Article in The Guardian, an apologetic, about the amazing work that created AstraZeneca
"Sarah Gilbert, Saïd professor of vaccinology, Jenner Institute [Before Covid] I was developing vaccines against a range of emerging pathogens, specifically Mers, Nipah and Lassa [virus]. We also had applied for funding to work on preparedness for “disease X” – the unknown pathogen that is coming….
Teresa Lambe, associate professor, Jenner InstituteMy brother lived in China, so whenever there was an emerging or break pathogen there, I used to follow it. I remember thinking very early on that this was probably another influenza strain.
Lambe We knew it was coming, and we’d already had a discussion about what to do. We designed [the vaccine] over that weekend…
So the animal studies started in February, and by the time we got to March, the manufacturing was under way for human trials – and we didn’t even have any data from the animal studies yet….
Pollard There was no PPE available within the NHS.We needed thermometers for our volunteers; there were none anywhere in Europe.