How quickly we forget. This entire narrative seems to be to get the American military to stay in Afghanistan, and potentially to continue a fraudulent war.
Trump started the withdraw last year with with a target of complete withdraw by Christmas
3000 MP as of November 16, 2020
No talk of American's over there back then, why?
If you're over in Afghanistan and you know the military is set to withdraw in the coming months why would you stay for an extra 8 months?
[Afghan President Ashraf Ghani told CNN's Fareed Zakaria in an exclusive interview on "GPS" on Sunday that he supports Biden's decision to pull US troops out of the country, saying the move "radically changes" the context of the situation in the country, the region and the Islamic world. He added that his "entire energy" is now focused on working in that new context.]
Entire energy focused on getting the hell out of there himself.
Looks like not even the President of Afghanistan wanted to stay he just wouldn't say it. So think if you're an American why would you even still be in Afghanistan right now? FAKE NEWS.