Anonymous ID: 986687 Aug. 30, 2021, 1:39 p.m. No.14493112   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Harvard Epidemiologist Says the Case for COVID Vaccine Passports Was Just Demolished


New research found that natural immunity offers exponentially more protection than COVID-19 vaccines.

Monday, August 30, 2021


A newly published medical study found that infection from COVID-19 confers considerably longer-lasting and stronger protection against the Delta variant of the virus than vaccines.


“The natural immune protection that develops after a SARS-CoV-2 infection offers considerably more of a shield against the Delta variant of the pandemic coronavirus than two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, according to a large Israeli study that some scientists wish came with a ‘Don’t try this at home’ label,” the Scientific American reported Thursday. “The newly released data show people who once had a SARS-CoV-2 infection were much less likely than vaccinated people to get Delta, develop symptoms from it, or become hospitalized with serious COVID-19.”


Put another way, vaccinated individuals were 27 times more likely to get a symptomatic COVID infection than those with natural immunity from COVID.




Vaccine passports are morally dubious for many reasons, not the least of which is that freedom of movement is a basic human right. However, vaccine passports become even more senseless in light of the new findings out of Israel and revelations from the CDC, some say.


Harvard Medical School professor Martin Kulldorff said research showing that natural immunity offers exponentially more protection than vaccines means vaccine passports are both unscientific and discriminatory, since they disproportionately affect working class individuals.


“Prior COVID disease (many working class) provides better immunity than vaccines (many professionals), so vaccine mandates are not only scientific nonsense, they are also discriminatory and unethical,” Kulldorff, a biostatistician and epidemiologist, observed on Twitter.


Nor is the study out of Israel a one-off. Media reports show that no fewer than 15 academic studies have found that natural immunity offers more protection from COVID-19 than the virus.


Vaccine passports would be immoral and a massive government overreach even in the absence of these findings. There is simply no historical parallel for governments attempting to restrict the movements of healthy people over a respiratory virus in this manner.


Yet the justification for vaccine passports becomes not just wrong but absurd in light of these new revelations.


People who have had COVID already have significantly more protection from the virus than people who’ve been vaccinated. Meanwhile, people who’ve not had COVID and choose to not get vaccinated may or may not be making an unwise decision. But if they are, they are principally putting only themselves at risk.



Anonymous ID: 986687 Aug. 30, 2021, 1:41 p.m. No.14493127   🗄️.is 🔗kun


il Donaldo Trumpo


Dr. Fraudci can stick those school vaccine mandates up his ass, by the way…

11:22 AM · Aug 30, 2021