Just a random quirk from the LV Shooting
At the time, LVPD anon back on half-chan dropped the project blackjack name (the event also happened on 10-1…)
If you anon weren't aware, project blackjack was a "fictional" nuking of major cities that appeared in the telegraph magazine back in 2008/2009, there was 2 or 3 parts up at the time, it's still up today.
Anyways, the white vans in the pictures had something like "new dawn productions (or something)" on the vans logo (with a sun of course).
The day after the vegas shooting guess who runs the fucking title with "new dawn" in their las vegas article… NY Times.
This also matched up similar to with what OP FBIAnon had mentioned, there was suppose to be bigger event possibly or it was related.
Just a super random thing I remember seeing.