fisa start
lower level fighters - taliban = children, women, and fathers
plane fags - will know
fauci sunrise
msdnc msm nickwhore hanging Americans off Blackhawks
you ain't black if you don't vote biden
81MM ;)
hey hoooray
biden military announcing successful failure of Afghanistan
knowingly describing FALL OF AFGHANISTAN failure - msm msdnc nickwhore&witches
Taliban using Blackhawk helicopters to administer justice to Americans or collaborators
poo poo - they singing your name on the way down
stupid question for dementia handlers
you all seeing the same peeps hanging from the lei's right?
question from the gallery:
did the American or Afghan hanging from the helicopter eating chococacalate chip ice cream and did the president send the last scooP\?
very bhusiness like !! and never question , esp. after the mission is acompleeted
hey some peeps die and cannot relect rigght now
taliban justice now begins
senior traitors working against odds to push sum of all fears
special sniff and ribbon in store for blondie - worth leaving all those souls behind - mass graves need bodies , harr harr
biden bumfuckin ida and the taliban
somebody forgot to put lipstick on this pig (khunt spin this fauciker- too big) too late. sammich delivered and it has no flavor! like normal demonrats blaming the afghans for poor choices