Going into 4th Density
1 sub density
Activation of the green ray chakra
Heart chakra = love and understanding with complete universal love.
2 sub density
Perception in the increase of your chest complex where heart is located
You may feel discomfort, achy like an intense workout although none done.
3 sub density
Left side of brain will switch off, reading, writing, logical where the egoic portions of the mind reside which allows for full activation of the right side shall become the driver of the physical vehicle.
4 sub density
Develop qualities of telepathy, less use of the mouth organs for communication as the right brain is operating at higher state of consciousness, you know when you hear lies, you feel empathy as "esp" in various forms blossom.
5 sub density
Dual body existence, one spiritually activated Light body and the other a chemical body of the fourth density. Transition reuires a period of acclimatization. All communications will occur via telepathy. The creation of a social memory complex shall exist during this sub density time period.
6, 7 and 8th sub densities
The upper octaves of the fourth density consciouslness shall activate the spiritual body and a portion around 30% of the chemical body shall exist and no need for the vessel to ingest chemical products and foods. The purpose of surival shall depend of energy received from the Light of our sun.
Many shall not advance into the 4th Density due to the old self concerned with the echoic portions of the mind. Many will learn there is a choice, to stay with the ego or to choose and transcend beyond the mind.
A week ago this started, so take the next 3 weeks to contemplate choices.
You may notice your food intake or cravings changings, the need for more thirst, aches in joints or muscles and sleep cycles changing as well. You may notice time feels different or days faster or forget things you normally would not. You may feel a deeper connection to Source, deeper feelings for humanity as you see the core matrix programming played out upon family and friends and their disconnect. Your strength in internal knowledge and Light within will help comfort those not understanding the above processes. Time shift jumps brought on by solar energies, schumann resonance changes and your higher consciousness frequency raising will continue at a fast pace if you choose to evolve or ascend.
Be the lion, the leader, you are here for a reason, anons.
Nothing can stop what is coming.
Humanity shall be free.
Physical properties don't exist until they are measured.
>> maybe we need less tech and more brains
Tech was used in a dark way for dependence in humanity rather than independent thinking. How many are concerned with devices and staying charged, yet ignore the human shell and the within? Preventative maintenance in cars to keep running, virus scans for clean devices, yet tech devices used in a negative manner which causes problems in the health of humanity?
All planned?
Was this not the agenda of [them]? To allow us to willingly stand in line for a week for latest apple cell, newest tech devices [knowingly] the outcome over time the effects on the species?