the most innovative in the world these days.