Anonymous ID: 5a29f1 Aug. 30, 2021, 1:12 p.m. No.14492950   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2967 >>2980 >>3009 >>3108

Q said:

Expect MANY MANY MANY similar reports to surface from around the world.



The choice to know will be yours.


There willneverbe a massive DECLAS

Much will NEVER be revealed due to the many deals made


Those who dig know there are many MANYMANYleaks

All over the place

And that DECLAS is ongoing, in drips and DROPS


If you thought that the CIA was a problem

Wait until you learn aboutUNIT 8200

The elite of the elite who infiltrate and control everything including the CIA


Watch The Water

It begins with a trickle (Kalay network)

Grows to a stream

Then becomes a torrent

And finally a flood that nobody can ignore


Offshore Leaks (2013)

Bahamas Leaks (2016)

Panama Papers (2016)

Paradise Papers (2017 & 2018)


And let's not forget the actions of the U.S. Treasury


By Julian Assange

Conspiracy As Governance


Military industrial complex


Unit 8200

The Cabal


Next URL takes you to aMap of Global Corruptionwith names you can search on and links to more info. This Map is continually being updated and right now, info onUnit 8200is being added.

Anonymous ID: 5a29f1 Aug. 30, 2021, 1:21 p.m. No.14493019   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You sound like one of those Q Anons

This board is for Q Researchers!!!


Q Anon: synonym for sycophant


1. The definition of a sycophant is a person who tries to gain attention by flattering wealthy or influential people. An example of a sycophant is someone who agrees with everything his boss says and who brings his boss gifts once a month.

2. A person who seeks favor by flattering people of wealth or influence; parasite; toady.

3. A person who attempts to gain advantage by flattering influential people or behaving in a servile manner.

4. One who seeks to gain through the powerful and influential.


In other words, toadies, brown-noser, hanger-on, ass-licker, yes-man, cheerleader, doormat, flunky minion

There are Trump toadies and there are Q toadies and they compete in a SATANIC CONTEST to see whose love for their master is greatest.


And just as the Christian sheep have a shepherd who herds them calledthe Pope, these toadies have a shepherd too. He is a revolting green TOAD namedPepe, created by the CIA's Psychological Operations unit to neutralise the conspiracy theorists who gather online. One of their more successful ops too.


Q comes along anddrops some CUEssaying Dig into this stuff and you will learn what evil stalks your world and how to defeat it.. United NOT Divided, says Q because that is what Jesus said, Love thy neighbor. Fact is that when neighbors areunitedthen we outnumber the evil ones, and their defenses crumble.


If you have love in your heart, you can get the most hard core liberals and socialists on your side. Because UNITY is the most important weapon in this battle. Help your socialist neighbors get everything they want by teaching them NEW WAYS of achieving their goals that do not require stealing tax money from the poor, and giving it all to the rich bureaucrats who have proven themselves to be untrustable.

Anonymous ID: 5a29f1 Aug. 30, 2021, 1:33 p.m. No.14493082   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3088 >>3092 >>3094 >>3126



Do you know what a Cue is? A cue ball?

What about Q? The source of Qlues?

Do you know how to CALL THE BALL?


Are you so stupid that you believe someone with the highest security clearance in Military Intelligence, who swore the oath of allegiance, and whointends to uphold that oathwould actually tell you, in public, something that is classified?


Did you really believe that somebody working for Donald J. Trump, author of The Art Of The Deal would actually reveal, in public, something about the government's intentions in dealing with an adversary?


You're some special kind of stupid, aren't you?


Everything that Q wrote is a LIE or is GARBAGE

It is the only way.

Q made these drops to encourage people to stand up and think for themselves

To do their own research.

Every drop shines a laser on some aspect of Cabal crime and corruption.



Could that be an anagram AND LOSE? Maybe!

Could it be a reminder that a game is being played? Maybe!

Could it tell us the type of game afoot, like a card game where, on some moves, you can ask for cards to be dealt? Maybe!


But one thing you can be sure of.

It reveals no classified information that is not already in the public domain.

And it says nothing that would give criminals an edge in planning their next move.



But if you make a deal and flip, you can play a role in our movie and come out a winner…

Because, you know howGOD WINS? Well everyone who works on God's side wins too.

We followThe Wayof Jesus, so like him, we forgive.

Make America Great Again!United NOT Divided!

Anonymous ID: 5a29f1 Aug. 30, 2021, 1:35 p.m. No.14493092   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You can count the people who have the full picture on two hands.

Of those (less than 10 people) only three are non-military.

Why is this relevant?

Game theory.

Outside of a potential operator who has been dialed-in w/ orders (specific to his/her mission) nobody else has this information.

Operators never divulge.

Alice & Wonderland.



I believe that the 3 non-military that Q referred to are…

Donald Trump

Vladimir Putin

Narendra Modi


Other leaders got read in later, in particular

Xi Jinping

Kim Jong Un

Ali Khameini

Boris Johnson

Emmanuel Macron

and maybe some others.


And of the military members I believe that

Bipin Rawat

Sergey Shoigu

Are in the original group.

That leaves 3 or 4 American military people

Probably including Admiral Rogers, Gen David H. Berger, Gen Flynn, Gen Richard D. Clarke


Note that Q is not answering the question

Who is Q?

Q is merely pointing out that there is a big plan that only a small number of people are privy to.

Many, many more operators know a part of it but they are not telling.

The Q group is also not telling, but they are Dropping Cues

Like Hansel and Gretel dropped bread crumbs.

Those who know how to DIG can find the facts that are UNDERNEATH the CUES.

The drops themselves are all LIES and GARBAGE

But if you DIG through the garbage then you can find gold.


This is why Q's board is calledQ Research

Anonymous ID: 5a29f1 Aug. 30, 2021, 1:48 p.m. No.14493163   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It doesn't really matter who they are.

By their actions they support a world in which citizens are sovereign

And governments serve the people


They have created a TEAM

They are using their special skills as Special Forces with combat experience behind enemy lives

What are your special skills?

Have you formed a team with your neighbors?

To make life better in your town or county or state?


The world of the future will be one in which small teams fix problems one by one.

The age of the pyramid monopoly of communist feudalism is over

The UN will crumble

Amazon and Walmart will crumble

Big corporations will crumble

Organized crime will crumble too

That is why citizens have guns

Remember open season on drug dealers in Philippines?

Anonymous ID: 5a29f1 Aug. 30, 2021, 2:04 p.m. No.14493238   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3251

Did you know that the US government shutdown access to Wikileaks for citizens in late February 2008 for two weeks by court order?

They did so in order to cover up the publication of highly damaging documents that showed a massive amount of money laundering, grand larceny, and tax evasion involving multiple countries that focused on the Julius Bare Bank in the Cayman Islands and Switzerland.

It was only after huge global outcry, a joint countersuit, and the ultimate failure of the US government's injunctions to effectively shutdown the site, that Julius Bare Bank decided to drop the court case against Wikileaks, and the US government was forced to reinstate access.


This same week, a mysterious fire broke out at PRQ, the Swedish company that had been hosting most of Wikileaks infrastructure, and badly damaged the DNS and Server racks they had used at the time.

Anonymous ID: 5a29f1 Aug. 30, 2021, 2:34 p.m. No.14493353   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3400

This is the way to handle a school board meeting