common sense
haha piglosi is in for a surprise
they're desperately trying to keep the pharm stocks floating, dumbasses, we warned you
because they have a very low iq but they think they are smart.
only problem is american people have guns and lots of them and they know who to point them at. these idiots are dellusional and outnumbered horribly
because you should listen to a veterinarian that resides near new rochelle, ny at pfizer headquarters.
this faggot is scared and he knows why
chk those digits albert
hes going to try and bail on stocks with his buddies, they are just waiting and we are watching
yes let the employees holding stock know
need to store the ips of important sites, exactly or anons can creat they're own root dns
news unlocks map
chase is owned by the creator of pharmaceuticals. in 1950 Rockefeller learned they could produce them cheaply with patrolium.
they own the American medical association.
why you should avoid hospitals because most of them are weazels