Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Sept. 1, 2021, 2:05 p.m. No.14504670   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1490 >>0610


>If there is no baker, just pop into the UK bread. I'll be there.




Thanks again, I'll do that.


Can someone tell me if attached graphics are showing up????? None are showing up for me here.


In 1965 the mother of a friend died in the care of Gartnaval Royal Hospital in Glasgow. There was a fatal accident (FAI) inquiry into her death in 1966 which found that she died after stealing medicines from a locked cabinet in a locked room from a drug overdose. It was the Mother of the Chief Guinnea-pig, who would later find himself the subject of human experiment at the hands of the mental health "authorities". Much effort was made to get the boggley eyed one in to their care; documents were falsified (including his birth certificate, which he would not find out about until his first trip overseas when applying for his first passport), some left unsigned.


a year or two ago he set his boggley eyes on the National Records Office in Edinburgh looking for them to initiate a search for the records of the FAI in to her death, knowing full well that they had been destroyed soon after he first starting trying to dig in to his past many years previous. Of course he was informed by the head of legal services that there were no records, even although the law states that such records must be kept for a minimum of 100 years: the records could not be found.


Now this did not surprise the my buddy in the slightest, however, during his coversation the then head of legal services told him that she was unable to find any of the FAI records at all for the period between 1966-71, a full 5 years of FAI records missing.


Be that it may, even if that does not sound suspicious, he claims - and I am never one to doubt his boggley-eyed(ness) - that within a 1 year period during which his mother died in the care of Gartnaval, there were 28 deaths under their care. I wonder how many FAI's there were then for all 28 casualties?


Gartnaval Royal, sits next to Gartnaval General and is used for mental health related patients, or at least it was then. It is this anon's belief, which he shared with his friend, that he and his mother were both victims of experimentation in connection with MK-ultra. It is also my strong belief that the chief was experimented on even before his birth while still in the womb. I believe that is why so much effort went in to gaining control over that old friend of mine. His mothers medical records also have disappeared in their entirety: large swathes of his own are also missing from his own medical records. Nothing there about many hospital visits, including broken clavicals as he convulsed under electro-convulsive therapy (ECT) sessions.


Few have any real idea of the experiments and torture of many thousands of children under the care of the NHS, nor the thousands of deaths during these processes.


Incidentally, the chief had managed to secure for himself through his personal digging, the reference no's of many of the FAI's during that 1 year time span and gave the legal services those reference no's. On later attempts (many) to contact the same person from their department who had informed him of the other missing FAI's from 66-71, only to be informed that she was on "gardening leave". Perhaps she gave out too much info?

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Sept. 2, 2021, 4:56 p.m. No.14511490   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2792 >>2230 >>4033


> including broken clavicals as he convulsed under electro-convulsive therapy (ECT) sessions.


>Few have any real idea of the experiments and torture of many thousands of children under the care of the NHS, nor the thousands of deaths during these processes.



A story from the Times, today September 2nd


Religious brother ‘gave pupil painful electric shocks’ at school


Dave Finlay

Thursday September 02 2021, 12.01am, The Times


A man told a court how he was subjected to painful electric shocks as a child by a brother from a religious order at a residential school.


The 69-year-old said he had no choice at times about being in the boot room with Brother Benedict at St Ninian’s List D school in the Gartmore Estate in Stirlingshire.


A device “like a dynamo or something” had two wires attached to metal handles. “He took you over to it and told you to hold the two handles and then he would turn a handle.”


The man said he received painful shocks and told the High Court in Edinburgh: “You couldn’t let go of it. It didn’t burn you, it was just shock.”


Michael Murphy, who was known

Continue reading


Get unlimited digital access on any device….no thanks, I have not the funds.


Now this is torture, it is the torture method of preference for an individual in this case and while it is not part of the much larger and organised electrification of children that I was referring to, it does show that it (the torture method), attracts those who take pleasure in torture, some of them even take notes in white coats and call themselves doctors or scientists or psychiatrists. These are the ones in collusion with crown, top military officials, judges, politicians etc, and done thousands of such experiments with much higher voltages on an industrial scale. They carried these experiments out on the old, the infirm of body and mind, children, orphaned children, the children of convicts, disabled children and adults too. The most vulnerable in society, those we should be comforting.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Sept. 5, 2021, 4:10 p.m. No.14527159   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I wandered past George Square in Glasgow on Saturday and seen more people there than previously.




Will just drop both sides of a flyer I picked up there before I sleep. They may not be visible to anyone as any images I have posted so far are invisible to me. At least it keeps the board up.


It's from the "leave our kids alone" campaign setting out some of the reasons not to have your kids vaccinated.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Sept. 6, 2021, 4:35 p.m. No.14532224   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Short video highlighting the disturbing things seen by American Border Patrol.


I know this has nothing to do with Scotland but if this can happen to one kid, any kid, anywhere in the world, then no kid anywhere is safe. Too many heartless and cruel people in the world and too many who are prepared to cover for them to fill their pockets with meaningless tokens. There are many sick fucks in Scottish Government. The SNP have covered up for paedophiles for all of their time in office since the Scottish Parliament opened its corrupt and hugely overbudget doors. How long will it take the Scots to wake up to the paedophilia in the high offices of state: politicians, police and military brass, social work, health service all the way to the crown? How long to see the corruption driving them all in to poverty?

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Sept. 7, 2021, 4:39 a.m. No.14534352   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>greetings from Florida


>looks like you have your own page


Happy to see America is rounding up the human traffickers. God bless Floridians.


Yeah, the Scottish Qresearch board isn't very popular :)


The good news is that the world is turning, I'll thank God for that and also DJT and all the Q clearance patriots.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Sept. 9, 2021, 2:47 p.m. No.14548525   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2268 >>4048


==Scottish police officers would like to carry a handgun, study shows

More than half of Scottish police officers would like the option of being able to carry a handgun as part of their safety equipment, new research has found.

By Jane Bradley

Tuesday, 7th September 2021, 4:55 am==


The survey of nearly 1,700 police officers in Scotland found 53 per cent of officers ranked handguns in the top five personal protective equipment they would like to have.


Nearly 60 per cent said they would like to be trained in handgun use. However, having access to this equipment does not mean they would be routinely armed.


The Scottish Police Federation study, which will be published today in the latest edition of 1919, Scotland’s justice and social affairs magazine, also found 22 per cent of police officers have been assaulted in the past three months, and 40 per cent in the past year.


The option of carrying a Taser came out top, with 84 per cent of the 1,698 respondents wanting to be equipped with one, with the same percentage of officers indicating they would also like a body-worn camera.


However, 47 per cent explicitly stated they would not want to carry handguns, while 37 per cent also said they would not want to be trained in their use.


David Hamilton, chair of the Scottish Police Federation, said: “This shows just how real the dangers are to police officers and how vulnerable they feel delivering policing in Scotland. The public will be aghast that 22 per cent of our police officers have been assaulted on duty in the last three months.


“These are sons and daughters, mums and dads, each of whom has taken an oath to serve their communities and keep people safe, but communities have a duty to keep their officers safe too."


He added: “Perhaps the biggest shock is that 53 per cent of our officers would like access to a handgun and a further 7 per cent would be prepared to be trained in it if necessary.


"This demonstrates not just the frequency of attacks, but the gravity of them too. Officers consider knives to be the greatest risk to them and firearms are the appropriate last defence to being attacked by such lethal weapons.”


Police Scotland Assistant Chief Constable Mark Williams said that Police Scotland hoped to increase the number of Taser-trained officers by 1,500 over the next three years.


He said: "Policing with the consent of our communities lies at the heart of all we do and there are no plans to move away from being an unarmed service which has an armed capability.


“Being assaulted should never be part of the job and tackling the concerning trend of increasing assaults on officers and staff is a priority. The Chief Constable has underlined his commitment to achieving this goal by providing our people with the tools they need to do their jobs and he has also committed to continuing our focus on officer and staff safety.


“Recently, we have improved our infrastructure to support an enhanced roll-out of Taser and work is underway to uplift the number of Taser-trained officers by 1,500 over the next three years."


Scots should hang their heads in shame if they allow this pish.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Sept. 9, 2021, 3:45 p.m. No.14549011   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2239 >>4036




Scottish News


VAX VOTE PASSED Scots WILL need vaccine passports for nightclubs and large events after Holyrood vote passed


Ewan MowatDan VeversChris Musson


18:02, 9 Sep 2021Updated: 23:30, 9 Sep 2021


SCOTS WILL need vaccine passports for nightclubs and large events from next month after a proposal was passed in Holyrood.


MSPs backed the move by 68 to 55, after most SNP and Greens politicians voted in favour of the plans - but rivals warned businesses are being “chucked under the bus”.


The controversial app-based scheme will kick in on October 1 to “give businesses time to prepare and more people to get vaccinated”, and to allow time for the technology to be finished.


Scots face being locked out if they can’t show a QR code to prove they’ve had both vaccines - and those who can't use the app will be able to “request a secure un-editable paper record of vaccination”.


Businesses will be required under law to “take all reasonable measures” to “restrict entry only to those fully vaccinated”, unless they are exempt.


And firms “will require a hardware mechanism (such as mobile phones) to verify the certificates” - but they will need to meet any additional staffing or infrastructure costs for this themselves.


Nicola Sturgeon announced the move earlier this month, but it was met with opposition by rival parties.


The Scottish Government said the aim of the scheme was to “increase vaccine uptake”, with around one in four 18-29s still shunning first doses, and around one in five of 30-39s.


The scheme means that in order to enter specific venues or events, punters must be double vaccinated.


The plans include nightclubs and “sexual entertainment venues”, as well as unseated live events with more than 500 people indoors and 4,000 outdoors. All events with over 10,000 people, such as big football matches, will also be included.


However, the government admitted it had not yet defined what a “nightclub” is, after warnings from industry that late bars could fall under the description.


The confusion comes after a row last year over the definition of a cafe, after it was the only kind of hospitality venue allowed to stay open during a Covid shutdown of the sector in the central belt.


Hospitality chiefs were less than impressed with the approval of the passports, amid concerns over potential infringements on freedom and privacy, and the technology not being proven.


The Night Time Industries Association Scotland Commission warned the scheme would “further cripple an industry that has already borne so much”.


NTIA Scotland chairman Mike Grieve added: “We are warning the First Minister that by going down the vaccine passports route she is making a serious error.”


UK Hospitality Scotland executive director Leon Thompson said: “The Scottish Government has not listened. Our businesses face three weeks in which to prepare for a policy that will put further economic and resourcing pressures on them.


“The government has not consulted with hospitality or produced credible plans for the introduction of passports. It has not even defined what a nightclub is.”


Tory leader Douglas Ross said: “Businesses are being chucked under the bus by these plans.


“There seems to be no financial support or assistance available to help them administer and enforce this policy. It will hit them with considerable costs but the SNP don’t even know how much."



Opening the debate today, Covid Recovery Secretary Mr Swinney said domestic passports were a necessary measure to avoid future lockdowns — despite previously shooting down the scheme.


He told MSPs weekly virus cases had risen from 26,167 to 44,198 in the past fortnight, while hospital patients had soared from 391 to 883.


Mr Swinney said: “The choice we face just now, because of the escalating challenges of Covid, is that we may have to consider further restrictions. We are trying to avoid that consequence.”


He said he accepted the timeframe of three weeks until the launch is short but added: “To be effective in the current fragile context we believe we need to take rapid action.”


Green minister and party co-leader Patrick Harvie was mocked for backing the policy after blasting the UK version in July as a “dangerous precedent”.


Defending his position, he said: “There is a big difference between thinking this policy should be approved when cases were running at a few hundred a day to thinking it is worth considering when cases are running at around 7,000 a day.”


This despite many protesters outside in opposition to the dystopian decision making plenty of noise. Maybe this will be the spark to light under the arses of all the thick Celtic and Rangers fans who don't seem to get it and they are all targetted with the death jabs!

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Sept. 9, 2021, 4:48 p.m. No.14549506   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9516 >>9537 >>9552 >>9570 >>2254

Could you be loved - Glasgow freedom protest 04.09.2021


Short video of George Square Glasgow 4/9/21…bigger crowd than usual, humanity rising? Let's hope so eh?


There's a few more from the same uploader, I'm going to upload all, it might even bring some of them on to this page to find them. We could do with some other posters on here.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Sept. 9, 2021, 4:59 p.m. No.14549610   🗄️.is 🔗kun


'No jib jab passports!' (St Enoch shopping centre) Glasgow freedom protest 04.09.2021


5 Sept 2021

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Sept. 12, 2021, 11:18 a.m. No.14565539   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>For the stone of Scone


>Stone of Destiny


Line of David?


Many happy returns to your daughter and the king. I'm curious to know who the corona virus will unveil. It's always been about the declaration of a new crown.




>Back in 30


30 what? Days?

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Sept. 14, 2021, 9:57 a.m. No.14578949   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I've been informed that John Watt QC (retired) who was extradited late 2020 from America to face charges of child abuse has managed to have his trial put back: the excuse this time is the backlog of cases due to the crown virus!


Will post update when verified.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Sept. 19, 2021, 8:36 a.m. No.14615985   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5999 >>2239 >>4036



STV News

28K subscribers

Children in Scotland aged between 12 and 15 will be offered one dose of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine from Monday.


First Minister Nicola Sturgeon confirmed the move at the Scottish Parliament on Tuesday.


It comes after the UK’s chief medical officers concluded that vaccination could reduce disruption to education and that it would be justified to do so.


Sturgeon explained that from Monday, September 20, drop-in clinics will be open for any 12 to 15-year-olds who have read the information that will be provided on vaccination.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Sept. 19, 2021, 12:47 p.m. No.14617223   🗄️.is 🔗kun



On the topic of child guinnea-pigs, The Sunday Times has on their "top 10 best seller" list the following book:


The Asylum by Carol Minto.


If you are thinking of buying, please think about buying NEW so that the author is given some income from it.


"For 46 years, Carol Minto has quietly gone about her life, carrying with her the most extraordinary and heartbreaking secrets. Born into poverty and with mostly absent parents, Carol helped to raise her nine siblings. But when she was just 11 years old, her older brother began to sexually abuse her. After four years, Carol managed to escape - and ran away from home. Picked up by social services they place her at Aston Hall in Derby; a psychiatric hospital now infamous for the ghoulish 'truth serum' experiments it carried out on children. Over three years, Carol was stripped, sedated, assaulted and raped by Kenneth Milner, the doctor in charge. Eventually she is released back into the community, aged 18, and has a daughter. But the baby is taken away for adoption and Carol's trauma intensifies.In 2010 Carol finally plucked up the courage to speak out about the abuse she suffered - and received justice, at last. In The Asylum, Carol tells the full story of how she overcame unimaginable suffering, to find the happiness and solace she has today as a mother and grandmother."


I've been posting here regarding the abuse of children in the care of the State, particularly those in mental health institutions and the experiments done on them….here is yet another confirmation of such attrocities.


" a psychiatric hospital now infamous for the ghoulish 'truth serum' experiments it carried out on children."


There was no end to the things they would do to children in the name of "science" or "medicine". It continues to this day on children who the SNP government in Scotland intend to experiment on next with covid vaccines (not really vaccines).


"Over three years, Carol was stripped, sedated, assaulted and raped by Kenneth Milner, the doctor in charge."


Yup, children it would seem can be used as sex toys and guinnea-pigs by tthose claiming to be the medical "authorities".


When the fuck are people going to wake up? Currently world governments are being led by medical "authorities". I'm wondering what the fuck these demons believe gives them "authority" to torture people, to torture kids, to poison all of humanity with toxic shite

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Sept. 23, 2021, 2:21 p.m. No.14645401   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2239 >>4036



UK & Scotland accidentally revealed how many died within 28 days of vaccination (same metric used for the pandemic & tests). And, Ivermectin success with massive population in India of over 241 MILLION people


Find out more about the show and where you can watch it at

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Sept. 29, 2021, 2:13 p.m. No.14688014   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8023 >>9551 >>9362 >>0610 >>2353 >>2230 >>4033

Minister sorry for 'woeful' delay in setting up Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry


The Scottish government has apologised "unreservedly" for what was described as a "woeful and wholly avoidable" 13-year delay in setting up a public inquiry into child abuse.


Lady Smith, who chairs the inquiry, had said the government "failed to grasp" the survivors' need for justice.


They were treated as if their views were not worth listening to - just like when they were in care, she added.


The inquiry was finally set up by the Scottish government in 2015.


Deputy First Minister John Swinney told a hearing last year that Alex Salmond had opposed the inquiry being set up while he was first minister.


He said there had been a clear division in cabinet over the issue and the inquiry was only set up after Nicola Sturgeon succeeded Mr Salmond.


Alex Salmond 'was opposed to child abuse inquiry'

Ministers tried to do 'right things' on care abuse


Mr Swinney said in a statement in response to Lady Smith's findings: "The Scottish government apologises unreservedly that it did not respond more appropriately and sooner to the concerns of survivors of abuse in care who called for a public inquiry.


"Responding to survivors of abuse in care spanned different administrations between 2002 and 2014.


"Steps were taken by government to respond in that period, but this happened too slowly and did not go far enough - however, an inquiry was announced within weeks of the current first minister taking office as head of the government."


He added that the Scottish government had since sought to deliver "positive outcomes for survivors of abuse".


He added that the inquiry had been established "when it became clear that previous initiatives were not enough to provide this acknowledgement and accountability that survivors needed".


The inquiry is investigating abuse of children in care in Scotland or where care was arranged in Scotland.


Its latest findings relate to evidence heard about the Scottish government's response between August 2002 and December 2014 to a petition calling for an inquiry, and other key issues.


,,,,,,,,continued in next post

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Sept. 29, 2021, 2:15 p.m. No.14688023   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8356 >>9551 >>0610 >>2230 >>4033





Lady Smith said: "For far too long survivors' voices were not listened to, nor heard; they were treated as if their views did not matter and as if they were not worth listening to, just as when they were abused in care.


"The Scottish government failed to grasp the fundamental importance that survivors appropriately and justifiably attached to their need for justice, accountability and redress.


"Justice is not a service, and those who call for it where it has been denied are not customers of a service that may or may not be available depending on the choice of the administration of the day. That key point was missed."


'Resisted calls'


She added: "Officials and legal advisors wielded significant power and influence. Ministers relied heavily on their advice and generally followed their recommendations.


"By following advice and by not questioning it when they should have done, key aims of the Daly petition were resisted for far too long."


Lady Smith heard evidence from witnesses including former First Minister Jack McConnell - now Lord McConnell of Glenscorrodale - during hearings in November and December last year.


He told the inquiry ministers were not trying to "cover things up" when they resisted calls for an inquiry.


Lady Smith said: "It was clear throughout that the justice survivors were calling for, and was of paramount importance to them, was the need for public acknowledgement of their experiences of being abused as children in institutional care, and the need to hold to account those who did not listen to them when they were children, those responsible for the abuse, and those who failed to prevent the abuse from happening."


She said there was "no appetite" within government, at official or ministerial level, for setting up a public inquiry between 2002 and 2014.


The judge found that the delay was the result of factors including:


some ineptitude

some confusion on the part of ministers and officials

officials urging ministers not to hold an inquiry

officials controlling the process up to the point of trying to prevent there being an inquiry

ministers following the advice of officials while not reading and trying to understand the petition for themselves

both ministers and officials failing to listen to and engage with survivors


"Between 2002 and 2014 when the Scottish government announced it was going to set up a public inquiry, a significant number of survivors of childhood abuse in care in Scotland died. For them, justice delayed was justice denied," Lady Smith added.


In response to the findings, Lord McConnell said his ministers made judgments in "good faith within a complex legal environment".


"The delays in communication and the way decision-making was managed were not acceptable then or now.


"There are lessons here for everyone including for the quality of legal and policy advice within the Scottish government. I hope that current and future Scottish governments can learn from that."


This is the legal equivalent of taking a crap, a big hot steaming hot pile of shite and then covering it in butter-cream icing; then having the neck to call it a cake!!!


These fuckers, all of them pictured and a whole lot more besides, covered it ALL up for years. ALL of it.


John Swinney and McAskill were the two head coverer-upperers!! But they have all worked tirelessly to cover it all up. Since the start of the inquiry John Swinney has had his tentacles in to every charity, every newly started business who were given all the funding, ALL of them.


He sent government employees to every AGM the so called charity INCAS has had. This is against the Charities Test which I like to call the smell test, INCAS does not pass the smell test at all with Government interference in every AGM. The chair of INCAS was given a royal gong for her services to charity but INCAS up until at least 1or2 had never sought any government funding for their members, but Helen the chair has had a Royal award. Something smells bad in charities; they don't pass the smell test when suing the government but invite them to all their AGM's.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Sept. 29, 2021, 3:09 p.m. No.14688356   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9551 >>0610 >>2230 >>4033


> but INCAS up until at least 1or2 had never sought any government funding for their members


Should have read along the lines of …with the possible exception of the last 1 or 2, which were not attended personally with anyone known to this anon: many of the previous ones were.





Alex Salmond 'was opposed to child abuse inquiry'28 November 2020


The Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry has heard that then-first minister Alex Salmond and other senior Scottish government figures were against it being set up.


Deputy First Minister John Swinney told the inquiry there had been clear division over the issue.


He said an inquiry was only authorised "after the change of first minister had taken place".


Mr Salmond has been approached for comment by BBC Scotland.


The inquiry was set up in October 2015 and is investigating the abuse of children in care in Scotland or where their care was arranged in Scotland.


The latest phase of the inquiry, heard before judge Lady Smith, is exploring reasons why calls between August 2002 and December 2014 for a public inquiry to be held were resisted by ministers.


Ministers tried to do 'right things' on care abuse

Church of Scotland says sorry over child migrants

Over £4m paid out to child abuse survivors

Children in charity homes 'did suffer abuse'


James Peoples QC, senior counsel to the inquiry, said the current Constitution Secretary Mike Russell told him on Thursday that "influential figures, including Alex Salmond, Kenny MacAskill and the then Lord Advocate Frank Mulholland were not persuaded" of the need for an inquiry.


Mr Swinney agreed, saying: "There was a difference of views in Cabinet in the summer of 2014 if there should be an inquiry."


He told the inquiry that the BBC Scotland programme Sins of Our Fathers, which revealed allegations of child abuse at Fort Augustus Abbey when it was broadcast in 2013, had been a "seminal moment".


Mr Swinney said the Scottish government had taken a number of steps to help abuse survivors but the programme showed they were not doing enough.


Mr Peoples said Mr Russell had said the difference of views was "quite robust" and that there were concerns about the amount of time it would take and the cost involved.


Mr Swinney replied: "There was a perfectly respectable debate among Cabinet but there were two opinions.


"One argument was that the inquiry would not address the issues and would not deliver the outcomes survivors hoped for.


"Mike Russell had engaged heavily with survivors and his view was we had to confront this issue as a country, to do justice for survivors to enable them to have their experiences documented, understood and reflected on, and for the state to accept responsibility for what happened to them.


"I supported him in that view in Cabinet."


Mr Swinney said the inquiry was authorised in December after the change of first minister had taken place.


"Without a doubt, there was a division of views in Cabinet," he said.


Mr Swinney also said the cost of an inquiry would not have been a deterrent, saying: "I've seen a lot of traffic about money in the papers and I was finance minister for nine years, so I controlled that money.


"Ironically, in the period after 2007, the financial issues were a lot less than in early 2014."


He added: "When I came to office in 2007, I was pleasantly surprised there was £1.6bn in an account in the Treasury that hadn't been spent.


"When I was going through the accounts in 2006 and saw that, I thought that would be quite handy to have that. We still had the block grant and there was £1.6bn that had not been spent, which I found quite surprising."

'Hidden money tree'


Mr Peoples asked: "Although you weren't approached about finding money for an inquiry, there was money there?"


Mr Swinney said: "There was a hidden money tree at that point. So the idea that money was an issue - I had the ability to fund the financial priorities my colleagues found to be important."


In 2002 a former resident of a care home submitted a petition to the Scottish Parliament calling for an inquiry into the abuse of children who were in care and an apology.


In 2004, the then First Minister Jack McConnell said sorry on behalf of the people of Scotland but his Labour-led administration stopped short of ordering an inquiry.


Lord McConnell gave evidence about this last week, saying he had been worried that an inquiry would cut across legal action that was being taken by some of the survivors at the time.


The SNP took power in 2007, and Mr Swinney has been a government minister ever since.


Calls for an inquiry intensified after a BBC documentary was broadcast in 2013 which contained allegations that children were abused at the Fort Augustus Abbey School in the Highlands.


The inquiry continues.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Oct. 5, 2021, 2:18 p.m. No.14728056   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2268 >>4048


Scottish Daily Mail article October 5 2021.


Golden goodbyes for police officers hit nearly £20m


Tax-payer funded to the tune of £20 million over the last 6 years. Police Scotland from 2019-2020 overspend totalling £26.6 million, which means all of the "golden goodbyes" are taxpayer funded. YOU PAY AGAIN.


"A police Scotland spokesman said: "the creation of a single national service has helped maintain responsive and visible local policing…"" Are you kidding? I'm Scottish, the only time I see a visible police presence these days is at a peaceful protest against all the corruption and abuse of power. They cheekily claim that they are saving the public money raising a wry smile on the face of this anon.


Phil Gormley, ex-Chief Inspector who took up that role at the rate of £214,000/annum in January 2016 and then quit in Feb 2018: I wonder what kind of "golden goodbye" he got? I don't know. Anyway, that's all well and good, but what screams out at me is the fact he left "amid allegations" of "bullying" which was of course referred to the Police Investigations and Review Commissioner in July 2017. Two additional complaints were made in Sept of the same year when he stepped aside and went on "special leave". That probably means he left but was still paid full salary, but maybe not?

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Oct. 12, 2021, 9:57 a.m. No.14772428   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2472 >>4215 >>2239 >>4036

Mystery rise in heart attacks from blocked arteries


"Health experts have been left baffled by a big rise in a common and potentially fatal type of heart attack in the west of Scotland.


During the summer there was a 25 per cent rise in the number of people rushed to the Golden Jubilee National Hospital in Clydebank with partially blocked arteries cutting blood supply to the heart."




Wonder what is causing this?


Wouldn't be all vaccinated would they? Scotland, what the fuck is wrong with you people? So many drones following orders. Wake the fuck up!


I'm in total disbelief that almost 2 years on from the start of the plandemic most fuckers here are still blissfully unaware of what is going on in the world. If the intent of those behind all of this crap was to herd us into cattle trucks for the burner, most of Scotland's people would already be ash.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Oct. 15, 2021, 6:11 p.m. No.14793897   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1432 >>7477 >>2268 >>4048


WALKING OUT COP26: Glasgow school staff set to go on strike amid further chaos ahead of climate change summit


"GLASGOW school staff are now set to go on strike amid further chaos ahead of COP26.


Janitors, cleaners and canteen workers could also walk out en masse amid a bitter pay row with COSLA council bosses."


This is the same Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) who have committed to handing out over £100 million of council tax payers money in contributions to victims of historic child abuse in reparations. After they jump through many hoops of course searching for evidence which doesn't exist. It doesn't exist because they fought against an inquiry for 14 years and all the while the went around destroying all the evidence.


Cosla claims to be "the voice of Local Government in Scotland" when surely THE PEOPLE of Scotland SHOULD BE the voice of local government?


100 million Scottish council tax payers money to be given as part of a gagging order, preventing victims taking legal action against the organisations and individuals who abused them. Get your fucking heads round that. The parasites are going to bleed you for another 100 milllion £ notes. I forget the figure, posted approximate breakdown of some of the individual contributions on previous board but the content is unavailable now.


I wonder how many protesters there will be in Glasgow for COP26?

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Oct. 19, 2021, 10:20 a.m. No.14814671   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5736 >>1432 >>7477



Why Glasgow?


Why hold this fake climate change crap in Glasgow, when the climate hasn't changed here in my whole lifetime?


Are the people going to be fenced out, or are these imposters and liars going to be fenced in?


How fitting would it be if they were all held there until they were prosecuted in Common Law courts? Are we going to allow the greedy to rule over everyone else forever? These people attending have fucked up this whole world with their avarice.


All those you are supposed to trust!


None of them fit to polish the shoes of the poorest in this world. It's the poor and the meek of this world that consume the least: Those with most in this world would kill off the poorest to save the environment; the environment they want to conserve is the one where they have everything and the vast majority merely survive! They don't give a flying fuck for nature and conserving the diversity of the world, no…if they did they wouldn't be digging the whole fucking world up and polluting it in the first place.



Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Oct. 19, 2021, 1:46 p.m. No.14815736   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5742 >>2268 >>4048




No dismissals despite almost 250 sexual misconduct allegations among Police Scotland officers


Police Scotland faces questions about widespread accusations of sexual misconduct after it emerged that not one police officer or special constable was fired over a four year period despite almost 250 sexual misconduct accusations within the force.


In total, 166 police officers and special constables within Police Scotland have been accused of 245 counts of sexual misconduct, a Channel 4 Dispatches investigation found.


The documentary – Cops on Trial: Dispatches – is set to be aired tonight and will claim there are potentially serving police officers with proven sexual misconduct cases.


It comes alongside other data, obtained under freedom of information legislation, found that 64 sexual assault claims were made against Police Scotland officers between 2016 and 2020. Just two allegations were upheld, with 39 not upheld, nine withdrawn or abandoned, and investigations into 14 ongoing.


The data from Police Scotland was in response to a request for the number of complaints of sexual assaults against serving police officers and complaints could relate to historic allegations.


It also comes after the chief constable said he would order an independent review into a tribunal which found evidence of a “sexist culture” with Police Scotland’s firearms unit. Former firearms officer Rhona Malone raised the tribunal against Police Scotland, alleging sex discrimination and victimisation, with the latter claim succeeding.


Responding to the Dispatches figures, Deputy Chief Constable, Fiona Taylor, said: "Police Scotland demands the highest levels of integrity from our officers and staff and when someone fails to meet this standard we take the appropriate action. We have no ability under current conduct regulations to prevent an officer from resigning.


“Our officers will carry out a thorough investigation into any complaint, irrespective of who the offender is. Sexism, misogyny and discrimination of any kind are deplorable and unacceptable. They have no place in policing.


“Progress has been made but there remains much work to do.


“We’re bringing additional focus to ensure our culture is welcoming and inclusive, including independent scrutiny and oversight by an Independent Review Group.”


Scottish Conservative Shadow Minister for Community Safety Russell Findlay said the figures were “shocking”.“Female officers of all ranks have long warned of the problems of misogyny and sexual misconduct within Police Scotland.


“The majority of decent officers are appalled by those who tarnish their good reputation with this type of behaviour, but they should also be frustrated at how these cases are often dealt with.



Full article here:


part 1

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Oct. 19, 2021, 1:47 p.m. No.14815742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2268 >>4048



Part 2


“Too often, they are met with a PR response to close ranks and protect Police Scotland’s image rather than an honest admission of there being any problem and fixing it.


“It is shocking that so many Police Scotland officers have been accused of sexual wrongdoing but have apparently not been held to account.”


The figures follow the harrowing case of Sarah Everard who was abducted and murdered by serving police officer Wayne Couzens while walking home in London.


Couzens will spend the rest of his life in jail after being sentenced in September, with the court hearing he used his position as a police officer and his warrant card as part of his abduction of Ms Everard.


It also emerged that Couzens had been accused of indecent exposure in 2015, but was allowed to transfer from Kent Police to the Metropolitan force.


The murder of Sarah Everard has led to nationwide discussions on how police services across the UK should respond to ensure women can feel safe when approached by a lone police officer.


Met Police commissioner, Cressida Dick, faced calls to resign after advising concerned women to flag down a bus if they don’t trust the police.


Home Secretary Priti Patel this week also launched an independent inquiry into the "systematic failures" by police following the murder of Ms Everard.


As part of its response, Police Scotland announced it would introduce a verification process which would see an officer’s personal radio to be put on loudspeaker for a member of the public to verify the officer’s identity with the control room.


An incident number will also be created to be displayed on the officer’s phone or radio to confirm the broadcast message details.


Tonight’s documentary will hear from one victim, Annie, who faced years of domestic abuse at the hands of PC Fraser Ross, who served in Police Scotland.


PC Ross avoided jail and was sentenced to three years community payback, 250 hours of unpaid work and a six-year non-harassment order. He also resigned a week before his sentence but kept his pension.


A Police Scotland spokesperson said: "Fraser Ross's conduct fell far below the high standards of professional behaviour that the public rightly expects from policing and which the vast majority of officers and staff demonstrate every day.


"Police Scotland has no ability under current conduct regulations to prevent an officer from resigning. Had Fraser Ross remained a serving officer, his actions would have been considered for gross misconduct proceedings at the conclusion of the criminal matters."

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Oct. 24, 2021, 6:27 p.m. No.14851432   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7477 >>2268 >>4048





Hundreds of face-to-face GP appointments are cancelled or rescheduled in Glasgow in bid to slash traffic levels during Cop26 climate summit


NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde said virtual appointments will be offered

A wider city plan aims to 'substantially' reduce road traffic while Cop26 runs

Around 25,000 delegates and 125 world leaders will attend climate conference

Glasgow will face multiple road closures and possible rail strikes during summit

But the move has disappointed patients who have waited months to see their GP


By Shari Miller For Mailonline


Published: 10:27, 24 October 2021 | Updated: 20:17, 24 October 2021


Hundreds of face-to-face appointments with GPs have been cancelled or rescheduled by NHS bosses in a bid to slash traffic levels around Glasgow during Cop26, with the city facing multiple road closures and possible rail strikes.


The city is playing host to the climate conference, which runs for a fortnight from 31 October and is expected to attract 25,000 delegates and 125 world leaders.


Ahead of the conference, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde said virtual and online consultations will be favoured over in-person appointments as a way of helping to 'substantially' reduce road traffic during this time.


The RMT union also plans to stage a rail strike over pay from 1 November to 12 November, causing potentially more disruption to those wanting to travel to Glasgow by public transport for Cop26.


In-person appointments will continue for cancer referrals and urgent care.


But Jackie Baillie, Scottish Labour's health and Covid recovery spokeswoman, said hundreds of patients - who have waited months to see their GP in-person because of the pandemic - would be disappointed by the move and called it a 'recipe for disaster'.


Speaking to The Telegraph, she said: 'This will come as a fresh blow to patients who have already been languishing on waiting lists for months.'


Elsewhere, health chiefs have expressed concern that Covid-19 infections in Glasgow will surge in the wake of hosting delegates arriving from all over the world and from countries with lower vaccination rates.


Up to 100,000 protesters, including from groups such as Extinction Rebellion, are also expected to descend on the Scottish city for the Global Day for Climate Justice, on 6 November.


Jillian Evans, head of health intelligence at NHS Grampian commented that there are 'risks associated' with the mass gatherings.


A spokesman for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde said: 'Ahead of Cop26, we are working closely with partners to ensure robust plans are in place to enable us to respond to demands for healthcare during the conference, which includes responding to the temporary increase in population.


'All of our hospital facilities will remain open and operational throughout the conference.'


COP26, held at the the Scottish Event Campus, will be the highest-profile event ever staged in Scotland.


A huge security operation, codenamed Operation Urram, will involve 10,000 officers and 200 police dogs deployed each day, including officers on secondment from England.


Specialist ‘protest removal’ squads will be ready to crack down on any illegal disruptions, with the Armed Forces and coastguard on alert for serious threats.


In addition to protests from the likes of Insulate Britain, Extinction Rebellion and Greenpeace, Glasgow faces more disruption from the sheer number of extra visitors, exacerbated by RMT union rail strikes and key road closures.


COP26 has been described as the ‘last best hope for the world to get its act together’ on climate change – but China’s President Xi Jinping and Russia’s President Vladimir Putin will not attend, delivering a blow to hopes of substantial progress.


The Queen is also expected to join Prince Charles and Prince William at a banquet for delegates on 1 November.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Oct. 27, 2021, 7:24 a.m. No.14866491   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6623 >>6792 >>2268 >>4048


Who Will Speak for The Children? Fauci Also Experimented on the Homeless Children of New York


In 2004 a journalist named Liam Scheff wrote an article called “The House That AIDS Built.” In it it stated in Washington Heights the Incarnation Children’s Center (ICC), which was formally a convent house, had a revolving stable of children who had been removed from their own homes by the Agency for Child Services. These children were black, Hispanic and poor. Many of their mothers had a history of drug abuse and have died. Once

taken into ICC, the children become subjects of drug trials sponsored by NIAID (National

Institute of Allergies and Infectious Disease, a division of the NIH), NICHD (the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development) in conjunction with some of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies –GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Genentech, Chiron/Biocine and others. In other words Dr. Fauci!


The drugs being given to the children were toxic –known to cause genetic mutation, organ failure, bone marrow death, bodily deformations, brain damage and fatal skin disorders. If the children refuse the drugs, they’ were held down and force fed. If the children continue to resist, they we’re taken to Columbia Presbyterian hospital where a surgeon put a plastic tube through their abdominal wall into their stomachs. From then on, the drugs were injected directly into their intestines.


In 2003, two children, ages 6 and 12, had debilitating strokes due to drug toxicities. The 6-year-old went blind. They both died shortly after. Another 14-year old died. An 8-year-old boy had two plastic surgeries to remove large, fatty, drug-induced lumps from his neck. This was AIDS research. The children at ICC were born to mothers who tested HIV positive, or who themselves tested positive. However, neither parents nor children were told a crucial fact — HIV tests are extremely inaccurate.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Oct. 27, 2021, 7:47 a.m. No.14866623   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2268 >>4048



Flashback: Fauci’s NIH funded experiments on AIDS orphans in New York City


Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institutes of Health (NIH) approved drug trial experiments on hundreds of AIDS orphans in New York City. Over 200 of the orphans died during or after the experiments, according to Liam Scheff, the investigative reporter who broke the story.


The Incarnation Children’s Center (ICC) “began testing drugs on its orphan population in 1992, the same year they became a subsidiary of Columbia University’s Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trial Unit, under Dr. Anne Gershon,” Scheff noted. “In 2003, I went undercover inside the facility and saw the effects of the drugs on the children myself.”


Scheff broke the story in an article entitled The House that AIDS Built that first ran on


Scheff said his investigation found that the NIH and Columbia Presbyterian Hospital acted unethically.


The Associated Press reported in June 2005: “The government has concluded at least some AIDS drug experiments involving foster children violated federal rules designed to ensure vulnerable youths were protected from the risks of medical research.”


Fauci was the NIH AIDS Coordinator before being appointed as the first Director of the Office of AIDS research when the office was established in 1988. He served in that capacity until 1994. Fauci became director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) in 1984 and still holds that position.


Scheff reported several deaths in children at the ICC during the drug trials, adding that “although the mainstream denied that any deaths were due to drug toxicity, they admit that over 200 children died.”


In 2005, the City of New York hired the VERA Institute to produce a final report on the drug trials. VERA was given no access to medical records for any of the children used in trials. Their report was published in 2008.


VERA reported that 25 children died during the drug studies, that an additional 55 children died following the studies (in foster care), and, according to Tim Ross, Director of the Child Welfare program at VERA (as of 2009), 29 percent of the remaining 417 children who were used in drug studies had died (out of a total 532 children that are admitted to have been used).


No payment or compensation was ever paid to any of the children used in the trials, or to their families, Scheff noted.


Many of the drugs (like AZT and its analogues) that were used in the experiments on the AIDS orphans in New York City had previously been approved for use in adults and “evidenced life-threatening and fatal toxicities,” Scheff reported. “So why put a drug with severe recorded toxicities into a population of black and Hispanic orphans?”


Scheff noted: “Incarnation’s orphans live at the bottom of the American class system. Often the children of drug users, they were born into ill health and poverty. Additionally (and like all AIDS patients), these children were, because of their HIV status, written off as a loss by the medical authority, before they even got a chance to live.”


Why wasn’t Fauci’s NIH interested in competitive AIDS research?


“That’s the billion-dollar question,” Scheff noted. “That is, if inexpensive micronutrients and competitive disease and treatment models prove more successful than the current research, it will represent a loss of billions for the AIDS drug and research industry.”

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Oct. 29, 2021, 2:11 a.m. No.14877477   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7569 >>7925






COP26 road closures today as Clydeside Expressway and M8 junction remain closed


Drivers in Glasgow will this week face major road closures as busy routes shut down ahead of COP26.


The city's Clydeside Expressway and parts of the M8 closed to drivers from 9pm on Saturday, causing diversions of up to five miles.


Alternative routes for drivers who travel through Glasgow have been issued by Glasgow City Council.


The expressway (A814) section which is parallel to the OVO Hydro will be shut for three weeks alongside junction 19 of the M8.


The junction is being specifically used to escort world leaders and delegates travelling through from Edinburgh and outside Glasgow.


Diversions, which could take drivers as far away as Anniesland, will spark extreme congestion in the city during the conference.


An aerial map of Glasgow shows the full city will be 'at risk of congestion', and a ten-mile stretch of the M8 (J13-J26) will be 'significantly busier than usual'.


Here are the road closures:


Congress Road - Closed October 10 to November 17: As expected the first road to close will be the one directly outside the SECC and Hydro, where the majority of talks will take place, and it will re-open at 6am on November 17.

Congress Way: Partial closures with lane restrictions will begin on October 17 and the full road closure will begin from 9pm on Sunday October 24. It will re-open November 21 in the morning.

Clydeside Expressway – Partick Interchange to Anderston (Junction 19): The major dual carriageway will cause disruption to commuters as the road is set to be closed from October 23, but it re-opens earlier than others on November 15.

Clyde Arc and Lancefield Quay: Road closed from October 23 to November 15

Minerva Street – West Greenhill Place: Road Closed from October 28 to November 13.


Local Area Traffic Management Plans (LATMPs) have issued day-to-day maps detailing road closures and areas with high risk of congestion.


Transport Minister Graeme Day said: “Many months of travel planning, and preparations are now entering their final, crucial phase.


“This event will be unprecedented for so many reasons and will bring its own unique challenges for Glasgow and beyond.


“I would urge commuters, business and the public to take some time to read the transport plan and familiarise themselves with the road closures and latest travel advice. We can all play a key role in delivering a successful event and ensuring the talks deliver results to help secure a better future for our planet.”

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Oct. 29, 2021, 2:39 a.m. No.14877569   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7925 >>2268 >>4048



Cop26: Don’t cause chaos, Sturgeon warns protesters


NICOLA Sturgeon has urged climate protesters not to add to the “disruption and inconvenience” Glaswegians are already facing during COP26.


The First Minister said Police Scotland has made clear there will be a “sensitive policing operation” during the crucial climate summit.


But she asked demonstrators to protest peacefully and “with recognition that the people of Glasgow are agreeing to host the conference and suffering some disruption because of that”.


It came as she refused to meet cleansing workers in Glasgow to discuss the city’s rat problem, and accused Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar of talking the city down for raising it at Holyrood.


COP26, which takes place between Sunday and November 12, will see more than 25,000 delegates descend on Glasgow as well as thousands of protesters and activists.


More than 120 world leaders are due to attend, including US President Joe Biden.

During First Minister’s Questions in Holyrood, Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross pressed Ms Sturgeon on whether she is “fully confident that Glasgow is ready to grasp this opportunity”.


He said there is “real potential for disruption from protest groups at COP26 that risks public safety”.


Mr Ross insisted there must be a “zero-tolerance” approach to unlawful protests.

Ms Sturgeon said it is for Police Scotland to decide the appropriate approach to policing demonstrations.


She said Chief Constable Iain Livingstone has been clear there will be a “sensitive policing operation that will do everything possible to facilitate appropriate and peaceful protest”.


She added: “However, Police Scotland will respond to any protests that seek to break the law and disrupt people beyond what would be considered reasonable.


“People want to come and make their voices heard. That is understandable, given the importance of the issues that are under discussion.


“However, I say to people who are looking to come to protest in Glasgow that they should do it peacefully and with recognition that the people of Glasgow are agreeing to host the conference and suffering some disruption because of that, so they should not add to that disruption for them.


“Let us all get behind the people who will negotiate a good outcome – I hope – for the future of the planet.”



>But she asked demonstrators to protest peacefully and “with recognition that the people of Glasgow are agreeing to host the conference and suffering some disruption because of that”.


The people of Glasgow didn't agree to do anything, the people of Glasgow will be stuck in nightmare traffic jams for weeks to accommodate all of these corrupt, lying cunts; any suggestion that anyone in Glasgow agreed to this is an outright fucking lie. If Iain Livingstone was to do his job properly he would be putting all of the attendees in jail. He won't, he will obey all direction from this monstrous wee thing that calls itself 1st Minister of Scotland. I call her a CUNT!


CLIMATE CHANGE IS A LIE, a lie almost as big as corona(crown)virus.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Oct. 29, 2021, 2:54 a.m. No.14877603   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2268 >>4048


Nicola Sturgeon accuses MSP of 'talking down Glasgow' for raising rat problem


NICOLA Sturgeon has refused to meet cleansing workers in Glasgow to discuss the city’s rat problem, and accused Anas Sarwar of talking the city down for raising it at Holyrood.


It came as one Glasgow Labour MSP told FMQs that she had rats in her flat.


She's a cracker this thing, the only rats in Glasgow are going to COP26. The attendees and the Scottish Government are the infestation of rats Glasgow is having to deal with in these trying times.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Oct. 29, 2021, 4:59 a.m. No.14877925   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2268 >>4048




Green minister Patrick Harvie mocked for complaining about Cop26 road closures


Scottish Greens Minister and Glasgow MSP Patrick Harvie is struggling to get to grips with travel changes in the city ahead of the global climate summit.


Changes to Glasgow travel routes have thrown off the Scottish Government's minister for active travel, prompting the opposition to warn that Cop26 road closures are creating "utter confusion".


Patrick Harvie has admitted he was unaware that Kelvin Way, a popular route in his own constituency, would be closed temporarily to all traffic including bikes and walkers.


In a post on social media, Mr Harvie went on to complain that he didn't see the point in cutting off access to the walkway.


It's not the first time the MSP has been in the dark. Despite his new role in First Minister Nicola Sturgeon's Cabinet, he was spotted earlier in the year cycling without a helmet whilst also championing cycle road safety.


The Scottish Conservatives said the failure to inform a member of the government on basic road closures shows just how confusing the information on travel is.


Tens of thousands of people are set to arrive at the city ahead of the conference and locals are expected to navigate road closures, longer commutes and heavy traffic in their daily routines.


Shadow transport minister Graham Simpson said: “If the Scottish Government minister for active travel isn’t aware of the road closures within his own constituency then what hope do the people of Glasgow have?


“Ironically, the road that the Green Party MSP Patrick Harvie is complaining about is scheduled to close in preparation for an event protesting against climate change.


“The SNP’s road closure planning has caused utter confusion with their much-publicised ‘Get Ready Glasgow’ website devoid of critical pieces of information explaining how locals are expected to travel around the city during the COP26 conference.


“Cop26 is set to be the largest event Glasgow has ever hosted, and the SNP is providing less than the bare minimum of information to people on how their lives and businesses will function during the conference.”


Strathclyde University and Collage Union made a comment on the tweet pointing out that many people will struggle to commute during Cop26.


The comment said: "Can't you just use Zoom like the rest of us Patrick?"


Transport Scotland declined to comment and the Scottish Greens have been approached.


>"Can't you just use Zoom like the rest of us Patrick?"


Use zoom says the zoomer. We'll all just stay locked up our houses, in the streets and roads we and our ancestors have paid for, just so all the lying cunts fucking up our world can be safe from us. This is a foreign invasion of CUNTS who want to poison off most of the world and then tax the survivors to death for this climate change con.


It's time to clean house, get rid of all these CUNTS and take back your country. Scotsmen are the embarrassment of the world, loud and aggressive over football but meek as kittens when their kids are being poisoned en masse. A country full of thick cunts who can't see the tyranny dancing around in front of them, mocking them through the media for their subservience and stupidity.


You are a disgrace to humanity at this point in time Scotland.


It's your womenfolk who have the balls, most of the protesters are women. The menfolk by and large are thick as fuck, booze sodden, coke fuelled and spend all their time watching sport and gambling………….useless, useless CUNTS.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Nov. 1, 2021, 4:46 p.m. No.14902414   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fireworks! Richard Lucas questions John Swinney on sex education.


6 Oct 2019

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Nov. 7, 2021, 2:03 p.m. No.14946262   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6268 >>2268 >>4048


Police probe £250k award of taxpayers' money to Sturgeon book publisher


ByDouglas DickieContent editor


09:59, 7 NOV 2021


Sandstone was given £120,000 in the 12 months leading up to the publication of 'Women Hold Up Half the Sky: Selected Speeches of Nicola Sturgeon'


A fraud investigation has been launched against the publisher of a book of speeches by Nicola Sturgeon.


Police have opened a probe into £250,000 of taxpayers' money being handed to Sandstone Press of Inverness, which us run by ardent nationalist Robert Davidson.


The cash was awarded to the publisher by Highland and Islands Enterprise (HIE). Sandstone was given £120,000 in the 12 months leading up to the publication of 'Women Hold Up Half the Sky: Selected Speeches of Nicola Sturgeon'.


The book - with a foreword by crime writer and independence supporter Val McDermid -was released just days after the Scottish election.


According to the Sunday Mail, Keith Charters, managing director of book firm Strident Publishing, wrote to Sturgeon warning of concerns over Sandstone.


His subsequent police complaint, now the subject of an investigation, involves allegations of wrongdoing directed at both the publisher and HIE.


As well as the £120,000 of grants given last year, police are probing £175,000 of loans agreed with the company in 2019 which are all understood to have been drawn down.


Over the last 15 years Sandstone has benefited from over £500,000 of public money when grants from Creative Scotland are also taken into account.


The publisher has been accused of making false statements about the number of people employed, while HIE is alleged to have wrongly recorded the location of the firm which increased its eligibility for financial support.


It’s alleged that HIE gave the firm a funding score which suggests they were based outside Inverness, increasing it’s eligibility for support.


Charters said: “To date over £500,000 of public money has been used to prop up Sandstone Press.


"That includes the £120,000 it received in the 10 months prior to announcing it would be publishing a book of Nicola Sturgeon’s speeches in the week of the Scottish Parliament election.


"It is deeply concerning that, when we blew the whistle on how HIE had provided Sandstone with that £120,000 – when we provided the First Minister with detailed evidence of suspected wrongdoing – the response of her officials was to vilify us for daring to challenge on the basis of the evidence.


“That evidence not only indicated that Sandstone had claimed employees it did not have and a non-executive director it did not have but that HIE had scored an application from the Inverness-based company as if it were not located in Inverness.


"In fact, its offices were less than half a mile from HIE’s Inverness headquarters.”


Charters has also launched an appeal for a judicial review of some of the grant cash handed over by HIE.


Scottish Tory culture spokesman Donald Cameron said: “There are serious questions for the SNP government to answer.


“The SNP government was made aware of concerns surrounding this significant amount of public money just before the election period kicked off.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Nov. 7, 2021, 2:03 p.m. No.14946268   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9681 >>2268 >>4048





“They must be fully transparent over what checks were carried out at that time and why they believed it was still appropriate for public money to be given to the company who then published the book of Nicola Sturgeon’s speeches.”


The book includes a collection of the First Minister’s speeches given between November 2014 and February 2020 and is edited by Sandstone boss Davidson.


In a newspaper article in 2019, he said: “I find myself more in harmony with the present Scottish Government than any I have known in my life. I long to be the citizen of an independent Scotland.”


A Scottish Government spokeswoman declined to comment on the police investigation.


She said: “Given there is a police complaint, it wouldn’t be appropriate for the Scottish Government to comment.”


The book’s synopsis states it focuses on the importance of “good government and Scotland’s place in the world”.


It adds: “Taken together they show a side of Nicola Sturgeon that is too often missed in public discourse.


‘Thoughtful, progressive, compassionate, as well as passionately committed to the cause of Scottish independence, she is as pragmatic on matters of economic strategy as she is progressive on social issues.”


Editor’s notes claim the book is being published and financed independent of any public body, with no funding received for the book.


Sandstone Press said: “We have not been contacted by Police Scotland. All funds received from HIE have come through due process.”


HIE, meanwhile, said it would defend any allegations robustly, adding: “We’ve not been contacted by Police Scotland in relation to any issues concerning Sandstone Press.


"An application to commence judicial review proceedings has been made to the Court of Session and HIE intends to defend this robustly.”


HIE boss Charlotte Wright revealed in May that she was leaving the organisation.


he Sunday Mail reports that Police Scotland officers interviewed Charters in the summer to take a full statement and he has since been contacted by the financial crimes unit based in Dundee.


Police said: “Information has been passed to police which is being assessed.”


HIE is a government body responsible for awarding grants and loans of public money totalling £75million a year to firms in a bid to create jobs.


A government response to Charters’ letter stated: “Highlands and Islands Enterprise are comfortable their approvals of funding are compliant.”

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Nov. 18, 2021, 1:57 p.m. No.15029681   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6349 >>2239 >>4036


Scottish vaccine passport scheme could be expanded


Scotland's vaccine passport scheme could be expanded to more hospitality and leisure venues amid fears of a new wave of Covid-19 cases over winter.


Deputy First Minister John Swinney said the rules may need to be tightened in order to prevent a return to lockdown.


This could also include requiring face coverings to be used in more settings, and more home working.


Opposition parties said the "vague" announcement would be of "significant concern" to businesses.


Any changes will be confirmed at the next review of the restrictions on 16 November.


People over the age of 18 currently need to show proof of vaccination in order to enter nightclubs and large events such as football matches and concerts.


The move has been controversial, with all opposition parties at Holyrood voting against it.


There was also an unsuccessful legal challenge by the hospitality industry and teething problems with the apps used to administer the scheme.


Mr Swinney told MSPs that the range of venues required to check vaccine status could be expanded in an attempt to head off a "dangerous" situation over the winter - and in particular the Christmas period.


The deputy first minister said the country was in a "precarious and unpredictable" position, with case numbers remaining at a "concerningly high level" and "intense pressure" on the NHS.


He said it was reasonable to suspect case numbers could rise over the winter period, with colder weather increasing the amount of time people spend socialising indoors and concerns about the COP26 conference.


However, the test positivity results for Blue Zone pass-holders at the conference, based on lateral flow tests, was only about 0.1% last week.


Mr Swinney said: "It is because we want to avoid more difficult restrictions that we cannot rule out strengthening the baseline protective measures currently in place as the best way to head off any prospect of future lockdowns.


"We have been considering whether we may need to extend the Covid certification scheme to bring more settings into scope, such as further indoor hospitality and leisure settings.


"Among other possible interventions, we are exploring how we can help improve ventilation, what we could do to increase home working, and whether changes are needed to extend use of face masks.


"I would stress though that we have not yet taken any decisions about strengthening the existing baseline measures, and we will be discussing options with business sector organisations this week."

'More uncertainty'


Opposition parties were critical of the lack of detail of Mr Swinney's statement, with Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross pressing for clarity about what venues could be affected.


He said: "How can this government take these plans forward when they know the damage the scheme is already doing to Scottish businesses, and the impact it is having on people's jobs?


"Exactly which venues will be impacted by this change? This only brings more uncertainty for businesses sat an extremely difficult time - they need to know if they are on the cusp of being hit by added costs and extra hassle."


Scottish Labour MSP Daniel Johnson questioned whether the government would consider allowing a negative test to be submitted in lieu of proof of vaccination, with the deputy first minister saying this was under consideration.


Mr Johnson added: "It will be of significant concern to all of those running hospitality businesses what the deputy first minister has stated in terms of the prospect of rolling out vaccine passports yet to more contexts, especially given the broad and non-specific nature of his statement.


"While nightclubs have door staff and a natural point to check these things, cafes don't tend to - so the practicalities of checking passports in these settings are hugely more challenging."


Meanwhile Scottish Lib Dem leader Alex Cole-Hamilton said there was "no evidence base" for the use of vaccine passports, adding: "They will not save Christmas."


John Swinney's arse must be collapsing on him as the exponential rise in Scots seeing through SNP corruption and the resulting cover ups, continues to gather pace.


The people's eyes are being opened John, where will you and your colleagues run to once the majority are informed?


Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Nov. 21, 2021, 9:41 a.m. No.15049551   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9655 >>9362 >>2353 >>2268 >>4048





Now here's a story some may find interesting…


A culture of cover up: “I believed the doctors when they said my baby’s was an isolated case. Now I feel like a fool.”


Excoriating evidence given by a bereaved mother to a public inquiry into a flagship NHS hospital is to be kept secret after official lawyers objected to her testimony.


Theresa Smith, whose baby Sophia died 12 days after being born at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, in Glasgow, is “devastated” her evidence will not now be made public.


She was allowed to give evidence in full to the inquiry led by Lord Brodie but, after legal applications by the Scottish Government and the Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board, much of it will remain private and is redacted on the inquiry’s website.


The judge agreed with the official lawyers that parts of her evidence could “cause public alarm” and damage the reputations of clinicians and officials, who had no chance to contest her claims.


The official moves to keep her evidence secret can be revealed days after Nicola Sturgeon promised she would not “tolerate cover-ups or secrecy on the part of any health board,” adding “where there are concerns, we will address those concerns.”


Yesterday, Mrs Smith and her husband Matthew, said they were dismayed by the ruling: “Obviously we are devastated the restriction order means people will not be able to see or hear our full evidence but because of those legal restrictions we can’t say more.”


Sources close to the couple said they are angry at being asked to give evidence only for it to be kept secret.


One said: “They have been asked to wait four years for the chance to explain how their daughter died and ask why in an official forum. Why were they asked to give evidence at all? It seems an odd sort of public inquiry that asks for evidence but refuses to make it public.”


The inquiry is into the troubled construction of two flagship hospitals, the QEUH and the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, in Edinburgh.


In Glasgow, the building of the hospital was linked to ventilation and water supply problems blamed for the spread of viral infections and the death of patients, including children. The hospital has been repeatedly accused of concealment and cover-up of the problems.


Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar, has led political calls for answers. Yesterday, he questioned why Mrs Smith’s evidence was ruled too contentious to be made public and said such orders must only be used as the very last resort or it risks public confidence in the inquiry.


He said: “Nicola Sturgeon last week told MSPs she will not tolerate cover-ups or secrecy from health boards but in this case her own officials acted to ensure evidence was heard in secret. The culture of cover-up and secrecy which has dominated the Scottish Governments response to this crisis cannot be allowed to shape the inquiry as well.”


The Smiths have waited more than four years for answers over why Sophia died at the £840 million hospital from a strain of the MRSA bug 12 days after being born in March 2017.


Legal teams acting for Scottish Government ministers and NHS Greater Glasgow argued that Mrs Smith’s statement contained allegations suggesting potential misconduct in public office, and criminal behaviour, which they strongly rejected.


They said if the allegations from the Smiths proved to be unfounded, the inquiry would have provided what they described as a “platform for the public dissemination of allegations with wide-reaching harmful effect on both public and private interests”.,,,,

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Nov. 21, 2021, 10:02 a.m. No.15049655   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9663 >>9362





….Lord Brodie said: “At this stage the inquiry cannot properly ascertain or examine the factual basis for the allegations in the absence of further evidence. The public interest would not be served by publication of such allegations which are, by necessity at this stage of the inquiry, evidentially unchallenged.”


He said there was a clear risk of harm to the personal and professional reputations to the individuals named in the allegations.


However, leading lawyers said, when it came to public inquiries, such orders could only ever be the last resort. One of the UK’s most respected QC’s Michael Mansfield said: “As a general rule, all relevant evidence should be heard in public unless there are pressing reasons of national security or confidential matters that might endanger the health of a witness.”


Lawyer Des Collins, who has been involved in some of the country’s highest profile public inquiries, including the investigation into the contaminated blood scandal, described the order as “highly unusual”.


He said: “The whole purpose of a public inquiry is exactly that. Inquiries need to be public so they can determine what happened, why it happened, so steps are taken to ensure it never happens again. Restricting the evidence of grieving parents, especially so early in this inquiry, is highly unusual.”


On Thursday, the first minister promised cover-ups would not be tolerated as she addressed criticism from Louise Slorance, the widow of former government official Andrew Slorance, who died last year at the QUEH while receiving treatment for cancer.


She said doctors had not told her that her husband was being treated for a virus before or after his death.


After promising cover-ups would not be tolerated, Sturgeon said: “In relation to the QEUH and other issues raised, there is under way right now a public inquiry and I think that, I hope that, is a sign of our determination to ensure that any issues that are raised are properly investigated and that answers are forthcoming.”


Miles Briggs MSP, who was the Scottish Conservative’s health spokesperson as the scandal unfolded at the hospital, said: “This inquiry is supposed to shine a light on the biggest public health scandal Scotland has ever seen. Babies died. Children died. Adults died. We need to know why and how this happened so it never happens again.


“The very ethos of a public inquiry is that people’s voices are heard, not silenced, muted or redacted. The public expect and deserve the full truth.”


Professor Andrew Watterson, a health expert, said: “For any inquiry to work, basic principles, the right to know, the right to be heard and the right for those involved to see and, if necessary, challenge evidence, need to be applied for all parties involved.”


Roger Livermore, a former Health and Safety Executive prosecutor said Scotland has already seen too many ineffective public inquiries, including the Vale of Leven inquiry over 34 fatalities caused by C-Difficile and other infections. He said: “That cost £12m, took five years and achieved very little for the public.”


The Scottish Government said: “Lord Brodie, chair of the independent public inquiry, has set out that a restriction order was necessary in the public interest and he has explained his reasons publicly. We are completely committed to ensuring that issues raised at QEUH are properly investigated and that answers are forthcoming.”


NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde said: “Due to the nature of comments made in the witness statements, and on legal advice, an application for a restriction order was made by the board and by another core participant. This is the only restriction order that was applied for by NHSGGC.”

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Nov. 21, 2021, 10:04 a.m. No.15049663   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9718






…The Scottish Hospitals Inquiry said: “Lord Brodie considered applications for a restriction order. He granted Restriction Order 6 following those applications. This order allowed Mr and Mrs Smith to give their evidence in full.”


I believed the doctors. Later, I felt like a fool


In a statement to the inquiry – much of it redacted at the request of lawyers – Theresa Smith told how the short life of baby Sophia had been a maelstrom of emotion.


Her newborn daughter went from being so poorly because of breathing difficulties that parents Theresa and Matthew had an emergency christening to recovering so quickly the hospital were discussing her being able to go home.


She said: “I remember being so full of joy that I very nearly somersaulted, then remembered, ‘You’ve just had a baby and you’re not 16 anymore’.”


But, Mrs Smith added: “Everything changed on Day 10. She was looking very pale. I started to say to them the baby’s pale, and they said, ‘No she’s not’. I said, ‘Her skin tone has changed. She’s very white’.”


Unknown to the couple, the hospital had put Sophia on strong antibiotics as they suspected she had the MRSA-type infection which ultimately killed her, 12 days after being born in March 2017. Her parents believe the infection was passed on from her central line, a tube inserted to give fluids or medication.


Her parents fought for six months before receiving her post-mortem report. Hospital letters did not even spell their baby’s name correctly.


The family have been told Sophia’s death is being investigated by the Crown Office but have never been told what aspect of her death will be covered. They have been warned any Fatal Accident Inquiry could take another decade.


Mrs Smith said: “I only got to hold Sophia twice, once to change her nappy and when she died in my arms.”


She said she “felt like a fool” for believing doctors, who assured her Sophia’s death was “an isolated case.”


She said: “They said we were the only ones. That it’s never been heard of, ‘There’s no problem in this big fancy hospital of ours, no one else has died of this. We’ve never heard of anyone else dying of this, nothing like this has ever happened in this hospital before, you’re the only ones, you’re an isolated case.’


“I said, do you need to tell anyone, do you need to do anything about this? He told me no, as Sophia was an isolated case, that it’s never happened before, it will probably never happen again.


“I read all those same sentences verbatim in a newspaper about another mother talking about the death of her child.


“She had been told her child was the only one that had passed away from an infection at the hospital; that this is isolated; nothing like this has ever happened here before.


“There’s no problem with infection control here, nothing like this will probably ever happen again. ‘It’s such a lightning strike’ was the phrase he used.


“I felt like such a fool when I read that in the paper because I had believed him….



Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Nov. 21, 2021, 10:12 a.m. No.15049718   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2268 >>4048



“Because you don’t know: you can identify that they’re arrogant and you can identify that they have very little people skills, but you still have this level of respect where you think well, they’re the doctors, they’re the consultants, they’re geniuses in their fields.


“You believe them until you start reading it in the papers that they’ve told every other family that too.”

The inquiry


The Scottish Hospitals Inquiry was announced by the Scottish Government in October 2019 after growing public concerns over problems at two new hospital sites.


An investigation earlier that year had found widespread contamination of the water supply at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow which had opened to patients in 2015. A total of 23 children contracted blood infections in the cancer wards in the first nine months of 2018. Two children’s wards were closed and remain shut to this day.


The public inquiry will investigate the construction of the QEUH Campus, which includes the Royal Hospital for Children, and also look into Edinburgh’s Sick Kids hospital and adjacent Department of Clinical Neurosciences. The chair, Lord Brodie will report at the end of the inquiry and make recommendations aimed at ensuring any past mistakes are not repeated in future NHS infrastructure projects.




As it turns out "Public Inquiries" are not public at all, only that which the Judiciary want to be public is actually "public".


These inquiries are a farce when labelled "public". Those within the shadowy realms of Government office, within Crown Inc can decide what is put on public view, conversely they also decide that which IS NOT put on public view. With regard to the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry (SCAI) those who are deciding what can be public and what can't, are also those who the shining light of truth is attempting to illuminate: the Judiciary, the lords and the ladies who have put themselves above us all. You all need to know the truth. Your governments, churches, media are all working against you, against what is right, against the very justice they are supposed to dispense, against the very people they are supposed to SERVE!

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Nov. 22, 2021, 8:24 a.m. No.15056349   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9527 >>9588 >>1419 >>2230 >>5542 >>0709 >>1431 >>4033

Hot off the press




Nice that that should fortuitously preceed my introduction of the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry (SCAI) releasing…


Case Study no. 6

The response of the Scottish Government between August

2002 and December 2014 to Petition PE535, and other key issues

raised by adult survivors of childhood abuse experienced in care

in Scotland arising after the petition was presented to the Scottish


Evidential Hearings: 17 November 2020 to 4 December 2020


I haven't read through it yet so I'll drop comments on the pages I find of interest as I read through.


attached (vii)


Ministers, civil servants and other key individuals



The main thing from where I am standing is that there may now be, from Lady (is she?) Anne Smith, the notion that this part of her inquiry is now over (case study no. 6), when in actual fact it should now only have just begun.


She also has to get her pretentious little head around the fact that this is supposed to be a "public" inquiry, that being said she should realise that ALL information in a public inquiry should and has to be, released in its entirety to the public, including the 17, 500 (approx) submission by Advocate John Halley. We won't put up with you whitewashing your fellows in the judiciary out of any meaningful investigation.


You have still to questtion Salmond, Sturgeon, MacAskill and Angela (crocodile tears) Constance, there will be others that have evaded any questioning with regard to this case study no 6.


She has questioned none of the Judges who have already been publicly named for "advising" Government not to hold an inquiry in to Child Abuse. These include, Lord Advocate Colin Boyd who "wasn't convinced" that a public inquiry was in the public interest; Lord Advocate Frank Mullholland, who also was "not convinced or persuaded" by the calls for a public inquiry; Lord Advocate Wolfe who was also against an inquiry…then of course there is Lord Brian Gill who as Lord President "was one of the people who felt that if we went down that route we woulfd be sucked into a swamp", see attached page 20 of the statement submitted to the inquiry by Michael Russell.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Nov. 25, 2021, 3:33 p.m. No.15079527   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1889



>Anyone sharing this?


This is a ghost town….only you, me and the tumbleweed.


I have a question? Perhaps not for you, but for the tumbleweed. If anyone, boatfag anon eg. could find a list of serving officers on board of a particular US Naval vessel, during a particular time frame in a particular posting over a period of around 3-5 years?


Would such a thing be publicly available with photographs of the serving officers dated during their time of service. 1960's through 70's?



>She has questioned none of the Judges who have already been publicly named for "advising" Government not to hold an inquiry in to Child Abuse


She may very well have questioned them (behind closed doors)…not "publicly" though.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Nov. 27, 2021, 10:39 a.m. No.15089588   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9893 >>2230 >>5542 >>4033



>Anyone sharing this?


This is a ghost town….only you, me and the tumbleweed.


I have a question? Perhaps not for you, but for the tumbleweed. If anyone, boatfag anon eg. could find a list of serving officers on board of a particular US Naval vessel, during a particular time frame in a particular posting over a period of around 3-5 years?


Would such a thing be publicly available with photographs of the serving officers dated during their time of service. 1960's through 70's?



>She has questioned none of the Judges who have already been publicly named for "advising" Government not to hold an inquiry in to Child Abuse


She may very well have questioned them (behind closed doors)…not "publicly" though. >>15056349

>You have still to questtion Salmond, Sturgeon, MacAskill and Angela (crocodile tears) Constance, there will be others that have evaded any questioning with regard to this case study no 6.


>She has questioned none of the Judges who have already been publicly named for "advising" Government not to hold an inquiry in to Child Abuse. These include, Lord Advocate Colin Boyd who "wasn't convinced" that a public inquiry was in the public interest; Lord Advocate Frank Mullholland, who also was "not convinced or persuaded" by the calls for a public inquiry; Lord Advocate Wolfe who was also against an inquiry…then of course there is Lord Brian Gill who as Lord President "was one of the people who felt that if we went down that route we woulfd be sucked into a swamp", see attached page 20 of the statement submitted to the inquiry by Michael Russell.


The attached youtube clip is from the day dear Angela got herself a new nickname….."crocodile tears".


This was her ministerial statement to the scottish parliament on 17th December 2014 in relation to Historic Child Abuse in Scotland.


She got her nickname at 5 mins and 30 seconds, how the chief guinea pig and I laughed that day at this hopeless "performance".

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Nov. 27, 2021, 12:01 p.m. No.15089893   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2353 >>2230 >>4033


>This was her ministerial statement to the scottish parliament on 17th December 2014 in relation to Historic Child Abuse in Scotland.


A wee bit more background…The SCAI originally was chaired by Susan O'Brien QC and all three members were selected by John Swinney and Angela Constance. The other 2 members were Prof Michael Lamb and another guy Glen Houston. Prof Lamb resigned from the inquiry citing "interference" by Scottish Government (Swinney) see attached article from STV at…


The Chair Susan O'Brien left soon after citing the same claims of Government interference and micromanaging of the inquiry…




First to ask a question of Angela Constance is Iain Gray (Good Guy) I've attached some notes, which are important for people to see the collusion. I'm doubtful case no'6 will highlight this collusion by Gov't, Judiciary and others, I'm expecting it to be hidden along with John Halley's 17, 500 word submission to the inquiry prior to his removal for making a public statement drawing attention to his submission and refusal to cover up for those in high positions and their crimes against children.


Where are the other politicians "past and present" and other significant contributors to the delay in a public inquiry going to be questioned. People like for example, Lord Gill, Lord Boyd, Salmond, MacAskill, Constance, aids and advisors to ministers, we know they each have several advisors and personal secretaries, why are their advisors not being questioned along with these lordy type fucks?

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Nov. 29, 2021, 11:47 a.m. No.15101419   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9362 >>0610 >>8972 >>5172 >>2230 >>5542 >>0709 >>1431 >>4033


>Case Study no. 6


Pages (xii-xv) of the study


Summary and some comments.The Judiciary fighting all the way against a public inquiry, none questioned or named so far, though there is plenty in the summary to point the finger at them being largely responsible with the help of a collusive government for delaying the whole process in their determination not to hold such a thing.


attachment 5, rough content (subtitles not exact) of the question to Angela constance by Alison McInnes and the reply by Old Crocodile Tears….Lots of talk about avoiding the re-traumatising of victims/survivors….


19 mins 35 secs approx for Alison McInnes question on statement of Constance, reply at 20 mins 20 secs.


….square that away with Swinney's compensation package, on a sliding scale from £10-80k depending on evidence he knows has been destroyed being given by the survivor/victim and forcing them to give up any right to civil claims against the perpetrators individually or collectively.


This guy Swinney has a hand in the cover up at many stages during the whole of SNP government (3 full terms +).

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Dec. 1, 2021, 3:37 p.m. No.15116792   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6346 >>2230 >>4033


>Who Will Speak for The Children? Fauci Also Experimented on the Homeless Children of New York


>Vaccination on school grounds IS a "disruption to education". Children go to school to learn, not to be used as guinnea-pigs!


I've been saying here for a good while now that kids have been killed while experimented on by the Scottish Government and its predecessor the UK government. Here is a story from Ireland, The Irish Examiner which may be of interest to a reader…


More than 40,000 children used in vaccine trials, Mother and Baby Home Commission found


Thu, 14 Jan, 2021 - 06:30

Neil Michael


There were at least 13 vaccine trials carried out on more than 43,000 children, according to the Mother and Baby Homes Commission of Investigation.


None of the mothers — some of whom were as young as 15 — involved appears to have given consent for their children to be involved in the trials.


Some of the mothers involved were known to have "mental health issues" or "psychiatric disorders".


In addition, a number of the infants involved did not have their mothers with them at the time they were involved in the trials.


Of these trials, seven were carried out in six of the homes the commission investigated.


There were believed to be at least four different vaccine trials carried out in St Patrick's, Navan Rd, (Pelletstown) and three at Bessborough in Cork.


There may have been a sixth vaccine trial carried out at St Patrick's but the commission was unable to confirm details of a possible oral polio vaccine trial there in 1965.


Although two vaccine trials took place in Cork between 1930 and 1936, the commission was unable to determine whether they took place in institutions within its remit.


Of the children who took part, at least 1,135 of them were from institutions, and the rest were from “the general population”.


At least 223 of the children from institutions came from mother and baby homes or county homes within the commission’s remit.


The commission stated: “It is clear that there was not compliance with the relevant regulatory and ethical standards of the time.


"Consent was not obtained from either the mothers of the children or their guardians and the necessary licences were not in place.


“There is no evidence of injury to the children involved as a result of the vaccines.”


At least one child is known to have died of cardiac and respiratory failure two weeks after receiving the first injection in one of the vaccine trials.


The commission said: “The available medical records do not suggest that this child’s death was in any way linked to the vaccine.”


Dublin Union


In 1934, Dr Denis Hanley, assistant medical officer for the City of Dublin, administered Wellcome’s APT anti-diphtheria vaccine to 24 Dublin Union resident children, varying in age from seven months to 14 years.


An examination of the institutional records of the Dublin Union and Pelletstown failed to identify the 24 children involved in Dr Hanley’s initial APT trial.


However, the commission said, it is more than likely the children selected for inclusion were "illegitimate" and unaccompanied, as most children resident there at the time were categorised as such.


In January 1935, with the "consent and co-operation of the medical superintendent and staff" of the Dublin Union, Dr Hanley administered Wellcome’s APT vaccine to another 24 children in the Dublin Union.


Working on the results of his own investigations, and with the full support of the Dublin municipal health authorities, Dr Hanley administered Wellcome’s still experimental, and not commercially available, one-shot APT vaccine to 39,267 schoolchildren in Dublin.


The commission noted Dr Hanley emphasised the importance of obtaining written consent prior to treatment and provided a breakdown of the number of consent forms returned in each school.


No child was immunised unless a written parental consent form was produced.


“However, Dr Hanley made no mention of consent, written or otherwise, in respect of institutional children,” the commission stated.


Read the full article at the link.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Dec. 6, 2021, 9:59 a.m. No.15146352   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2230 >>4033



Mother and Baby Homes report describes "dark, difficult and shameful chapter" of Irish history


Premiered on 12 Jan 2021


The Mother and Baby Homes Commission's final report "describes a dark, difficult and shameful chapter of very recent Irish history," Taoiseach Micheál Martin said.


The lengthy and long-awaited report has been published this afternoon, highlighting the 'particularly harsh treatment' that women who gave birth outside marriage were subject to.


The commission says the harsh treatment was "supported by, contributed to, and condoned by, the institutions of the State and the Churches" - but that some of the institutions offered a 'harsh refuge' when many families provided 'no refuge at all'.


It reveals there were around 56,000 unmarried mothers and 57,000 children in the mother and baby homes and country homes investigated by the Commission, mostly in the 1960s and 70s.


However, it says it's likely there were another 25,000 unmarried mothers and even more children in other homes which were not investigated.


It finds that around 9,000 children died in the institutions under investigation - or around 15% of all the children in the institutions - and describes the mortality rate among children born in several of the homes as 'appalling'.


It shows there were seven vaccine trials in the homes between 1934 and 1973 involving a number of children, noting the trials were not in compliance "with the relevant regulatory and ethical standards of the time".


Around 1,638 children who were resident in the mother and baby homes and county homes were placed for foreign adoption - the 'vast majority' going to the US.


There was no statutory regulation for the adoptions, and only 'informal supervision' in terms of issuing passports.


The Commission says it's impossible to prove or disprove allegations that "large sums of money were given to the institutions and agencies in Ireland that arranged foreign adoptions".


It also explores the 'widespread discrimination' experienced by unmarried mothers and their children within Irish society into the 1980s.


The report comes following accounts from hundreds of witnesses and survivors, including those who were sent to the homes after being victims of rape.


In their recommendations, the Commission says adopted people "should have a right to their birth certificates", and says there should be a right for people to have access to their birth information - saying a referendum should be held if that's needed to change the law.


It recommends the Government should consider a redress scheme for many of the women impacted - including those who spent lengthy periods in the homes before 1974, and those who carried out unpaid work while in the institutions.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Dec. 10, 2021, 2:47 a.m. No.15169362   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0610 >>0913 >>2230 >>4033

Ministerial Statement: Scotland’s Redress Scheme


Wednesday 08 December 2021 2:47 PM


Apologies, can't embed video, please visit the above URL to watch and see how disingenuous John Swinney actually is.



>Deputy First Minister John Swinney told a hearing last year that Alex Salmond had opposed the inquiry being set up while he was first minister.


>He said there had been a clear division in cabinet over the issue and the inquiry was only set up after Nicola Sturgeon succeeded Mr Salmond.


> Alex Salmond 'was opposed to child abuse inquiry'


> Ministers tried to do 'right things' on care abuse



Kind of sounds like Mr Swinney is throwing Mr Salmond under the bus. Then there was the Salmond/Sturgeon (can it really be "co-incidence" that both have very "fishy" names?) affair with both throwing each other under the bus. It's always very subtle this of course; and all the while extolling their own obsequious achievments. You can see this very clearly with John Swinney every time he speaks, especially on the topic of the SCAI.





>Sources close to the couple said they are angry at being asked to give evidence only for it to be kept secret.


>One said: “They have been asked to wait four years for the chance to explain how their daughter died and ask why in an official forum. Why were they asked to give evidence at all? It seems an odd sort of public inquiry that asks for evidence but refuses to make it public.”


Yes, very odd that a public inquiry does not make all evidence and submissions public. It seems that it is not an isolated case but, rather the standard operating procedure for ALL public inquiries. When will Lady (?) Anne Smith make public the 17,500 word submission of John Halley QC?




>Legal teams acting for Scottish Government ministers and NHS Greater Glasgow argued that Mrs Smith’s statement contained allegations suggesting potential misconduct in public office, and criminal behaviour, which they strongly rejected.




>“The very ethos of a public inquiry is that people’s voices are heard, not silenced, muted or redacted. The public expect and deserve the full truth.”




>reply by Old Crocodile Tears….Lots of talk about avoiding the re-traumatising of victims/survivors….



Lots of talk but as you can see/hear from Swinney here in this address to parliament and the resulting questions, he fully intends that they (victims/survivors) should be re-traumatised from yet again having to recount to Johnny Gwynne and cohorts all the details of their abuse.



Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Dec. 10, 2021, 8:30 a.m. No.15170610   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8972 >>5172 >>2230 >>5542 >>0709 >>1431 >>4033


Page 19-23 of the pdf.


Pages 1-5, Introduction.


Attached with added comment.


A wee reminder, Lord Advocate Frank Mulholland it was I believe that advised John Swinney NOT to hold a public inquiry in to Historic Child Abuse in Scotland, having previously given the same advice to Michael Russell previously stating that he was "not persuaded" with the calls for a public inquiry.


Why was Frank Mulholland not questioned Lady (?) Anne? Why were the several others who are paid to "advise" also not questioned with regard to the 13+ years before an inquiry was announced?


Salmond was "advised" by Lord President Brian Gill not to have an inquiry for fear of being dragged in to a "swanp", of the Judiciary's making.


Jackie boy (now LORD) McConnell was advised by Colin Boyd then Lord Advocate not to proceed with any inquiry and "advised" for him to change his apology to victims from "on behalf of Government" to "on behalf of the Scottish people".


Why the fuck are none of these absolute CUNTS not being brought up for questioning, this case study should not have been completed without their oral testimony in front of the inquiry.










>National Records Office in Edinburgh looking for them to initiate a search for the records of the FAI in to her death, knowing full well that they had been destroyed soon after he first starting trying to dig in to his past many years previous. Of course he was informed by the head of legal services that there were no records, even although the law states that such records must be kept for a minimum of 100 years: the records could not be found.





>This is the legal equivalent of taking a crap, a big hot steaming hot pile of shite and then covering it in butter-cream icing; then having the neck to call it a cake!!!


>These fuckers, all of them pictured and a whole lot more besides, covered it ALL up for years. ALL of it.


>John Swinney and McAskill were the two head coverer-upperers!! But they have all worked tirelessly to cover it all up. Since the start of the inquiry John Swinney has had his tentacles in to every charity, every newly started business who were given all the funding, ALL of them.


>This is the legal equivalent of taking a crap, a big hot steaming hot pile of shite and then covering it in butter-cream icing; then having the neck to call it a cake!!!


>These fuckers, all of them pictured and a whole lot more besides, covered it ALL up for years. ALL of it.


>John Swinney and McAskill were the two head coverer-upperers!! But they have all worked tirelessly to cover it all up. Since the start of the inquiry John Swinney has had his tentacles in to every charity, every newly started business who were given all the funding, ALL of them.



Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Dec. 14, 2021, 4:51 p.m. No.15194392   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Definitely happening worldwide throughout all governments. Judiciary everywhere up to their eyes in cover ups and soft sentences.



>ALL of U.S. Love You Scotland , Do It Q and Q+ ! , WWG1WGA Love Pilotorb


We love you too, your country is a beacon of light to remind us of the Magna Carta, which your great constitution is based on. The war is won. We will have a new order, of the people, by the people and for the people……… wide. God bless America, Scotland and the world. United, humanity can crawl out of the petri dish and overcome anything.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Dec. 15, 2021, 3:33 a.m. No.15196144   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9118 >>2268 >>4048

Scotland has a new anthem.


Songs of Freedom - Transcender 'Make A Stand'


Hearing this song everywhere at the moment up here in Scotland.


Scotland is beginning to rise up and peek behind the curtain at what generations of us have allowed to control us. They are starting to wake up and realise that it is "we the people" who have the power to change the world. United we can change the world.


We have been divided by race, religion, politics, sexuality, nationality and a raft of other devices for many generations. It's that divide that has brought this situation to fruition. Division is the fog of war.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Dec. 19, 2021, 4:04 p.m. No.15221578   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2239 >>4036


ANTI-VAX DEMO ‘Hundreds’ of anti-vaxxers gather in Glasgow Green for protest and march to the city centre


Harry WilliamsonJordan Tennant


19:30, 18 Dec 2021Updated: 22:35, 18 Dec 2021


HUNDREDS of anti-vaxxers gathered in Glasgow today for a protest against Covid restrictions.


The crowd gathered in Glasgow Green around 1pm and began to march through the city.


It was reported up to 200 anti-vaxxers gathered in the foggy park to take part in the protest.


Members of the crowd held placards with slogans opposing vaccines, mask wearing, vaccine passports and lockdowns.


The group marched from Glasgow Green to the city centre.


Cops escorted the demo through the city until it dispersed on Buchanan Street.


Police Scotland confirmed no one was arrested at the protest and they have launched a probe into the demo.


A spokesperson for the force said: “Officers were made aware of a protest in Glasgow Green on Saturday, 18 December.


"The crowd that was gathered began an unauthorised procession and a decision was taken to manage this to ensure public safety and minimise disruption to the community.


"The group eventually gathered on Buchanan Street before dispersing. No arrests were made and enquiries are ongoing in relation to the incident.”


A similar protest in London saw anti-vaxxers violently clash with police as scuffles broke out at the demo down south.


London cops have reportedly been hurt as thousands of protesters waving placards gathered in Whitehall tonight.


A number of officers are believed to have suffered minor injuries as anti-lockdown campaigners marched through the streets of Westminster.


London mayor Sadiq Khan recently declared a major incident over the capital's surging Covid rates.


The Glasgow protest came as Scots were urged to stay at home amid rising Omicron cases.


First Minister Nicola Sturgeon warned anyone who leaves home risks catching the Omicron variant and spending Christmas alone.


Omicron became the most dominant Covid strain in Scotland this week - making up 51.3 per cent of confirmed cases.


Nicola Sturgeon said: “I’m asking people in the run-up to Christmas to stay at home as much as they can. Every time we go anywhere now we’re at a not insignificant risk of getting Covid.


“Anyone who gets Covid now will be isolating over Christmas Day.


“Think about whether it’s worth it to you to run the risk of not being with your family on Christmas Day.”


New curbs have been introduced as infections are doubling every two to three days.


Scots have been asked to limit gatherings to three households in the run up to Christmas and new measures to prevent crowding in hospitality and retail have been reintroduced.


The new restrictions have seen the First Minister has called for the return of the furlough scheme - to protect workers in high risk industries.


All Scots adults have been encouraged to get their booster jabs before Hogmanay in an effort to tackle the surge.


People queued for hours outside vaccine centres to get the vital third jab - as two vaccines is said to not be enough protection against the new super strain.


All adults in Scotland were told earlier this week they could book their boosters.


One of the First Minister's advisers called for a circuit-breaker lockdown BEFORE Christmas to combat the Omicron "tsunami".

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Dec. 28, 2021, 1:53 p.m. No.15268761   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0111 >>2239 >>4036

The poison dwarf strikes again! I wonder how many will listen now nearly 2 years down the line?


Five new Scotland Covid rules everyone will have to follow from this week


Nicola Sturgeon has introduced a raft of new measures in Scotland to help combat the sweeping tide of Omicron cases the country is facing.


Following a surge in Omicron cases in Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon and the Scottish Government have implemented a raft of new coronavirus rules.


From hospitality, big events to new rules around contact sports, people in Edinburgh will have to ensure they are following the new restrictions in order to protect themselves against the new mutant Covid strain.


Some rules come into effect from Boxing Day, December 26, whereas others will begin from December 27.


So here are five new Covid rules everyone in Scotland will need to follow from this week.


Non-professional contact sports that take place indoors will also be banned from Boxing Day.


Sturgeon said that physical distancing is not possible during these activities and also creates a 'heightened risk of transmission'.


The First Minister has also asked people in Scotland to limit mixing to three different households following festivities.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Dec. 28, 2021, 2:26 p.m. No.15268972   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5542 >>0709 >>1431




The cover up is so fucking transparent I can't believe for a minute this Lady (?) Ann Smith, chair of the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry (SCAI) is unable with all her qualifications in law to see it when an uneducated dafty like myself can see it all. She sees it all right, just is employed not to.


Here is the Youtube link to Lord Brian Gill's performance again, for anyone that needs reminding of the contempt which he and others like him in the establishment hold us all.


Attached pages 6-10 of Case study no' 6 of the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry (SCAI).

Pages 24-28 of the pdf file

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Dec. 29, 2021, 4 p.m. No.15275172   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5542 >>0709




The cover up is so fucking transparent I can't believe for a minute this Lady (?) Ann Smith, chair of the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry (SCAI) is unable with all her qualifications in law to see it when an uneducated dafty like myself can see it all. She sees it all right, just is employed not to.


Here is the Youtube link to Lord Brian Gill's performance again, for anyone that needs reminding of the contempt which he and others like him in the establishment hold us all.


Attached pages 6-10 of Case study no' 6 of the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry (SCAI).

Pages 24-28 of the pdf file




There will be plenty of them going to jail, some of them I expect will possibly see the rope. That I guess will be down to the people to decide once the majority wake up, who knows when that will be. They're certainly taking their time. Went to the shop the other day and there were more people masked than usual. :(

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Jan. 3, 2022, 11:06 a.m. No.15302181   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2353 >>2268 >>4048


Heads of Scotland's drug death taskforce resign


The heads of Scotland's drug death task force have resigned.


Chairwoman Prof Catriona Matheson and her deputy, former deputy chief constable Neil Richardson, have stepped down from their roles.


They said the government's "demand for speed" over a report on reforms was "counterproductive" and driven by a desire to meet targets rather than achieving "sustainable change"


But minister Angela Constance said the taskforce needed to "move faster".


Prof Matheson, a Stirling University expert in substance misuse, has been chairwoman of the taskforce since it was established in 2019.


Leaders make 'united effort' against drug deaths

Drugs helpline aimed at user safety to be launched

Six ways to tackle Scotland's drugs crisis

Drugs tsar says addicts 'neglected and ignored'


It was set up by the Scottish government in a bid to curb a rising number of drug deaths.


The then public health minister Joe Fitzpatrick described the situation as an "emergency" and said new approaches were needed "even if at first they may be challenging".


Drug deaths in Scotland reached a record high of 1,339 in 2020 with the country suffering by far the highest fatality rate of any country in Europe.


Figures published earlier this month showed that Police Scotland recorded 1,007 deaths believed to be linked to drug use between January and September this year, 40 fewer than the same period in 2020.


The resignations were first reported by The Daily Record, which said Prof Matheson and Mr Richardson had stood down after being asked to produce a report on reforms by the summer.


In a resignation letter, they said: "We have always understood the need for urgency but we feel the current demand for speed is counterproductive and driven by other factors such as meeting targets, rather than achieving the sustainable change evidence shows is more effective."


Drugs policy ministerAngela Constancesaid that she regretted the fact that Prof Matheson and Mr Richardson had resigned but thanked them for their "hard work and commitment".


She told BBC Scotland's Drivetime programme: "The taskforce has undertaken wide-ranging and very important work to help inform us on how best to turn the tide on rising drug deaths in Scotland.


"But I am clear that as we come to the end of the first year of the national mission and look ahead to what's next, we need to have an increased focus on implementation and delivery on the ground."


She said that was why she had asked the taskforce "to make its recommendations earlier than anticipated".

'Pick up the pace'


"Drug deaths in Scotland is our other public health emergency and we do need to move further but we also need to move faster," she told the programme.


"I think I was very fair and very clear with my expectations. We need to be continuously challenging ourselves and others to pick up the pace.


"We need to be doing more, doing it better and doing it faster."As fast as you got a public inquiry into historic child abuse?


She added that she would speak to the other taskforce members before updating parliament as soon as possible in the new year.


Ms Constance said that the recent quarterly statistics had shown a slight fall in suspected drug-related deaths.


But she added: "It is clear there is still an urgent need to implement changes that will make a real and tangible difference to people's lives."

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Jan. 3, 2022, 11:44 a.m. No.15302353   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2230 >>4033






>TheScottish government has apologised "unreservedly" for what was described as a "woeful and wholly avoidable" 13-year delayin setting up a public inquiry into child abuse.



>She was allowed to give evidence in full to the inquiry led by Lord Brodie but, afterlegal applications by the Scottish Governmentand the Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board,much of it will remain private and is redacted on the inquiry’s website.


>A wee bit more background…The SCAI originally was chaired by Susan O'Brien QC and all three members were selected by John Swinney and Angela Constance. The other 2 members were Prof Michael Lamb and another guy Glen Houston. Prof Lamb resigned from the inquiry citing "interference" by Scottish Government (Swinney) see attached article from STV at…




>The Chair Susan O'Brien left soon after citing the same claims of Government interference and micromanaging of the inquiry…





>A wee bit more background…The SCAI originally was chaired by Susan O'Brien QC and all three members were selected by John Swinney and Angela Constance. The other 2 members were Prof Michael Lamb and another guy Glen Houston. Prof Lamb resigned from the inquiry citing "interference" by Scottish Government (Swinney) see attached article from STV at…




>The Chair Susan O'Brien left soon after citing the same claims of Government interference and micromanaging of the inquiry…





Expert resigns from '˜doomed' Scots historical child abuse inquiry

An independent expert has resigned from his position on Scotland's child abuse inquiry claiming it is 'doomed' due to Scottish Government interference.

By The Newsroom

Tuesday, 28th June 2016, 6:20 pm



Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Jan. 9, 2022, 5:17 p.m. No.15340472   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2239 >>4036


You'll never take our freedom! Thousands of defiant protesters stage largest anti-lockdown rally in recent months as they march through Glasgow against Nicola Sturgeon's draconian Covid restrictions


By Joe Davies For Mailonline


Police have been called to manage an 'unplanned' anti-lockdown protest in Scotland's largest city that appears to be one of the country's largest demonstrations since the pandemic began.


Thousands of protesters gathered at Glasgow Green at 1pm on Saturday as public anger boiled over at First Minister Nicola Sturgeon's latest Covid curbs.


The activists began the unplanned procession by marching through Argyle Street, one of the city's busiest thoroughfares, during what the campaign group called a 'Freedom Rally'.


Some of them were pictured carrying placards saying 'Do you trust your government with your life?' and 'vaccine passports means your body will be owned by the state forever'.


The protest is believed to have been organised by Scotland Against Lockdown, a group that runs campaigns against mandatory facemasks.


The campaigners are also opposed to the Scottish and UK Governments' Coronavirus Act 2020, social distancing and mandatory vaccines, according to its social media pages.


Official data showed Covid cases in Wales and Scotland are increasing faster than in England despite the nations' harsher restrictions.


Confirmed infections are rising more than twice as quickly in Scotland as they are in England, jumping from 6,976 to 14,006 in the former nation in the week up to January 2 - an increase of more than 100 per cent.


For comparison, cases increased 44 per cent in England to 129,014 during the same period. They increased by more than 52 per cent in Wales to 9,718.


New figures also revealed there are 1,362 people in Scottish hospitals with confirmed cases of Covid-19. Of these, 48 people were in intensive care with the virus.


One witness said about 1,000 people were taking part in the protest in Glasgow today.


A police spokesman said: 'Officers are currently facilitating an unplanned procession in Glasgow City centre to ensure public safety and minimise disruption to the community.'


The protest came as a health board in Scotland warned it could declare a major incident next week as Covid case numbers continue to rise sharply.


Members of the military have already been drafted in to some areas to support NHS workers as the Omicron variant fuels Covid infection levels to record highs.


In a briefing to staff, NHS Grampian said that due to 'an exponential growth' of cases in the last fortnight, it could declare a 'major incident' as early as next week.


It said: 'Based on our modelling data, we anticipate a continued and significant growth in the levels of the disease placing even more significant pressure on care homes, primary care teams, community teams and hospitals.


'Our planned response will include a declaration of a major incident when a number of key trigger points are reached.


'Looking at our local data, these triggers could be met as early as the end of next week.'


The document went on to explain staff will be briefed further with a major incident plan if the announcement goes ahead next week.


Military personnel began arriving to support NHS staff in NHS Grampian, NHS Ayrshire and Arran and NHS Lanarkshire on Friday.


It is understood Grampian will have 38 service personnel for four weeks, while 32 will work in Lanarkshire for the same period, and 20 in Ayrshire in Arran for the next six weeks.


The personnel have joined 221 members of the Armed Forces who have been supporting the vaccine programme across Scotland, with 96 driving ambulances in support of the Scottish Ambulance service.


New data released on Saturday also showed there were 12,602 new cases of Covid-19 reported, although there are delays in people receiving results from PCR tests.


Of the 57,907 new tests for Covid that reported results, 25.1% were positive.


There were 26 new reported deaths of people who have tested positive for the virus.


A first dose of a vaccination has now been received by 4,390,076 people, while 4,041,550 have received their second dose and 3,082,231 have received a third dose or booster.


A Scottish Government spokesperson said: 'There continue to be large volumes of tests being processed by labs; this and the holiday weekend have impacted turnaround times resulting in delays between specimens being taken and results being received and reported.


'Public Health Scotland are continuing to monitor the situation.'



See link for full article.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Jan. 14, 2022, 4:19 p.m. No.15376666   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2239 >>4036


Covid Scotland: Case rates lowest in unvaccinated as double-jabbed elderly drive rise in hospital admissions


By Helen McArdle @HMcardleHT Health Correspondent


DOUBLE-JABBED Scots are now more likely to be admitted to hospital with Covid than the unvaccinated amid an increase in elderly people falling ill due to waning immunity.


It comes amid "weird" data showing that case rates have been lower in unvaccinated individuals than the single, double, or even triple-jabbed since Omicron became the dominant variant in Scotland.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Jan. 17, 2022, 12:27 p.m. No.15399259   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2268 >>4048


Sheriff in Lockerbie bomber trial arrested


A former sheriff who represented the Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset al-Megrahi has been arrested and charged as part of a mystery police investigation.


Alistair Duff, 67, was arrested last month but officers and prosecutors have refused to give details about the accusations against thesenior judiciary figure.


Duff was appointed as a resident sheriff at Dundee sheriff court in 2004 and nameddirector of the Judicial Institute for Scotland in 2014. He retired from his prolific 45-year legal career shortly before his arrest, having stood down from the institute in early December.


Neighbours of his home in Leven, Fife, told The Sun they had not seen the former sheriff for weeks.


A source said staff at the courts where Duff used to work were left “shocked” by the news, adding: “Word about his arrest started doing the rounds here this week. He is very highly regarded and was an excellent sheriff. No one is really sure what has gone on. The lawyers are all talking about it now. It will all come out in due course.”


Another source told the Daily Record that the sheriff had “resigned suddenly because he’s been charged by the police for something”.


Duff’s profile wasremovedfrom the Judiciary of Scotland website yesterday.


Duff became a solicitor in 1977, at first working as a prosecutor before switching in 1981 to a criminal defence brief. He represented Megrahi, a Libyan national, who was found guilty of the Lockerbie Pan-Am aircraft bombing that killed 270 people.


More recently he was part of a commission led by Lord Bracadale to investigate alleged “inappropriate sexual behaviour” by Jack Brown, 61, a sheriff in Aberdeen.


A Police Scotland spokesman said: “Following a complaint and subsequent investigation, a 67-year-old man was charged and has been reported to the procurator fiscal.”



Another Scottish judge arrested!


Things are looking up. Perhaps they are no longer untouchable?

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Jan. 19, 2022, 1:25 a.m. No.15412530   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2268 >>4048


Royal horror as Queen's Scottish residence daubed with 'paedo home' slur – police on case

POLICE are trying to find the vandal responsible for spraying two remarks, including the words "paedo home", on the wall of the Queen's residence in Scotland.

By Chloe Davies

16:55, Mon, Jan 17, 2022 | UPDATED: 20:24, Mon, Jan 17, 2022


On the morning of Sunday, January 16, two defamatory remarks were pictured on the outer walls of the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh. An investigation has been launched to find those responsible for the remarks which were sprayed onto the brickwork outside the Queen’s Scottish residence, the property where she usually resides in the summer months.


One photograph shows the words “paedo home” in large white letters sprayed along one wall, while the palace is visible in the background.


While a second image shows the words “burn Tory scum” written along the same wall in a similar style.


A snap of the latter vandalism aimed at the Conservatives was shared on Twitter by Rory Richmond, a law student from Glasgow.


He accompanied the image with a short caption reading: “This was photographed at Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh earlier today.


“We must condemn and confront the mindless acts of vandalism and hatred.”


The tweet has received almost 300 likes and has had dozens of comments and retweets of people sharing their outrage.


One user, Kenny, wrote: “Appalling vandalism … there are no excuses for it at all, it's criminality whether or not it suits your political party of choice.


“I really do hope the one(s) who did this are caught and dealt with.”


Another user Dom M described the vandalism as “disgusting”, while a third @Zicklerone called the spray “harsh”.


Police have launched an investigation and are calling for anyone with knowledge of the vandalism to get in touch.

A Police Scotland spokesperson said: “Police received a report of vandalism on an external wall at the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh which happened between 4pm on Saturday, January 15 and 8 am on Sunday, January 16.

“Enquiries are ongoing and anyone with information should contact police via 101, quoting incident number 1071 of 16 January.”

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Jan. 31, 2022, 9:46 a.m. No.15510991   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4529


>Many Navy ships have websites these days where such old photographs can be found from Cruisebooks and crew-taken sources. Other veteran organizations, for instance online groups for those who served aboard destroyers, have pages where former crew list themselves.



Thank you for your input, very much appreciated. My initial searches threw up a us naval group which I'd have to become a member of (my guess is that might be impossible unless I'd served).


I'll continue down the road you have suggested when I am able. So much to do, so little time. I have a friend I might be able to talk to with naval experience, not US. Will see if he can perhaps further your suggestion for me.


Just in case you'd have any time to spare on your hands the vessel was the SS Simon Lake whilst stationed at the Holy Loch in Scotland. A friend needs his memory jogged and some chronologically appropriate pics of serving officers at this time might carve through the MK-ultra inspired fog. Perhaps he will recognise one or two.


Thank you for the work you have done here, it's very much appreciated.




>Just sent in request to have bumplock removed. If not will have to bake a #6



Can you clarify what this means and what it will accomplish? Apologies in advance for my naivete.




Freedom Walker

487 subscribers

The historic Scottish coastal town of Ayr is the setting for Ayrshire’s first Freedom Rally of the year – in the eye of a storm! The high winds and rain did not deter the peaceful gathering; whatever the weather, Scotland’s freedom lovers will still come together and walk as one!

OUR storm is rising!

Please like, share and SUBSCRIBE!


If you like what we do, please consider supporting the channel by donating at:


*** Music: “Filthy Rich” by TRANSCENDER

#resist #defy #do not comply


Love this guy, he's been filming everything from the beginning….I call him the "all seeing eye" and he's one of the unsung heroes of the "freedom" movement.


Hat doffed to the all seeing eye.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Feb. 4, 2022, 7:51 a.m. No.15543881   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Letter and resources addressed to Police Scotland demanding the investigation of the following critical issues:

  • the LACK OF INFORMED CONSENT in matters of covid vaccination,


  • the suspicious DEATHS & DEATHS UNDER MEDICAL CARE as also the INJURIES following covid vaccination


All the documents following the LETTER FOR THE POLICE are resources in support of these requests.


All or any of these can be freely used by any citizen or group that wants to address the Police with these demands in their areas


These materials have been discussed with two officers from London Road Police Scotland, Glasgow on the 2nd of February 2022 (the letter has been given to them, the resources have been emailed on the 3rd of February 2022)

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Feb. 4, 2022, 12:10 p.m. No.15545854   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You really can't help but laugh. ;)

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Feb. 4, 2022, 3:18 p.m. No.15547254   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7259 >>4048


£50m of public cash ploughed into firm linked to tax haven by bank set up by Nicola Sturgeon

The Scottish National Investment Bank was launched in 2020 by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon.


A bank set up by Nicola Sturgeon has ploughed £50million of public money into a firm linked to a tax haven.


The money has been handed to asset managers Gresham House to invest in a forestry fund aimed at "high-net-worth" clients seeking "tax efficient structures".


The company has admitted owning a management company in Guernsey – widely regarded as a tax haven – and chairman Anthony Townsend was named in the Paradise Papers as having previously been a director of an offshore firm in the Isle of Man.


Gresham House claims its forests will help capture 1.2 million tons of carbon emissions.


But opposition politicians have questioned the Scottish National Investment Bank's (SNIB) deal and environmental campaigners have raised concerns over its green credentials.


Labour MSP Monica Lennon said: "People who work hard and willingly pay their tax in the hope that it will be used to provide decent public services will be appalled to think their money could be handed to a firm that specialises in helping extremely rich people avoid paying tax.


"There needs to be proper scrutiny of the SNIB and the investments it makes.


"The £50million Gresham House deal is concerning.


"When companies operate in the UK but also have subsidiaries offshore which can help them legally avoid tax, it impacts on all of us.


"It means that governments may not have enough money to fund the NHS, teach our children and give pensioners a decent pension.


"The SNP have a dire record when it comes to pumping our money into the private sector – from the Ferguson shipyard and Prestwick Airport to disastrous private finance schemes to build hospitals, the amounts of public money squandered are mind-boggling."


Investment in commercial forestry opens access to a number of tax breaks in the UK.


There is no income tax, corporation tax or capital gains tax in relation to growing timber.


Gresham House boasts that it should provide income "free of tax" and qualify for 100 per cent relief from inheritance tax once held for two years.


The £4billion firm's website states: "We understand that many clients want to pass on as much of their wealth to family as possible.


"Forestry funds are accessible to high-net-worth, professional and sophisticated clients via inheritance tax efficient structures".


part 1

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Feb. 4, 2022, 3:18 p.m. No.15547259   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4048



part 2…….


Environment campaigner Jamie McIntyre said: "There are lots of ways that the Scottish Government could have invested in rewilding and community forestry projects, so it is odd they have chosen to do it this way.


"They claim they want to encourage others to invest in forestry through the Gresham House deal but this is not for ordinary people – it is for very wealthy people.


"There are issues with public money being invested in a sector already supported by public grants, generous tax arrangements and the murky world of carbon offsets – the environmental credentials of which are highly debatable."


Townsend was on the board of Rea Brothers (Isle of Man) Ltd and Companies House records show he is also a director of Hansa Capital, which is based in Guernsey.


A spokeswoman for Gresham House insisted the banker was no longer a director of Rea Brothers and confirmed Gresham's offshore subsidiary.


She said: "Regarding Anthony Townsend's Isle of Man connection, this is historical and relates to a period dating back to the 1970s when Mr Townsend served on the board of Rea Brothers Group and was a non-executive director of various of their companies including Rea Brothers (Isle of Man) Ltd until the sale of the whole group to Close Brothers Plc in 1999."


She added: "Gresham House Investment Management (Guernsey) Limited ("GHIM") is a wholly owned subsidiary.


"A range of investors including local authority and corporate pension schemes and private clients invest in Gresham House forestry funds."


The SNIB was formally launched in November 2020.


Chairman Willie Watt said: "Our investment assessment and approval process is in line with peers, both commercial investors and other development banks.


"In relation to Gresham, the bank invested alongside two public sector pension funds, whose underlying members share our commitment to a low-carbon future. Together, we represent the majority of the funds."


Last year Watt claimed the £2billion of public cash promised to the SNIB over 10 years was "insufficient".


He said he wanted to be able to earn the right to "borrow on our own balance sheet".


The Sunday Mail revealed in February 2020 how shamed former finance minister Derek Mackay allowed Watt to be appointed without the oversight of ethics watchdogs.


He approved an "unregulated" selection process despite the firm Watt previously led being fined £8.6million in the UK and America over a conflict of interests scandal.


Meanwhile, Benny Higgins – the Government's chief adviser to help set up the taxpayer-funded bank – was eviscerated in 2015 for spending £18,000 on taxis in eight months while CEO of Tesco Bank at a time the supermarket was firing frontline staff.


Scotland's public appointment ombudsman had to stand aside from overseeing Watt's appointment after Mackay – who was forced to resign after sending hundreds of inappropriate texts to a schoolboy – let Higgins head an unregulated interview panel.


MSPs passed legislation to set up the SNIB in January 2020 and ministers have committed to putting £2billion of public funding into it over the next decade.


The Scottish Government said: "The bank makes independent investment decisions and its pay framework and levels of pay of the bank are in agreement with public sector pay policy.


"Some grades and roles are adapted to enable the bank to recruit effectively within a highly paid sector."


Comments say it all..

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Feb. 5, 2022, 3:22 p.m. No.15555808   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4048



Ottawa Freedom Convoy: Scottish anti-lockdown supporters hold Edinburgh solidarity march


Anti-lockdown protestors have held a rally in Edinburgh in solidarity with Canadian truckers dubbed the ‘Ottawa Freedom Convoy’.


A group of sympathisers drove from Glasgow to Edinburgh where they met with other demonstrators at Holyrood Park.


Despite pouring rain and strong winds, the group held a march and rally, carrying signs opposing furure lockdowns and other anti-Covid measures.


The protest was in support of a group of lorry Drivers in Canada who are opposing plans to introduce mandatory vaccine passports for hauliers crossing the border with the US.


Similar protests are have been organised in other countries. Former President Donald Trump is said to be among the drivers’ supporters.


In today’s Scottish protest, around 30 vehicles took to the M8 this morning. A video posted on Twitter showed the convoy was being led by a Police Scotland motorcycle.


The footage - shot from a bridge over the motorway - includes cars and vans tooting their horns as the onlookers cheer. The tweet claims traffic had been slowed to 40mph.


David Clews, Lead Correspondent for ‘Unity News Network’, told the Daily Express: "We are opposed to the global tyranny that is currently taking place, we're out supporting what is going on in Canada and Australia.


"We still have major issues in the UK, especially in Scotland, but primarily, today is to show solidarity with the people in Canada who have been demonised and attacked, who are just standing up for freedom."



I tried to embed the video from the article but with no success. Worth a watch, love the wee lady Catherine, fiesty wee wummin.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Feb. 5, 2022, 5:04 p.m. No.15556698   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Ottawa Freedom Convoy: Scottish anti-lockdown supporters hold Edinburgh solidarity march


Anti-lockdown protestors have held a rally in Edinburgh in solidarity with Canadian truckers dubbed the ‘Ottawa Freedom Convoy’.


A group of sympathisers drove from Glasgow to Edinburgh where they met with other demonstrators at Holyrood Park.


Despite pouring rain and strong winds, the group held a march and rally, carrying signs opposing furure lockdowns and other anti-Covid measures.


The protest was in support of a group of lorry Drivers in Canada who are opposing plans to introduce mandatory vaccine passports for hauliers crossing the border with the US.


Similar protests are have been organised in other countries. Former President Donald Trump is said to be among the drivers’ supporters.


In today’s Scottish protest, around 30 vehicles took to the M8 this morning. A video posted on Twitter showed the convoy was being led by a Police Scotland motorcycle.


The footage - shot from a bridge over the motorway - includes cars and vans tooting their horns as the onlookers cheer. The tweet claims traffic had been slowed to 40mph.


David Clews, Lead Correspondent for ‘Unity News Network’, told the Daily Express: "We are opposed to the global tyranny that is currently taking place, we're out supporting what is going on in Canada and Australia.


"We still have major issues in the UK, especially in Scotland, but primarily, today is to show solidarity with the people in Canada who have been demonised and attacked, who are just standing up for freedom."



I tried to embed the video from the article but with no success. Worth a watch, love the wee lady Catherine, fiesty wee wummin.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Feb. 6, 2022, 1:34 p.m. No.15562736   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Freedom Walker

511 subscribers

Gales, rain, sleet & snow cannot deter Scotland’s freedom walkers! Whatever the weather, wherever the location, Scotttish freedom fighters come together and march as one!

Please Subscribe to the Freedom Walker channel! It's free and only takes a second!

If you want to support our work, you can make a donation to our costs here:

Filmed 5th February 2022.



Hi-Rez & Jimmy Levy - Welcome To the Revolution

#edinburgh #freedom #rally #wewillALLbethere


Shame he doesn't have many subscribers. Unsung hero right enough.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Feb. 8, 2022, 3:27 p.m. No.15580432   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2929 >>4036


Marie McNair MSP: Police called to office over protesters


By Tristan Stewart-Robertson

Chief Reporter



Police were called to the offices of Clydebank's MSP when a group of protesters entered the premises on Monday.


Officers attended the Titan Enterprise Business Centre in the town just before 11am on February 7.


The group is understood to have gathered in protest at any move to turn restrictions imposed during the pandemic into permanent measures.


There were no arrests.


A spokesperson for Marie McNair MSP said: “It was alarming that intruders turned up unannounced and forced past reception staff.


“This meant that agreed protocols were followed, including the police being called.


“Given the tragic incident that resulted in David Amess MP losing his life last year, parliamentarians have been advised by the police and the parliamentary security team to take extra care to protect themselves and their staff. That is what Marie will always do.”


A Police Scotland spokesperson said: "We received a report of a group of protesters entering an office building in Clydebank on Monday, February 7, 2022. They left peacefully.


"No criminality was established however advice has been given."


This anon has just heard from a highly reliable source that there was no "protesters" in attendance at Marie McNair's office.


There were in fact no more than 1 dozen concerned constituents who wanted to hand over their signed and written objections to…


"…any move to turn restrictions imposed during the pandemic into permanent measures."


It is my understanding that several attempts had been made to send copies of these objections (numbering more than 100, but handed over by the smaller group to secure witness that she (McNair) had been made aware of the objections of her constituents.


Attempts had been made apparently to send them by e-mail, which went unanswered over a, the same by post and latterly by "registered post"; all attempts were met with no response or recognition of their receipt.


This led to some of the more than 100 who wanted their MSP to be aware of their objections attending her office and requesting from the reception desk staff that she be made aware of their presence and asked to come to the desk and take possession of their written correspondence. She chose not to and refused to allow reception to take them to her office and deliver them.


They then made their way to the waiting room outside her office, where they waited patiently. It is told to I that there were two ladies visible in the office and assuming the 2nd to be a constituent they did not try to enter the office or even knock on the door.


When police turned up after consultation with the officers in attendance the papers were accepted without the MSP signing to acknowledge receipt of them. They the constituents after some peaceful dialogue with the police left the building.


So there were no protesters is my understanding and there was no protest, merely a handful or 2 of concerned residents of Clydebank wishing to have dialogue with their (MSP) Member of the Scottish Parliament.


I am now even more likely to err on the side of FF for the “tragic incident that resulted in David Amess MP losing his life last year"


We all knew that would be used for them to cower behind and they are. They are now so afraid of their constituents (masters) that they cower in their offices and call police when their constituents request to have justifiable and prescient dialogue with them.



Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Feb. 9, 2022, 6:40 a.m. No.15585284   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4036


John Swinney rebuked by statistics watchdog for trying to 'spin reality' on Covid figures


Scotland's Deputy First Minister John Swinney has come under fire from the UK Statistics Authority over the use of Covid-19 data.


John Swinney has been rebuked by the statistics watchdog for his statements on the impact of Covid curbs.


The Deputy First Minister was slated by the UK Statistics Authority after a complaint was submitted by Scottish Labour health spokesman Jackie Baillie.


Speaking last month on BBC Radio Scotland, Mr Swinney claimed figures showing one in 40 Scots were infected compared to one in 25 in England were “the strongest evidence that the measures taken in Scotland are protecting the population from Covid.”


However, the Office for National Statistics said that figures he quoted related to a period before extra restrictions were introduced in Scotland to tackle Omicron.


In a letter to Ms Baillie, chairman of the UK Statistics Authority Sir David Norgrove said listeners may have thought “he was referring to the period after Christmas when new restrictions came into force”.


Ms Baillie accused the Deputy First Minister of trying to "spin reality" following the letter, adding: "This is clear evidence that John Swinney has failed in his duty to be clear with the people of Scotland.


"But this is not the first time that ministers from this SNP government have sought to spin reality rather than being truthful with the people of Scotland.


"Public trust in the government is of paramount importance during a pandemic - but Mr Swinney's actions are putting that in danger.


"We need the SNP government to stop the spin and be straight with the people that they serve."


Scottish Lib Dem MSP Willie Rennie, added: "John Swinney has been spinning like a top.


"This government needs to be straight with people about the pandemic otherwise there is a real risk that public trust breaks down."


Mr Swinney previously apologised after he was reported to the UK Statistics Authority for sharing an inaccurate graphic on social media in July last year.


The graphic claimed it was impossible for two people wearing masks and being six feet apart from contracting Covid.


The Scottish Government said it was unable to validate the source of the information with First Minister Nicola Sturgeon saying she would “reflect” on the use of the information, which had been disputed by international fact-checking services.


In response, a Scottish Government spokesperson said: "As noted by the ONS, the Deputy First Minister used the latest available data at the time to make the entirely valid point that the different approach being taken here was helping to protect people from the virus, given the substantial differences in COVID protections between Scotland and England prior to Boxing Day.


“Responding to a similar complaint from Willie Rennie, Sir David Norgrave said the First Minister was correct to state the figure for England was more than 20 per cent higher than the figure for Scotland, and that the data does suggest the rate of infection is lower in Scotland than in England.”


Yeah, John is a CUNT, a dirty wee lying paedophile protecting CUNT. John will tell any lie, cover up any crime as long as the price is right, be it in coin or in position, he will even work as hard as he can to deny, water down, or hide information related to Royal, Political and Judicial child abuse. Don't be like John, don't be a CUNT.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Feb. 9, 2022, 12:56 p.m. No.15588170   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4033


Inquiry: Bosses protected senior social worker accused of serial sexual abuse


A network of supportive senior managers protected a social worker accused of sexual and physical abuse, an inquiry has found.


Sean Bell’s bosses at City of Edinburgh Council’s ­children and families service even arranged a collection when he was signed off from his work with ill health while police investigated allegations.


The 59-year-old was found dead at the foot of Salisbury Crags in Edinburgh in August 2020 while awaiting trial for sexual offences. His victims said the council was to blame for allowing Bell’s abuse to continue unchecked.


The investigation, led by QC Susanne Tanner, found Bell’s abuse was verbal, physical and sexual. At least three witnesses were repeatedly sexually assaulted by Bell and the inquiry warned they were unlikely to be the only survivors. His behaviour was an open secret at the council, according to the report, and Bell exploited his senior position to ­discredit one victim.


In a joint statement, ­provided to The Sunday Post, the three victims said: “We welcome the findings of this comprehensive investigation. It is a huge relief to finally be listened to and believed. Sean Bell was a predatory, controlling, serial abuser – sexually, physically, emotionally and psychologically. His actions devastated the lives of so many – particularly women – over decades. It has been an ongoing nightmare.


“To City of Edinburgh Council, we say this – it is your fault Sean Bell’s repeated abuse was allowed to continue for so long. We urge you to implement every single recommendation in this report. Learn the lessons and never let this happen again.”


Former education ­director Alastair Gaw, who resigned last year, and Andy Jeffries, a senior manager in the children and families department who quit in August, are both criticised in the report. Bell’s inappropriate behaviour was reported to his bosses on multiple occasions over many years and police should have been informed, the report said, but Jeffries and Gaw decided to take no further action.


The report said that when Bell was accused of seriously assaulting a colleague in the 2010s, Jeffries and Gaw did nothing.


When a police ­investigation into historic offences did begin and Bell went off on leave, Jeffries organised a collection and circulated an email among staff that said: “I have passed on to Sean the huge number of warm wishes relayed to me by colleagues and we are all wishing him a good recovery.”


Bell, Jeffries and Gaw were members of a network offering misplaced support, according to the report, which said: “If any of them were in trouble, or subject to investigation, their cases would often be reviewed by other individuals in the network. Thus, objectivity and impartiality were absent.”


It added: “The inquiry team is of the view that Sean Bell’s position within the network may have afforded him a certain level of protection.”


Conservatives local government spokesman Jeremy Balfour said there were many questions still to be answered. He said: “The SNP-Labour council must ensure full transparency is given to survivors who have been left with many unanswered questions.”


The report recommends reform of the council’s system of investigating complaints of sexual and physical abuse.


A parallel investigation led by Tanner into the wider organisational culture of the council is ongoing.


Edinburgh council chief executive Andrew Kerr said: “This report lays bare the extent of his abuse and the terrible and long-lasting impact it had, and continues to have, on their lives.


“Regrettably, it is clear from evidence gathered that senior officers of the council did not act on extremely serious disclosures by survivors, and others.”


Law firm Pinsent Masons, which carried out the inquiry, said: “From the outset, the inquiry team’s approach to the inquiry has been survivor-led. It has engaged with the survivors throughout the process and they had sight of the closed and open reports prior to publication.”


Edinburgh councillors will discuss the report at a meeting on Thursday.


I grabbed the screenshot of the headline just to show that NI are expected to make a public apology in March…


Ireland had one, Scotland is still in the process of one, England whitewashed one and all of them conveniently left out the great and the good in politics, the judiciary and every other arm of government from their remit.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Feb. 10, 2022, 5:16 a.m. No.15592929   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2988 >>9969



Apologies, I posted here yesterday and did not notice yours prior to posting.

Thanks for the input, I really do appreciate any help, I lead a very disjointed life, have the attention span of a gnat and am distracted easily by the voice(s) in my head. I probably spend more time there (in my head) than I do anywhere, staring in to space and oblivious to all around me. Catatonic Schizophrenic!


Would there be separate lists for officers?


I have some details regarding the uniform of the subject of interest which might also help identify the rank:


I've no information on the jacket as it was never seen.


Black patent leather shoes (very shiny).

Black trousers.

Black shirt with gold braiding on the sleeves (elbow to cuff approx).

Hat, upper part white, lower part black, black brim with gold leaf shaped decoration on the edge of the brim (possibly olive leaf). Badge on centre of hat was a golden eagle.


Officer also wore a sword as part of his uniform which had a white (perhaps ivory) handle/grip, surrounded by a gold foil with a gold tasselled cord.


If anyone could help narrow down the applicable ranks which might have worn such a uniform that would narrow the search a fair bit.


Thanks bigly for your help and input which will always be appreciated.




I've heard this is video of this circulating on facebook and other social media, if anyone was able to find it and post it that would be good too…I'm not on facebook.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Feb. 10, 2022, 5:32 a.m. No.15592988   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9485


>Black shirt


No image searches using the information below have thrown up anything with a "black shirt".


The black shirt seems odd. This was probably mid 60's, would uniforms have changed much since then in US NAVY?



>Black patent leather shoes (very shiny).


>Black trousers.


>Black shirt with gold braiding on the sleeves (elbow to cuff approx).


>Hat, upper part white, lower part black, black brim with gold leaf shaped decoration on the edge of the brim (possibly olive leaf). Badge on centre of hat was a golden eagle.


>Officer also wore a sword as part of his uniform which had a white (perhaps ivory) handle/grip, surrounded by a gold foil with a gold tasselled cord.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Feb. 10, 2022, 5:45 a.m. No.15593056   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"As part of the Leveson Enquiry, why was a letter from the notorious ex-MP Keith Vaz to the then DPP Keir Starmer been locked away from public access for 84 years? What secret did neither of them want exposed until after they were long dead?"


Vaz found guilty of ‘sustained’ bullying – but still not suspended by Labour

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Feb. 11, 2022, 6:16 a.m. No.15601289   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4460



>Winter uniforms were the Service or Dress Blues

To a young boy the shirt appeared black, the seasonality agrees with his recollection of colder weather. Thanks you this was very helpful.




>From what you describe, the braiding sounds like the Commanding Officer, we called that feature "scrambled eggs"

Having shown the pics to my friend and there is too much braiding on the Admiral's hat where he suggested the braiding did not go so deep into the rim, and he remembers it to more in tune with the 1st pic of the "Commanding Officer's hat"



>A bunch of braiding strips down the sleeves tells me enlisted though.

My buddy is insistent that the braiding was on the sleeves of the shirt? In the pics you have supplied, and the other pics I have seen the braiding is on the sleeves of the Jacket; is it common to have the braiding on the sleeves of the winter shirt, or indeed any shirt? He is quite adamant he at no time saw the officer's jacket, either on or off of his person. His encounter with the officer would have been within the time frame of the Simon Lake's first posting in the holy loch.



>Might want to check about the badge on the hat. An anchor with or without the small stars would go with the "black" shirt.

He seems very certain that the cap badge was a gold eagle, he seemed very certain to begin with and only had slight doubt when I posed your comments to him, he gave it some thought, hesitantly suggested he was a young boy at the time and it might be possible…before quickly reverting back to firm belief it was a golden eagle.


He has said that above the shirt pocket was a gold badge, does not remember what exactly was on the badge, also having looked at your photographs he remembers gold anchor embossed buttons on the shirt.


This is a tremendous help, it is very fortunate that you have served and have taken an interest. I am very grateful for your assistance.




>The third pic is the Service Blue shirt, rank of Master Chief Petty Officer


I note there is no braiding on the brim of the hat worn by "Master Chief Petty Officer" so this seems like our subject is of higher rank, more in tune with a commanding officers hat as there are too many "scrambled eggs" on the Admiral's hat




>First pic shows a Commanding Officer's hat and the "scrambled eggs"

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Feb. 13, 2022, 11:19 a.m. No.15618668   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4033


ABUSE CLAIMS NHS hospital doctor arrested for ‘sexual assault’ on a child patient as police ‘identify eight more potential victims’


Sarah Grealish, 23:38, 12 Feb 2022


AN NHS doctor has been arrested on suspicion of child sexual assault - and cops have identified at least nine potential victims.


The 34-year-old had been working as an A&E clinician at the Royal Stoke University Hospital and dealt with thousands of patients in the few years.


Concerns were raised over the 34-year-old’s conduct nearly four years ago but he was allowed to return to work due to a lack of evidence.


He was arrested in December after parents of two girls aged seven and 15 made complaints about the doctor's conduct, reports The Sunday Times.


Now a major incident investigation has identified concerns in at least 109 patients who were seen by the doctor.


In 2018 he was suspended after the parents of a vulnerable young girl complained about his examination of their daughter.


A formal investigation was launched by Staffordshire police and the General Medical Council.


He was suspended for a year - but returned to work in 2019 when police said there was a lack of evidence.


He then completed his two-year training at Stoke hospital and took a new job in August 2020 in Dudley.


Last year concerns were again raised after complaints from parents of the two girls aged seven and 15.


He was excluded from his role in March 2021 and was suspended from practicing in October.


He has now been released on bail - and denies all allegations.


During his time at the Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust, he saw more than 800 patients - including 350 kids.


Staffordshire Police and the NHS have now launched Operation Anzu to review the clinical records of children seen by the doctor.


The Staffordshire force has also reported itself to the Independent Office for Police Conduct.


A spokesperson said: “A 34-year-old man, from the West Midlands, was arrested on suspicion of sexual assault in December 2021. He was released on bail with conditions pending further inquiries.”


They added that they are “reviewing an investigation into the same suspect it undertook in 2018”.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Feb. 13, 2022, 11:35 a.m. No.15618763   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2282




I'm scratching my head, for some reason the above posts of yours were not visible to me before posting my reply to you the other day, nor were they visible to me after posting. They were not visible to me until now after submitting the article to the board, but they show up as being posted prior to my reply to your other posts?


Weird. I'll talk to my friend later and update him with your comments and let you know his thoughts. I did think the stripes on the shirt on the lower arm odd.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Feb. 14, 2022, 1:51 p.m. No.15627631   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9833


>I think the individual may have been Merchant Marine, pics I'm finding the eagle is god.


With regard to him being a Merchant Marine, would the hat on the guy in the centre pic here be that of such a man?


If so my friend dismissed this hat, even though it had an eagle badge almost immediately, so going by his reaction I'd say no to this hat. My presumption is that this guy is Merchant Marine and the guy in this photo… >>15604480


…is the guy wearing an Admiral's uniform? He again is insistent that there is too much scrambled egg on this hat and only those nearest the brim were present, as in the commander's hat.


I do have to remember that my friend is a young boy at the time and a fairly old man now. I also have to remember that he was also subjected to ECT at points in his life and drug trials. I've just had him confirm that these things happened to him AFTER this period of abuse…


Could it be that he was taken in to the "care" of mental health facilities in order to make him forget these experiences? I don't know. It fits in with his original birth certificate being faked (according to officials, when as a young man some years later he first applied for a passport). MK-ultra mind control experiments are well known about, using drugs and ECT to compartmentalize the brain.


When I spoke to him about the badge on the hat and informed him of your very kind assistance in this matter (incidentally, he never thought to try to find out more about his assailant at any time, I thought from my time on the boards some of you might be able to shine a light on it for him) he began to assume that it may have been an anchor after all: His basis for doing so is that he immediately "dismissed" the very notion that it could be "God", he immediately said it can't be an Admiral. To me his preparedness to say "I guess it could've been an anchor" was based on nothing more than the instinct that tells a man to wear a mask to protect others in a viral pandemic, it is just a matter of social conditioning and his preparedness to dismiss one of such high rank so easily is synonymous to wearing a mask. Cognitive dissonance if you will. He is not so easily prepared to dismiss the scrambled eggs.


This is all very new to me. I have never sought to probe the boggley-eyed one on this before. I had never thought to inquire myself before now and I can see from his dis-ease that he finds talking about it uncomfortable. I still though believe that progress is being made with the insistence of the scrambled eggs. He was sure the guy was an officer.


I did manage to get a little more detail and have tried to prod him, asking questions for him to consider in an effort to remember more, I'm hoping the discussion might leave it lurking between conscious and sub-conscious, there but not apparent. Additional detail he remembered this time was what he described as "Buddy Holly" glasses worn by his assailant. He remembered a tall individual, who didn't stay on base but in a very large mansion house with more than 1 story.


The large house is a detail that seems to confirm an officer of high standing.


One other detail of particular significance in my own uneducated opinion is that this man was often accompanied by another man in quite particular clothing. I should say in advance of description of the 2nd man, that he took no part in, nor was present when any abuse took place. The 2nd fellow was dressed in matching shirt and pants, both of the same light blue material, somewhat resembling "washed out" denim, light blue in colour, and appearance. Not sure it was denim, but certainly reminiscent of it. Underneath the matching pants and shirt he wore a white T-shirt. The 2nd man was regularly with the assailant, but never when the abuse took place.


Could this too be suggestive of an officer of high rank? Could this be a driver, batman…whatever? Do high ranking officers have someone of lesser rank serving them is some subordinate level who accompany them around?


He also seems to remember seeing a lady at this very large stone built house (can't remember the colour of the stone) but not often and she also was never there when any abuse occurred.


I certainly do myself feel that this officer was of high rank: large house, scrambled eggs etc.


If an Admiral had ever visited the Holy Loch he would have access to all ships presumably, and that would include a vessel of the type which USS Simon Lake was. Would this be the case with someone of the rank of


>a Commanding Officer?

Would a commanding officer have a sub-ordinate assigned to him that might perhaps be dressed in similar fashion to the 2nd man who did not take part in the abuse?



Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Feb. 15, 2022, 3:43 p.m. No.15636578   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4033


Man handed record £1,400,000 in damages over allegation he was raped by monks


Sam CorbishleyTuesday 15 Feb 2022


For 30 years a middle-aged former Catholic boarding school pupil tried to bury the memories of what happened when monks would creep into ‘the favourite boys room’.


Now 54, the man named only as AB, claimed both he and his brother were among the dozens of children targeted at St Ninian’s School in Falkland, Fife, in the late 1960s, 70s, and early 80s.


After keeping his past a secret – even from his wife and daughter – he has now been awarded almost £1.4 million in damages after launching a civil case against the Christian Brothers religious order which ran the school.


He accused Brothers Ryan, Farrell, and Kelly of repeatedly raping, sexually assaulting, and beating him while studying there between February 1980 and April 1981, beginning when he was just 12.


AB described how the trio would target children from a dorm they sinisterly referred to as the ‘favourite boys room’, from which classmates would be able to hear their screams.


He said the monks would also sit up at night drinking and listening to Ashes to Ashes by David Bowie.


The song still triggers flashbacks of lying under the duvet trembling in fear at the thought of them coming back to abuse him again.


Recalling the moment he finally opened up on his ordeal, to police in 2013, AB said: ‘I just broke down in tears. Until then I’d been living in my head for 30 years.


The Christian Brothers congregation tried to have the civil case thrown out, but a sheriff dismissed the attempt in a written judgement released on February 4.


Speaking after the ruling, AB said he hopes the landmark decision will inspire other abuse victims to fight for justice.


The court heard AB has suffered mentally and physically because of the alleged abuse.


Dr Wild, Clinical Psychologist, Department of Psychology at Stobhill Hospital, said the victim described ‘symptoms consistent with social anxiety, and acute periods of panic’.


The written judgement ruled that AB went on to take drugs ‘to feel normal inside’ and ‘clear his memory from the abuse’ after what had happened.


Evidence provided noted the claimant has suffered depression, anxiety, panic attacks, self-harm and sleeping problems since he left the school, and he went on to abuse various drugs, including cannabis and heroin, and attempted to take his own life.


AB also consumed ‘excessive alcohol’ and developed stage four liver cirrhosis, the case heard.


In July 2016, at the High Court in Glasgow, Brother Farrell was convicted of four abuse charges and Brother Kelly was convicted of six charges.


Both charges involved children aged between 11 and 15 years old. They were both jailed in August 2016 – Farrell for five years and Kelly for 10 years.


Brother Ryan died in July 2013 before he could be investigated.


AB’s evidence did not play a part in the convictions, but this month sheriff Christopher Dickson ruled there was enough proof to find the Christian Brothers order liable to pay damages.


This included compensation (£95,000), interest on compensation offered during and after abuse (£73,990), past wage loss and interest on past wage loss due to AB’s difficulty in maintaining a job (£1,008,937), future wage loss (£190,043), pension loss (£23,100) and future cost of treatment, including cognitive behavioural therapy (£2,200) – a total of £1,393,270.


The Christian Brothers sect, which accepted that Brother Ryan was a predatory paedophile, tried to have the civil action thrown out as the death of the monk meant they could not investigate AB’s allegations.


They also said there were ‘large gaps’ in AB’s evidence and argued that memory was ‘especially unreliable’ when it comes to recalling the past.


Olivia Bell, an independent registered forensic psychologist whom the Christian Brothers’ lawyers brought in to give evidence, said a person’s memory could be influenced by ‘post event information’.


Investigative interviewing could also influence the accuracy and amount of detail provided by a witness, she said, and some studies stated that cannabis use could induce false memories.


But Sheriff Christopher Dickson dismissed her comments as ‘inadmissible’.


Kim Leslie, Partner at Digby Brown, said she is not aware of any higher sums every being awarded to a victim and described the settlement as a ‘landmark’ case.


According to evidence in the written judgment from Detective Constable Andrew Gilmore, police investigations identified 35 victims of abuse linked to St Ninian’s.


After the criminal trial in 2016, he said police identified a further 20 to 30 victims of abuse at the school.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Feb. 16, 2022, 6:16 a.m. No.15641268   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4851


>Dungarees were the Working Uniform of USN for decades


My good friend was delighted to see your pics again. He gets a little excited to see confirmation of what he is telling me. After being friends for more than 30 years and having discussed these matters for the whole of that time, he still feels that nobody believes him when discussing the life he led as a boy.


What he tells me regarding the 3rd of these pics is that the shirt is the right colour but the pants are much too dark and on the 2nd man, who took no part in the abuse I'm told the shirt in your pic is the right colour, but that the pants were the same colour as the shirt,.as he remembers. He was absotely ecstatic to see his memory served him well with the white T underneath that shirt.


I have some other news which I did not post yesterday before the article I submitted. Again did not see any post from you, even after refresh, apologies, should have used your earlier suggestion, but forgot until after I submitted.


I had held back from posting the new memories that I'd unearthed until you had responded, for fear of info overload for you Sir.


This new info came after I'd already replied last to you. He gave me some rather specific info regarding his assailant. He remembered a little more about the house the man lived in. It appears from his recollection that the house looked on to the base and from a large bay window he was able to see the USS Simon Lake. He said that the house some way up on a hillside looked down on the base, so possibly on the opposite shore…I don't know. He seemed to suggest that the large bay window (his description) was more rounded, so perhaps in a turret shaped part of the building, again I don't know, trying to read between what he is telling me, he becomes very animated discussing these things and in a sense angry too. There were 3 windows from what I can gather, one large one in the centre and 2 slimmer ones, one either side of the large one in the centre.


One more, I think very specific detail regarding this man was that he drove a very specific car. My friend suggested to me that he drove a large cream or beige coloured Cadillac. On the trunk of the Cadilllac was a wheel shaped arch formed.


I can tell you that Caddy's were not common then in Scotland, they are not common now. I'm feeling that the owner was most likely the assailant and that perhaps he brought that car over with him personally? This could be a detail that could positively identify this man. How many cars of that type would have been driven by serving officers, my guess is very few and quite probably only that one.


Someone who served there in the 60's might very well be able to identify the driver/s, it would not have been common at all.


Thank you Sir again for your time. Progress it seems is being made and it is all thanks to you.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Feb. 16, 2022, 6:30 a.m. No.15641344   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8235


>Dungarees were the Working Uniform of USN for decades


My good friend was delighted to see your pics again. He gets a little excited to see confirmation of what he is telling me. After being friends for more than 30 years and having discussed these matters for the whole of that time, he still feels that nobody believes him when discussing the life he led as a boy.


What he tells me regarding the 3rd of these pics is that the shirt is the right colour but the pants are much too dark and on the 2nd man, who took no part in the abuse I'm told the shirt in your pic is the right colour, but that the pants were the same colour as the shirt,.as he remembers. He was absotely ecstatic to see his memory served him well with the white T underneath that shirt.


I have some other news which I did not post yesterday before the article I submitted. Again did not see any post from you, even after refresh, apologies, should have used your earlier suggestion, but forgot until after I submitted.


I had held back from posting the new memories that I'd unearthed until you had responded, for fear of info overload for you Sir.


This new info came after I'd already replied last to you. He gave me some rather specific info regarding his assailant. He remembered a little more about the house the man lived in. It appears from his recollection that the house looked on to the base and from a large bay window he was able to see the USS Simon Lake. He said that the house some way up on a hillside looked down on the base, so possibly on the opposite shore…I don't know. He seemed to suggest that the large bay window (his description) was more rounded, so perhaps in a turret shaped part of the building, again I don't know, trying to read between what he is telling me, he becomes very animated discussing these things and in a sense angry too. There were 3 windows from what I can gather, one large one in the centre and 2 slimmer ones, one either side of the large one in the centre.


One more, I think very specific detail regarding this man was that he drove a very specific car. My friend suggested to me that he drove a large cream or beige coloured Cadillac. On the trunk of the Cadilllac was a wheel shaped arch formed.


I can tell you that Caddy's were not common then in Scotland, they are not common now. I'm feeling that the owner was most likely the assailant and that perhaps he brought that car over with him personally? This could be a detail that could positively identify this man. How many cars of that type would have been driven by serving officers, my guess is very few and quite probably only that one.


Someone who served there in the 60's might very well be able to identify the driver/s, it would not have been common at all.


Thank you Sir again for your time. Progress it seems is being made and it is all thanks to you.>>15636578

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Feb. 16, 2022, 8:51 a.m. No.15642291   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Police to investigate Prince Charles' charity


The Metropolitan Police is to investigate claims Prince Charles' charity offered honours help to a Saudi citizen.


The force said it is investigating alleged offences under the Honours (Prevention of Abuses) Act 1925.


There have been no arrests or interviews under caution, the Met said.


The Prince's Foundation said it would be "inappropriate to comment on an ongoing investigation".


It is understood to be continuing to offer its full co-operation to the Metropolitan Police.


Clarence House reiterated its previous insistence that Prince Charles had "no knowledge of the alleged offer of honours or British citizenship on the basis of donation to his charities".


He is president of the foundation but is not involved with its governance, with the charity's trustees overseeing its day-to-day activities.


The Met's decision to investigate follows its assessment of a letter it received last September relating to media reports that Prince Charles' former valet Michael Fawcett allegedly offered to help secure an honour for a Saudi citizen.


Anti-monarchy pressure group Republic reported the heir to the throne and Fawcett to the police last September.


Its chief executive Graham Smith said: "We hope the investigation will be carried out without fear or favour and be as thorough as it needs to be."


After the allegations emerged, Mr Fawcett temporarily stepped back as chief executive of The Prince's Foundation, before resigning in November. The charity announced an investigation into the allegations.


The Metropolitan Police said in a statement that its decision to investigate alleged offences followed "assessment of a September 2021 letter. This related to media reporting alleging offers of help were made to secure honours and citizenship for a Saudi national".


It added: "Officers liaised with The Prince's Foundation about the findings of an independent investigation into fundraising practices.


"The foundation provided a number of relevant documents.


"These documents were reviewed alongside existing information. The assessment determined an investigation will commence.


"There have been no arrests or interviews under caution."


Honours - such as MBEs, OBEs and CBEs - publicly recognise people's achievements in public life or commitment to serving Britain and anyone in the UK can nominate a British national to receive one.


Honorary awards are given to people who are not British or a national of a country where the Queen is Head of State.


Most are awarded on the recommendation of an honours committee within the Cabinet Office, which is then sent to the prime minister and awarded by the Queen.>>15636578

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Feb. 16, 2022, 10:40 a.m. No.15643068   🗄️.is 🔗kun



"Iron Sky" by Paolo Nutini - Featuring (Film) of Charlie Chaplin


29 Aug 2014






634 subscribers

Including actual film footage of Charlie Chaplin synced with the song.


This video was one of my biggest challenges, so far. First, I wanted to artistically (with still art and film) add to, or emphasize the passion of this song, and that of Paolo Nutini.


Actual footage from the original 1941 film of "The Great Dictator," and Charlie Chaplin with the existing audio portion of Paolo's song, has been sync'ed with the actual portions of the film to match the audio from the song. The cut of the film, I included, had to be just right so there isn't an appearance of lip sync.


If you want to see the full film/video the link is here:…


If you want to know the history of this speech here is a Wiki link for it:…


What might be worth observing is to see/hear the parts that were used in this song, and what wasn't used or cut out. This may give you some insight as to Paolo's intent or meaning? Or perhaps it was only an issue of a time edit? I'm not sure, but welcome comments on the topic. :)


Thumbnail credit: The image on the left side of thumbnail, of Paolo Nutini, was downloaded from I customized the background and added the lettering. Also, I took a screenshot, of Charlie's film, and merged/edited Paolo into it.


Paolo Nutini - Iron Sky

[Album: Caustic Love]


Background Information: Paolo Nutini

Birth name: Paolo Giovanni Nutini

Born: 9 January 1987

Origin: Paisley, Scotland

Years active: 2005–present

Labels: Atlantic





  • Pop Rock

  • Blue Eyed Soul

  • Folk

  • Blues

  • Easy Listening



  • Singer

  • Songwriter

  • Musician



  • Vocals

  • Guitar


Lyrics: Paolo Nutini - Iron Sky


We are proud individuals living on the city,

But the flames couldn't go much higher.

We find God and religions to,

To paint us with salvation.

But no one,

No nobody,

Can give you the power,


To rise over love,

And over hate,

Through this iron sky,

That's fast becoming our minds.

Over fear and into freedom.


Oh, that's life

That's dripping down the walls

Of a dream that cannot breathe

In this harsh reality

Mass confusion spoon fed to the blind

Serves now to define our cold society


From which we'll rise over love,

Over hate,

From this iron sky,

That's fast becoming our minds.

Over fear and into freedom.


You just got to hold on!

You just got to hold on!


Ohhh ohhhh oh oh


(To those who can hear me, I say, do not despair.

The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed,

the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress.

The hate of men will pass, and dictators die,

and the power they took from the people will return to the people.

And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.

Don't give yourselves to these unnatural men –

machine men with machine minds and machine hearts!

You are not machines, you are not cattle, you are men!

You, the people, have the power to make this life free and beautiful,

to make this life a wonderful adventure

Let us use that power!

Let us all unite!)


And we'll rise over love,

And over hate,

Through this iron sky,

That's fast becoming our minds

Over fear,

Into freedom.

Into freedom!


From which we'll rise over love,

And over hate,

Through this iron sky,

That's fast becoming our minds.

Over fear and into freedom.




Rain on me!

Rain on me!

Rain on me!


Paolo Nutini - Iron Sky

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Feb. 16, 2022, 6:07 p.m. No.15646356   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why The Government Should Fear The People


Scots guy who gets it.


The voice of the people, is the voice of God. When every man and woman stands up in defiance of these cunts they will realise their power, they will speak as one and for truth. It will happen but I wish they'd hurry the fuck up!

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Feb. 21, 2022, 3:44 a.m. No.15681307   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4048


SNP sex guidance 'effectively lowers age of consent to 13' say campaigners


The Scottish Government now recommends police officers, teachers and social workers should not automatically inform parents if their child is having sex before the age of 16


The SNP-run Scottish Government has been accused of effectively lowering the legal age of consent in Scotland to just 13 by campaigners.


New guidance for police, teachers and social workers states that parents should not be automatically told if their children are having sex before the age of 16.


Instead, the policy says that if a young person is in a "safe and mutually respectful" relationship, their "confidentiality" should be respected.


The change has been blasted by family campaigners and the Catholic church.


The row follows on from the controversy surrounding the SNP's hated 'sex survey' for school children.


Although the guidance still recognises the legal age of consent as 16 - and those aged 13 to 16 would still be committing an offence - it also states teenagers will not be automatically considered at "risk of significant harm," reports the Mail on Sunday.


Instead, factors such as age or whether alcohol or drugs were involved will be considered. Whether there is a "power imbalance" or whether grooming, bribing or coersion is involved will also be taken into account.


The guidance says: "If sexual activity is taking place/has taken place within a safe and mutually respectful relationship, then confidentiality should generally be maintained as there is a high threshold for when the duty of confidentiality should be outweighed.


"The facts and circumstances of each case must be carefully considered before deciding if the public interest favours the disclosure of confidential information."


It adds: "Information may lawfully be shared where there is an overriding interest which outweighs the duty of confidentiality. Overriding confidentiality must be justified and proportionate, taking into account the nature and probability of risk to the young person and/or others.


"The child's wishes and feelings must be heard and taken into account. The reasons for decisions made (for instance, in relation to information sharing) must be recorded."


However, the Family Education Trust says the rules now make the legal age of consent "effectively" 13.


Piers Shepherd of the Trust told the MoS: "This guidance, while acknowledging that the age of consent is 16, effectively ignores it in practice as long as it is taking place in a safe and mutually respectful relationship.


"It is effectively a charter for underage sex. The whole emphasis on confidentiality shows scant respect for parents who are principal legal guardians.


"If a young person under 16 is involved in sexual activity, it raises serious health and safety concerns. Parents are best placed to shield children from the harmful effects of underage sexual activity."


A spokesman for the Catholic Church described the guidance as "morally bankrupt" and said it "entirely ignores the statutory protection given to children and should be revised immediately".


He added: "Believing children are equipped to make moral judgments about how they behave sexually fundamentally undermines child protection. The sheer hypocrisy is highlighted by the fact that the Scottish Government requires applications for the new free bus travel card for young people to be made by a parent, if the young person is under 16."


The Scottish Government has defended the guidance, which is included in its 276- page National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland 2021.


A spokesman said: "This non-statutory guidance does not conflict in any way with the Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act 2009, which maintains the age of consent at 16.


"The law continues to make clear that society does not encourage sexual intercourse in young people under 16. It does not, however, follow that there are child protection concerns in all cases.


"Overriding confidentiality must be justified and proportionate, taking into account the nature and probability of risk to the young person and/or others. The child's wishes and feelings must be heard and taken into account."


But Meghan Gallacher, Scottish Conservative spokeswoman for Children and Young People, said: "Maintaining clear and robust age of consent regulations is crucial to protecting children from potential abuse.


"It is vital for children's safety that guidance on this is as straightforward as possible. Any grey or contradictory areas could result in child safety being impacted."

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Feb. 21, 2022, 2:37 p.m. No.15685304   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4036


GET WELL SOON, MA'AM The Queen tested positive for Covid after outbreak swept through staff and aides at Windsor Castle


THE Queen is “determined to carry on” after testing positive for Covid — by working from home at Windsor.


The 95-year-old is in ­isolation and being monitored around the clock.


Hours after her test she signed off a statement hailing Team GB’s Olympic medal-winning curlers.


As the nation wished her a speedy recovery yesterday Her Majesty was said to be ­suffering mild symptoms.


She returned her positive result during a routine morning test.


The monarch has been placed in isolation and will be monitored by doctors round the clock.


Palace sources said the Queen — who is triple-jabbed — is on “light duties” and will “work from home”.


She is said to be “determined to carry on” and expects to fulfil engagements later this week.


A Covid-19 outbreak was found in staff at Windsor Castle on Friday.


The Palace would not yesterday confirm how many were off sick, but it is believed to be enough to be significant.


Aides are not currently “overly-concerned” for the Queen but aware of the dangers Covid poses to a woman of her age, sources added.


Prince Charles, 73, and his wife ­Camilla, 74, both tested positive in the past two weeks.


Palace sources say it is unlikely the Queen caught Covid from them.


It is understood that Prince Andrew, 62 — who was in the castle every night last week — does not have the virus.


A royal source said: “There are procedures in place but there’s been a wave at Windsor with a number of cases among household staff.


“The Queen has mild cold-like symptoms and plans to carry out light duties. She is determined to carry on.”


Video calls and planned engagements remain in the diary, sources stressed.


But it is unlikely that face-to-face engagements will go ahead for the time being.


The positive PCR test result sparked fresh health concerns for Her Majesty after Prince Charles initially sparked Covid fears for her nearly a fortnight ago.


He tested positive two days after they had afternoon tea at Windsor Castle. Camilla was also diagnosed with the virus several days later.



A spokesman for Buckingham Palace broke the news of the Queen’s diagnosis at 11.45am


He added: “She will continue to receive medical attention and will follow all appropriate guidelines.”


In a bid to stress the Queen was suffering only mild symptoms, the Palace then issued a statement “signed off” by her to celebrate Team GB’s gold and silver medals in the curling at the Winter Olympics in Beijing.


She wrote: “I know that your local communities and people throughout the United Kingdom will join me in sending our good wishes to you, your coaches and the friends and family who have supported you in your great success.”


Royal expert Angela Levin said: “It is a very worrying time because you don’t know what can happen and when.


"You don’t want to totally isolate her. She needs contact with people — she has done that ever since she came to the throne.


“It would make her sad and think about negative things because that is what you do when you are on your own for a long time.”


Commentator Alastair Bruce said the news was “a worry” but that the Queen is well looked after and is “a fighter”.


Royal biographer Robert Jobson said: “The Queen is 96 in April and Covid of course, whether you’ve been vaccinated three times as Her Majesty has, it still has an impact particularly on older people.


“There is no doubt the Prince of Wales and his family will be concerned by this development and won’t be complacent.”



Ingrid Seward, editor-in-chief of Majesty Magazine, said: “The Queen is incredibly stoic and of a different generation. Anyone who grew up in the war, they hate this kind of fuss.


“She would hate the idea it was publicly being acknowledged she has Covid. But she understands that it must be.


“She is probably far more concerned that Russia might be invading Ukraine.


“She will be determined nothing is going to stop her getting through this Platinum Jubilee and if she has to stay in Windsor Castle through a new bubble for the next ten days, so be it.


"She is probably almost relieved she has it now and can get over it and go on with things.”

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Feb. 21, 2022, 2:37 p.m. No.15685308   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4036

The castle outbreak came after Her Majesty looked back at her best hosting the switchover of her Defence Secretaries in the Oak Room at Windsor.


Using a walking stick for balance, she was filmed saying “I’m here” and complained “As you can see I can’t move.”


The Queen fully intends to fulfil three major jobs next month.


She is due to host a diplomats dinner at Windsor Castle in two weeks’ time.


Then she is due to attend the Commonwealth Day ceremony at Westminster Abbey on March 14.



The Queen also wants to be alongside her family at the Abbey for a thanksgiving service for her late husband Prince Philip on March 29.


He died aged 99 last April.


She is then expected to be right at the front of her four-day Platinum Jubilee party in June.


Yesterday’s health blow came four months after The Sun revealed the Queen had spent a night in hospital for “preliminary investigations”.


She emerged back to work this month — just days after marking her 70 years on the throne, spending Accession Day at Sandringham, Norfolk.


TV stars were among those sending “get well” wishes yesterday.


Sun columnist Piers Morgan tweeted: “Wishing Her Majesty, The Queen a full & speedy recovery from COVID-19. Worrying for any 95-year-old person to catch this virus, and a very worrying time for Britain when it’s our Monarch. Good luck, Ma’am.”


Match of the Day presenter Gary Lineker also wished her a “full and speedy recovery”.




The Duchess of Cambridge will still fly to Copenhagen tomorrow on a solo two-day working trip on child development — despite the Queen’s health scare, Kensington Palace said.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Feb. 21, 2022, 3:27 p.m. No.15685639   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5402



>Dungaree pants are dark when new, but fade quickly.


>World War two had a full denim uniform and to a young boy coveralls with a belt could appear as separate shirt and pants. SIMON LAKE was a submarine tender so work going on all the time


I was waiting on some more input from elsewhere before replying, apologies for taking some time to get back to you. My buddy acknowledges your point as a possibility.



>list of commanding officers, USS SIMON LAKE


I spoke to a friend, a veteran Naval Officer who did manage to send me a couple of pics of the 2 Commanding Officers on your list that would most likely have served at the time of significance, which I have attached and it would seem it is neither of these 2 men that I am searching for. The first is 2nd on your list, Captain George Fitzallan Ellis Jr. The 2nd was Captain Robert Allan Maxwell. Salute to both, their pics are included for you and I'm happy to confirm neither were involved in the matters previously relayed.


There seems to be some issue with attaching the photos of the 2 officers, they do not show up in the panes unlike other photographs, will screenshot them in case it assists in their viewing. I'm fairly sure they're either very old men now or have passed on.


I do have problems with stuff disappearing from the board and then re-appearing, very unusual. As a result have only just now managed via zoom call to show my buddy your latest posts and will comment again tomorrow if I can on those.


I have to sleep, tired.


Again many thanks, I know you are taking a considerable chunk of your time on this and again I can't thank you enough. God bless and will post again as soon as I can.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Feb. 23, 2022, 11:29 a.m. No.15701113   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Police said it was suggested by the complainants that offences including gross negligent manslaughter and misconduct in a public office may have taken place.


Scotland Yard said there will be no further action following an assessment of allegations made about the UK’s Covid-19 vaccine programme.


The Metropolitan Police said a number of documents were submitted at a West London police station on December 20 in support of claims that alleged people in the UK Parliament and other organisations had suppressed information about the severity of health implications for those taking the vaccine.


Police said it was suggested by the complainants that offences including gross negligent manslaughter and misconduct in a public office may have taken place.


Following an assessment of all the available evidence, the Met said “it is clear that no criminal offences are apparent”.


The force said it will not be launching a criminal investigation and no further action will be taken in relation to the allegations.


Deputy Assistant Commissioner Jane Connors said: “The vaccines in use against Covid-19 have been approved by all the relevant national and international regulatory bodies.


“They underwent multiple trials and were subject to stringent approval processes. They are in use in more than 100 countries.


“We have found no evidence to support any claims that information about adverse health implications is being suppressed or withheld from the public in the manner that was alleged.”


She said the existence of a crime reference number in relation to these allegations has been widely misrepresented in recent months as evidence of a criminal investigation or of findings of wrongdoing.


“That is not the case. There have been a number of incidents where individuals quoting this crime reference number have attended vaccination centres, hospitals and other locations in an effort to disrupt the UK’s vaccination programme. That is unacceptable.


“Staff and volunteers working in these places are doing a vitally important job and have the right to do so free from attempts to threaten, intimidate or otherwise disrupt them.


“Efforts to do so will not be tolerated by the Met or our partners across the country,” she said.



No surprises here I suppose!

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 Feb. 23, 2022, 12:05 p.m. No.15701411   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2504



>Not sure what the issue was, I'm looking at the images of the two captains just fine on my end


I deleted them and took screenshots instead.


Of the other pics you supplied he recognises the USS Los Alamos. He saw it often, though insists that he was taken on board the Simon Lake, and was at no time ever present on board the dry dock, which he says the submarines were manoeuvred into for repairs.


He was taken on to the base on land at the Holy Loch and remembers they had a 10 pin bowling alley there; a cinema, cafeteria and thinks there may have been a swimming pool.


He normally was driven to the land base in a van with other children….it seems that for public relations this was a common occurrence. He does not remember the other children and has no idea if similar things befell them.


I seem to remember, prior to posting a request for assistance on the board, searching the web and seeing some pics of personnel at such a function. I will try to find them again when I have some spare time on my hands.


He couldn't remember any more about hat badges and remembered nothing regarding those above the pockets.


It seems that his best hope so far in the identification of the assailant is the car.



>Here's where process of elimination comes in handy. Are we searching for a Commanding Officer of USS SIMON LAKE? Are we looking for the Commanding Officer of the Marine Security Detachment? Are we looking for the Officer-In-Charge of the dry-dock USS LOS ALAMOS? Are we trying to find the Commanding Officer of one of the subs?


As you point out, there are many possibilities available in identifying him. What I wonder is whether or not a submarine Captain would have went to the expense of bringing over a Cadillac if his vessel was there only for the purpose of repair and maintenance?


These sorts of abuses also took place in the village of RHU, Argyle with Naval personnel. I think I posted something previously, perhaps on an earlier board regarding that. It was to do with the Seaman’s mission and there were some legal issues around that which affect other historical cases of child abuse. The case in point was a legal challenge from the BBC. I can't remember it off the top of my head and I'm having difficulty finding it again. I posted it because a recent ruling in the case affected victim's ability to continue civil action against the seafarers society.


The only other snippet he has shared with me is the memory of personnel flying between bases at the Holy Loch and Faslane by helicopter.


Sorry I have not more positve news. Thanks again for your valuable time.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 March 2, 2022, 3:19 p.m. No.15766460   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7307

I found this article on pressreader and took a screenshot, very happy I did so because now when trying to find the article again, even using the browser history gives me a totally different article which I will also add.


Here is a similar article from the daily record dealing with the same figures:


A Freedom of Information report revealed that 45 per cent of the 23,798 complaints received between 2014 and 2020 were minor and resolved following an explanation or apology while seven officers were sacked.


Nearly 300 complaints a month are being made to Police Scotland about the conduct of their officers.


Allegations of assault, corruption, discrimination, excessive force, rudeness, neglect of duty, harassment and motoring offences all form part of the issues being raised.


The shock figures – obtained under Freedom of Information (FOI) – show that 14,780 officers were the subject of 23,798 complaints between April 2014 and December 2020.


All accusations of improper conduct are normally investigated by Police Scotland’s Professional Standards Unit.


Sanctions against offending officers can range from a verbal warning to dismissal.


According to the FOI report, 45 per cent of the 23,798 complaints were minor and resolved following an explanation or apology.


But 1834 contained allegations of criminality, including 204 of sexual misconduct.


Seven officers were sacked as a result of the crime claims and 42 retired or resigned.


Out of the 14,780 officers, 9561 had more than one complaint against them and four had between 20 and 25.


Last month Constable David Taylor, 37, was jailed for 14 months for bombarding women crime victims – whose cases he was investigating – with obscene texts and photos.


Assistant Chief Constable (ACC) Pat Campbell, who is responsible for organised crime, counter-terrorism and intelligence, was suspended from duty after allegations made by a woman at an awards ceremony at a hotel in Edinburgh in November.


The incident is being probed the Police Investigations and Review Commissioner.


In March we told how a police custody officer was disciplined after she dressed up as a clown to mock a female prisoner. The incident was among 14 complaints the unnamed woman made after she was arrested.


Three years ago ACC Bernie Higgins was cleared of misconduct by watchdog body the Scottish Police Authority over claims he illegally discharged a gun at a police firing range.


Higgins, who was temporarily suspended from duty, delayed his retirement to clear his name.


He was responsible for ­policing the Cop26 summit in Glasgow in November before retiring last week.


In August we revealed how Police Scotland has set up a secret watchlist of officers who are the subject of repeated complaints about conduct.


Anyone who amasses four or more complaints in any 12-month period is added to the list.


Last year a damning report by former lord advocate Dame Elish Angiolini found major issues over how Police Scotland handled

complaints from the public.


David Kennedy, deputy general secretary of the Scottish Police Federation, said the nature of their job made cops vulnerable to complaints and many had long waits to hear the outcome.


He added: “The service has put processes in place to root out the more serious complaints, which we welcome. We don’t want bad police officers to slip through the net.


“It should also be remembered police officers have bad days just like any member of the public. They just want to get on with their jobs as best they can.”


The Sunday Mail revealed in November how police received a complaint for each day of the Cop26 climate conference, which lasted 25 days, in Glasgow.


Scottish Conservative Russell Findlay said: “The Scottish Government are responsible for the flawed police complaints system and must act on the recommendations highlighted in Dame Angiolini’s report.”


Chief Superintendent Andy McDowall said: “When a serious allegation is made about a police officer, a detailed and thorough investigation is undertaken.


“Any proven behaviour where an officer has breached the trust of the public and exploited their position is assessed at the highest end of misconduct, where sanctions can include dismissal.”


This article now replaces the one I had on screen half an hour ago, but am now no longer able to retrieve online….Text of which is in first screenshot. I'll attach the full content of the article on MI5 to next post. IF it is still retrievable when I go back to it.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 March 2, 2022, 4:28 p.m. No.15767132   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7307


>Looks like fairly standard for the subs to be forward deployed from Holy Loch, not just in for repairs. If a sub was going to be based there for a number of years, a high-ranking officer could have a Cadillac shipped over and would be quartered ashore.


This makes a lot of sense, and something I hadn't considered. Thanks.






"February 1961, Comdr. William E. Sims (blue crew) and Comdr. Oliver H. Perry, Jr. (gold crew) in command."


From Feb 61 until "Late in the spring of 1965, she departed Holy Loch on her 17th and final patrol of the deployment." would it be safe to assume the command had not changed as there is no suggestion of a change of command in the article you kindly probided on " USS THEODORE ROOSEVELT (SSBN-600)"?



>Theodore Roosevelt's second tour of duty operating from the Scotland base proved to be very brief in comparison to her first. Between mid-June of 1967 and February of 1968, she completed her 18th, 19th, 20th, and 21st patrols. On 20 March 1968 while returning to Holy Loch from her 21st patrol, the submarine ran aground off the western coast of Scotland. After dry-docking for temporary correction of the damage, she departed Holy Loch on 5 April to return to the United States for permanent repairs. Between 18 and 20 April, she unloaded her missiles at Charleston and then headed north to New London. On the 23d, she arrived in the yard of the Electric Boat Division and commenced an extended repair period. Labor disputes caused delays, and Theodore Roosevelt did not complete her repairs until mid-October. She spent the latter part of that month in sea trials and then departed New London on 2 November on her post-repair shakedown cruise. She visited Norfolk, Puerto Rico, and St. Croix before concluding the cruise at Charleston on 27 November. She conducted training operations out of Charleston before deploying to Holy Loch again early in 1969.


What would be the likelyhood of a change in command during the visit to Charleston before returning to the Holy Loch?




> She conducted training operations out of Charleston before deploying to Holy Loch again early in 1969.


>That tour of duty lasted until May 1971. During the interim, she conducted nine more deterrent patrols, returning to Holy Loch for refit after each. On 12 May 1971, she stood out of Holy Loch on the 31st patrol of her career



This might be a bit late for the circumstance I'm interested in but I can't be 100% sure of it and so the same question, would there have been a possibility of a change in command?


I'll thank you again, I am not convinced that my line of inquiry is not being scrutinised by Military and Gov't departments and I understand that I might be putting you in as much of a dangerous position as I put myself. It is not a coincidence that many of my recent posts here in this regard are invisible to me until I post something else each time I visit, that and the disappearing content referred to in my earlier post….which I still have to post. An odd and very lengthy piece on MI5 wanting it would seem to paint everyone who wants to highlight deviancy in high office no less than a russian or chinese spy/symapthiser.


Very curious state of affairs. I shall not be deterred, no matter what ill befalls me.




>So far I can come across only one pic of a Cadillac with the trunk shaped for the spare tire, this one a 1973 El Dorado that belonged to Elvis Presley


Yes, the shape and colour are exactly as my friend describes, though this being a 1973 model vehicle it would be too late a model, I think we'd be talking no later than 68, will quiz him again on the dates when we next talk.


God bless you and protect you. I notice a lot of interest for people photographing in my general direction these days. I thought I should make you aware and will understand if this puts you off further assistance.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 March 2, 2022, 4:45 p.m. No.15767307   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I think we'd be talking no later than 68,


It could be earlier than the mid 60's, if these things happened beginning mid 60, or slightly earlier, then the car might be earlier still if not brand new when shipped?








>This article now replaces the one I had on screen half an hour ago, but am now no longer able to retrieve online….Text of which is in first screenshot. I'll attach the full content of the article on MI5 to next post. IF it is still retrievable when I go back to it.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 March 2, 2022, 5:12 p.m. No.15767624   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7629 >>4048


These MPs praised ‘brave’ Russian protesters – then voted to restrict protest in the UK


One MP commended Russians who had taken to the streets to protest, only to vote to ban protests in the UK if they’re too noisy.


Tory MPs may have been busy expressing their admiration for Russians risking arrest to take part in anti-war marches – but that didn’t stop them voting to restrict the right to protest here in the UK.


Three MPs, who publicly praised the protesters as “brave”, and called for Russians to “stand up against the Kremlin regime” voted on Monday night to support new restrictions on protests in the government’s Police, Crime, Sentencing, and Courts bill.


They were among a majority of MPs who voted to allow police to restrict protests which cause serious disruption, and to restrict single-person protests – throwing out votes passed by the House of Lords to stop these measures.


Leading human rights charity Liberty said it was “disappointing and hypocritical to see MPs voting to criminalise forms of dissent in the UK”.


Sally-Ann Hart, MP for Hastings and Rye, stood up in parliament on Thursday to call for greater support for Russian protesters.


“President Zelensky gave a powerful and stirring speech yesterday that called on the Russian people to stand up to President Putin over his illegal invasion, and we have already seen extensive protests across Russia.


She asked armed forces minister James Heappey: “Can [he] join President Zelensky in calling on Russian citizens, who have never experienced a real democracy, to stand up against the Kremlin regime and its unprovoked aggression?”


On Monday night, Hart voted against the amendments put forward by the Lords.


Tom Tugendhat, chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee, retweeted a video of demonstrators risking arrest by marching through Moscow, and said: “Russia deserves better”.


Tugendhat also voted to scrap the Lords amendments.


Julian Sturdy, the Conservative MP for York Outer, praised the bravery of those protesting on the streets of Russia.


“We must also commend the brave Russian men and women who took to the streets of Moscow and St Petersburg to protest the war and show solidarity with their Slavic neighbours in Ukraine,” he wrote.


Sturdy also voted to keep anti-protest measures in the Police, Crime, Sentencing, and Courts (PCSC) bill.


Jun Pang, policy and campaigns officer at Liberty, told The Big Issue the protests in Russia highlighted the importance of civil resistance.


“We should all be able to stand up to power and have our voices heard. All around the world, people in their communities see protest as a critical way we speak up for what we believe in. We’ve all been moved by the bravery of Russian protesters risking arrest to stand up against the invasion of Ukraine, as well as the hundreds of thousands of demonstrators globally who’ve shown support for Ukraine and called on their governments to welcome those fleeing violence,” Pang said


“Recent events have reminded us just how important protest is for people all around the world – which is why it’s so disappointing and hypocritical to see MPs voting to criminalise forms of dissent here in the UK. Last night, MPs voted to give police sweeping new protest-related powers, including the power to restrict protests that are too noisy or risk causing unease.”



Anonymous ID: 9f1779 March 2, 2022, 5:12 p.m. No.15767629   🗄️.is 🔗kun





In January, the Lords passed three amendments that would have scrapped parts of the bill restricting protest – and it was these amendments MPs voted to scrap, reinstating the measures.


Amendment 73 would have thrown out the part of the bill which allowed police to restrict processions based on “serious disorder”.


Amendment 80 would have thrown out the power to restrict assemblies based on “serious disorder”, and given police powers to prevent protests which cause “disorder, damage, disruption, impact or intimidation.”


Amendment 87 aimed to throw out limits on single-person protests, which would allow police to place restrictions on individuals staging a protest. Failure to comply with these restrictions could result in a £2,500 fine, and encouraging someone else to do so could result in a year in prison.


The commons voted against all three amendments, in effect reinstating the clampdowns, and starting a parliamentary process known as “ping-pong”, where the amendments will go between the houses until an agreement is reached.


Just one Conservative MP – Steve Baker – rebelled and voted to keep the amendments.


Foreign secretary Liz Truss spoke in the house on Monday to congratulate Russian protesters. She did not vote yesterday, but has backed the bill and it’s anti-protest curbs on its previous appearances in the Commons.


Truss said on Monday: “We have always worked to support those who speak out in favour of free speech, free media and democracy in Russia, and we continue to do that. We congratulate those who are prepared to go out and protest against this regime’s appalling actions.


“Our concerns are not with the Russian people; our concerns are with Vladimir Putin and his regime.”


Hunt, Tugendhat, and Sturdy did not respond to a request for comment.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 March 5, 2022, 1:33 p.m. No.15792004   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4033



Celtic Boys Club: Nicola Sturgeon REFUSED to include football scandals in child abuse public inquiry


Survivors groups called for football clubs to be included in Lady Smith's public inquiry more than SIX YEARS ago


Nicola Sturgeon knocked back the chance to include child abuse in football in the SNP's public inquiry into historic care scandals.


The First Minister is under growing pressure to set up an independent probe into claims of a cover-up at Celtic Boys Club in Glasgow.


However, she was given the opportunity to include football in Lady Smith's public inquiry more than SIX YEARS ago.


The inquiry was launched in October 2015 to investigate historic abuse of children in care by bodies including religious orders, charities, boarding schools and councils.


Then Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale called on Ms Sturgeon to expand the remit to include football clubs during FMQs on December 8, 2016.


She said: "Former footballers have found the courage to come forward and disclose how they suffered abuse at the hands of paedophile coaches.


"Yet they will not be able to bring their cases to the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry because they were not in care when they were abused. This is true for all those who suffered abuse in youth groups, parishes or other sports clubs.


"Survivors groups have asked for the inquiry’s remit to be extended to all situations where a duty of care existed. Labour has backed that call, and the growing tide of revelations from footballers adds to that demand. Will the First Minister reconsider the inquiry’s remit?"


She added: "Survivors of child abuse deserve justice and the wait for the inquiry has already been too long. It holds out the promise of justice, but in restricting just who - and what - will be investigated, it will deny that justice."


Responding to the calls, Ms Sturgeon said: "To widen the remit of that inquiry would mean that it would take perhaps many years longer to conclude its investigations and would risk it becoming completely unwieldy.


"We would be at risk I think of breaking our word to the survivors of in-care abuse.


"My view is we should allow that inquiry to get on with its job and we should allow the police to get on with their job of investigating allegations of abuse in football."


The inquiry is still ongoing, with the total cost now a staggering £51.7million in the six years to December 2021. It was originally supposed to take around four years to conclude.

Swinney joined FM in blocking inquiry expansion


Deputy First Minister John Swinney also ruled out extending the inquiry's remit to include football clubs in December 2016, when he was education secretary.


He said: "I won't do that. Survivors group want that [the inquiry] to proceed. They don't want the timescale extended, which would be an inevitable consequence of extending into other sectors, whether that was football or any other sector."


Instead, the SNP administration backed an SFA-led review - without any statutory powers and lacking the weight of a judge-led public inquiry - into abuse in football.


Its findings were published in February 2021, with senior clubs including Rangers, Hibernian, Motherwell and Partick Thistle all named in the testimonies from survivors, along with Celtic Boys Club.


peaking in 2016, ex-Scottish Labour MSP Iain Gray said: “Last week Kezia Dugdale called for the remit of the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry to be extended, which is what survivors’ groups want to see.


“It is difficult to see how an SFA-commissioned inquiry, effectively into itself, could hold public confidence. This is a matter the Scottish Government should be leading on.”


It comes after a judge this week gave the green light for a lawsuit to be launched by 22 victims of abuse against Celtic FC.


Lord Arthurson confirmed on Tuesday that the legal criteria for allowing the action to proceed had been met paving the way for the survivors to pursue a multi-million pound sum in the Court of Session.


On Thursday, the Scottish Daily Express revealed the Scottish Government holds no information about talks with police or prosecutors looking into the scandal.


A list of 14 potential paedophiles linked to Celtic Boys Club was handed to Strathclyde Police in 1995, although only two individuals were subsequently convicted.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 March 8, 2022, 10:06 a.m. No.15812958   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Freedom Walker

548 subscribers

On a glorious Spring day, the Scottish freedom movement came together again for the Kirkcaldy Freedom Gathering. What they shared was a moving, joyous celebration by a happy group of peace-loving free spirits.

Please like, share and most of all, subscribe!


#Kirkcaldy #Freedom #Gathering


If you like what we do, you can support the channel at


Filmed 5th March 2022.


Song : “Pauper’s Dough"

Artist : King Creosote

Album “From Scotland With Love”…

Filmed 5th March 2022.


Love the song. Thanks for the tune freedom walking dude.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 March 14, 2022, 3:09 p.m. No.15863463   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3490 >>4048


SCOTLAND REMEMBERS Nicola Sturgeon leads tributes to Dunblane massacre victims 26 years after school shooting horror


NICOLA Sturgeon has lead tributes to the Dunblane massacre today 26 years after the tragedy unfolded.


The 1996 tragedy saw sixteen children and teacher Gwen Mayor murdered by gunman Thomas Hamilton at a primary school.


Now, the First Minister has paid tribute on social media to mark the anniversary.


She shared a Tweet from someone that used to attend the school that said: "Another year passes.


"It’s 26 now and the sadness at what happened in my wee school never goes away".


She shared it with the caption: "Dunblane - forever in our hearts".


Falkirk council also paid tribute online as they wrote: "Remembering those taken from us in Dunblane 26 years ago. Never forgotten."


Last year, residents of Dunblane marked the 25th anniversary "quietly and privately".


Reverend Colin Renwick held an online service today to remember victims in prayer as churches are shut due to coronavirus restrictions.


Sixteen children and teacher Gwen Mayor were killed by gunman Thomas Hamilton at Dunblane Primary in Perthshire on March 13, 1996


We previously told how a five-year-old girl killed in the shooting was set to be kept home that day because of a rash - but begged her mum to go in.


Victoria Clydesdale was one of 16 pupils gunned down alongside her teacher Gwen Mayor 25 years ago, in what remains Britain's deadliest mass shooting.


Speaking for the first time since the tragedy, her heartbroken mum Lynne McMaster said she relives that day "over and over" and is wracked with guilt for letting her go.


The neck on this CUNT. They even have the nerve to put that rodent Lord Cullen's daughter on the Child Abuse Inquiry to keep him informed. Never forget the 100 year restriction order he put on the report! CUNTS.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 March 23, 2022, 7:38 a.m. No.15925542   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5550 >>0585 >>0709 >>1431








Attached pages 11-15 of Case study no' 6 of the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry (SCAI).


Pages 29-33 of the pdf file


I have some news regarding His Boggley-eyed(ness), the Chief Guinea-pig/Lab Rat. His full and final evidence sessions with Council for the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry (SCAI) ended some weeks ago and having been sent the transcript to allow changes/omissions/additions to be made if there was any error in its content, has now been sent off back to the SCAI for final submission. He will then wait to be called to give his evidence in person at the inquiry. I have grave doubts that he will be called to give evidence and if he is I’m confident that his evidence will be heavily redacted and possibly withheld in its entirety from the SCAI’s website.


His submission I can’t quote before it is made public on the SCAI website at some future, as yet undetermined point in time in case I prejudice his statement and aid in its redaction or omission from the inquiry. It was, given what we know about the Inquiry Chair’s ability (not just this inquiry, but apparently any PUBLIC inquiry) to withhold information from the public and even redacting testimony to protect those with “reputations” deemed more important than everyone else’s, there was some stuff that was not said in his submission that merited inclusion.


page 1

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 March 23, 2022, 7:39 a.m. No.15925550   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Continued…page 2.



He should have made it known to them that in any Public Inquiry the chair has the power to publish what they want to publish with regard to the inquiry and conversely not to publish anything they feel should be withheld. This conundrum was recently highlighted in the case of Mr and Mrs Smith in an inquiry into the death of their baby while in the care of the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, where the testimony of Mrs Smith was redacted before being published on that Inquiry website, apparently to save the reputations of the professionals involved in the care (lack of) given to her baby daughter.


To me it poses the question, “when is a public inquiry not a public inquiry?” The answer it would appear is always. No inquiry can be called public when the chair, a member of the judiciary can withhold information pertaining to her peers also members of the same Judiciary. A public inquiry can only truly be a public inquiry when ALL information collected by the inquiry is made PUBLIC, when it isn’t then it is an inquiry, not a public inquiry. I’ll also draw your attention to the Dunblane Inquiry, where public access to records was subjected to an unprecedented 100 year restriction order put in place by the chair of that inquiry, Lord Cullen.


The Chief has, after full and final submission of his evidence been contacted by the Inquiry to inform him that his testimony is now the property of the crown and as such he has no right to publish any of it. This is why he should have included the above information. It was included in the final part of his submission, but withheld on the advice of his own legal team, who talked him in to removing it. I know this because I was the fellow who wrote the last pages of his submission on his behalf and it was I who wanted it included in what you might call a warning for Lady (is she really?) Ann Smith should she try to redact it because of the content in it which names 3 successive Lords Advocate and that other snake Lord Brian Gill previous Lord President (prior to the incumbent Lord Carloway) and points the finger squarely in their direction for denying an Inquiry for 14 years prior to its announcement with the previous chair Susan O’Brien.


It was included by me in response to the question posed to the chief guinea-pig asking why he did not trust the Judiciary.


Justice “delayed” as they say in legal circles is Justice “denied”. Many have died without seeing justice in regard to this supposedly public inquiry because of the delays directly attributable to Lord Colin Boyd and those who followed him in the role who took direction from Lord President Brian Gill (retired) including:

• 2000–2006: Lord Boyd of Duncansby

• 2006–2011: Elish Angiolini

• 2011–2016: Frank Mulholland

• 2016–2021: James Wolffe


All of them CUNTS, with no interest in Justice whatsoever, including the biggest CUNT of them all Brian Gill.


I’ve said it before on previous boards, it has come to my attention that the legal secret(ary) to the SCAI is the daughter of Lord Cullen which the above article relates to. I have not been able to verify this personally so far, but I am led to believe that she was personally requested by the Chair, Lady(?) Ann Smith.

Those passing this info on to me have provided no evidence, just firm insistence and I have found their information worthy and important to date. If anyone on Q research can definitively confirm or refute that, it would be much appreciated. It is important I think that if Lord Cullen who imposed what was described in the above article as 'Incomprehensibly lengthy' 100 year restriction order on the content of the Dunblane Inquiry, to protect the “reputations” of the high and mighty, has his daughter in such an important position on yet another inquiry, one that has excluded the Governing class and the Judiciary from its remit then that surely is a fucking story worthy of public awareness? I’d be very grateful to anyone who can confirm or deny Lord Cullen’s daughter is employed by the SCAI.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 March 25, 2022, 6:33 a.m. No.15940585   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2064 >>8304 >>4048




Brian Gill, Lord Gill, PC (born 25 February 1942) is a retired Scottish judge and a legal academic. He served as Lord President and Lord Justice General from June 2012 until May 2015. Gill previously served as Lord Justice Clerk from 2001 to 2012, and as Chairman of the Scottish Law Commission from 1996 to 2001.As an advocate, he practised principally in agricultural lawand is the author of The Law of Agricultural Holdings in Scotland. In 2007–2009, Gill undertook a far-reaching review of the civil courts system in Scotland,[1] recommending a shift of much of the workload of the Court of Session to Scotland's local sheriff courts.




Gill was born in Glasgow and educated at St Aloysius' College, an independent Jesuit school in the city.He studied at the School of Law of the University of Glasgow (M.A., LL.B.), where he was a member of the Glasgow University Union and Dialectic Society, and at Edinburgh where he gained his PhD in 1975[2] and lectured in the Faculty of Law from 1964 until 1977. He was awarded Honorary Degrees by Glasgow University in 1998 (LL.D.), Edinburgh University in 2007, and the University of Abertay, Dundee, in 2008 (LL.D.).[3]




He was admitted to the Faculty of Advocates in 1967 and appointed Queen's Counsel in 1981. He was called to the English Bar (Lincoln's Inn) in 1991. Lord Gill was an Advocate Depute from 1977 to 1979, and standingJunior Counsel to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office(1974–77), theHome Office(1979–81) and the ScottishEducation Department(1979–81). He has been amember of the Scottish Legal Aid Boardand the Scottish Valuation Advisory Council and Deputy Chairman of the Copyright Tribunal. Gill was appointed a Senator of the College of Justice in 1994, and was Chairman of the Scottish Law Commission from 1996 until 2001.[4] Lord Gill was appointed Lord Justice Clerk and President of the Second Division of the Inner House of the Court of Session in November 2001.[4]


From 1987 to 1994 he was Keeper of the Advocates' Library and a Trustee of the National Library of Scotland. He is the author of The Law of Agricultural Holdings in Scotland.


He retired as Lord President in May 2015.[3] Since then he has sat on occasion as an acting judge of the United Kingdom Supreme Court.


Preceded as Lord Justice Clerk AND Lord President of the Court of Session

and Lord Justice General by none other thanLord Cullen


Also succeeded in same positions byLord Carloway

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 March 25, 2022, 10:05 a.m. No.15942064   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2279 >>2298 >>4048




HRH The Duke of Edinburgh KG KT OM GBE



Professor B McGettrick



The Right Honorable Lord Gill PC, The Lord

Justice Clerk==

Major General D A H Shaw General Officer

Commanding 2nd Division

DJ Crawley Esq

Mrs L Fisher

Major General A R Freer OBE

Rear Admiral R Lockwood CB

A J C Plumtree Esq

Brigadier P S Purves CBE

Rear Admiral N E Rankin CB CBE JP

C Ross Esq

Group Captain M Urquhart

Sheriff S Waldron


See attached screenshot.


The Jesuit trained Gill was also the head Legal advisor to the Catholic Bishop's Conference in Scotland for 30 years. Patron of the Latin Mass Society (LMS).






>LMS names six new patrons COMPOSER James MacMillan and former Daily Telegraph editor Charles Moore are among six new patrons named by the Latin Mass Society.


>Other patrons include Prince Rupert Loewenstein, Lord Gill, the second most senior judge in Scotland, composer Colin Mawby and Sir Adrian FitzGerald, former chairman of governors at Cardinal Vaughan school, west London.


3rd attached screenshot. 4th is another lordy type fuck, biographer of Thatcher who had a cabinet full of child abusers.


Brian, Lord Gill KSG


>Lord Gill is a former Lord President of the Court of Session, Scotland’s most senior judge. He retired from this role in 2015, and sits on the UK’s Supreme Court’s Supplementary Panel of Judges.


>He was made a Knight of the Order of St Gregory (KSG), a papal knighthood, in 2012. He is a longstanding supporter the Traditional Latin Mass. He currently lives in London and is often to be seen at the Society’s London events.


This CUNT has his tentacles in everywhere it seems, Scottish and British Parliaments, Catholic Church, Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Several ties to Lord Cullen and Dunblane………..Cullens daughter reportedly employed by SCAI after being personally requested by Lady (?) Ann Smith Chair of the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry. He (Gill) behind every Judicial action to prevent a SCAI and most likely behind it's watered down remit that excludes the Great and the (not so) Good from any kind of investigation. Massive ties to British and Papal Crowns.


This guy is reeking. Doesn't anyone smell it?

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 March 25, 2022, 10:32 a.m. No.15942279   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4048


>4th is another lordy type fuck, biographer of Thatcher who had a cabinet full of child abusers.,_Baron_Moore_of_Etchingham


Just thought as I'd taken a peek I'd drop this….here is a few quotes from it.


As editor

The Spectator


Two years after joining The Spectator as a political columnist, Moore became the magazine's editor in 1984, remaining there until 1990. Moore was given this role by the owner, John “Algy” Cluff, whose company Cluff Resources specialises in “support activities” for oil and gas extraction and is co-located with a number of climate change denial think-tanks at 55 or 57 Tufton Street.[15][16]


Moore employed a young journalist Boris Johnson at The Spectator, who went onto succeed Moore as Editor of the Spectator and then became Mayor of London, Foreign Secretary and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom


Moore co-edited A Tory Seer: The Selected Journalism of T. E. Utley, which was published in 1989.

Editor of the Sunday Telegraph


Following The Spectator, he edited The Sunday Telegraph from 1992 to 1995. Near the start of this period, around the time of the publication of the Andrew Morton book Diana: Her True Story, he appeared on Newsnight to discuss the marital difficulties of the Prince and Princess of Wales. To the astonishment of the presenter, Jeremy Paxman, Moore said that because he wished to protect the monarchy: "I believe in the importance of concealment in these matters and, if you like, hypocrisy."[3]

Editor of the Daily Telegraph


Moore became editor of The Daily Telegraph in 1995. In 2001, his signed editorial "A Free Country"[17] gained some notice elsewhere in the media.[18] In this article, he argued in favour of hunting, pornography, the right to employ whom we choose, the right to trial by jury and advocated the legalisation of cannabis.[17] He blamed a decline in "freedom" on the controls imposed during the Second World War and on Margaret Thatcher: "If you've been in office for a long time you always start to believe in having more power, and she undoubtedly got that disease."[18]

False allegations against George Galloway


Owing to falling circulation, there had been speculation by 2003[19] about Moore's future prior to his resignation in the autumn of that year.[20] Moore had been editor when stories about George Galloway,[19][21] which led to a successful libel action from the politician, were published. The newspaper had falsely written that Galloway received payments from Saddam Hussein's regime.[22]


Climate change


In 2015, Moore was made a trustee of the Global Warming Policy Foundation, sanctioned by the Charity Commission,[73] described by The Independent as the UK's most prominent climate science denial campaign group.[74] Bob Ward the ESRC Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy at the London School of Economics and Political Science has said that the Global Warming Policy Foundation does not disclose its funding and that Moore or his allies at the Foundation do "not declare their affiliation to the Foundation when promoting climate change denial" and that "Moore's many articles for 'The Daily Telegraph' about climate change do not mention his connection".[75]

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 March 25, 2022, 10:33 a.m. No.15942298   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>4th is another lordy type fuck, biographer of Thatcher who had a cabinet full of child abusers.,_Baron_Moore_of_Etchingham


Just thought as I'd taken a peek I'd drop this….here is a few quotes from it.


As editor

The Spectator


Two years after joining The Spectator as a political columnist, Moore became the magazine's editor in 1984, remaining there until 1990. Moore was given this role by the owner, John “Algy” Cluff, whose company Cluff Resources specialises in “support activities” for oil and gas extraction and is co-located with a number of climate change denial think-tanks at 55 or 57 Tufton Street.[15][16]


Moore employed a young journalist Boris Johnson at The Spectator, who went onto succeed Moore as Editor of the Spectator and then became Mayor of London, Foreign Secretary and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom


Moore co-edited A Tory Seer: The Selected Journalism of T. E. Utley, which was published in 1989.

Editor of the Sunday Telegraph


Following The Spectator, he edited The Sunday Telegraph from 1992 to 1995. Near the start of this period, around the time of the publication of the Andrew Morton book Diana: Her True Story, he appeared on Newsnight to discuss the marital difficulties of the Prince and Princess of Wales. To the astonishment of the presenter, Jeremy Paxman, Moore said that because he wished to protect the monarchy: "I believe in the importance of concealment in these matters and, if you like, hypocrisy."[3]

Editor of the Daily Telegraph


Moore became editor of The Daily Telegraph in 1995. In 2001, his signed editorial "A Free Country"[17] gained some notice elsewhere in the media.[18] In this article, he argued in favour of hunting, pornography, the right to employ whom we choose, the right to trial by jury and advocated the legalisation of cannabis.[17] He blamed a decline in "freedom" on the controls imposed during the Second World War and on Margaret Thatcher: "If you've been in office for a long time you always start to believe in having more power, and she undoubtedly got that disease."[18]

False allegations against George Galloway


Owing to falling circulation, there had been speculation by 2003[19] about Moore's future prior to his resignation in the autumn of that year.[20] Moore had been editor when stories about George Galloway,[19][21] which led to a successful libel action from the politician, were published. The newspaper had falsely written that Galloway received payments from Saddam Hussein's regime.[22]


Climate change


In 2015, Moore was made a trustee of the Global Warming Policy Foundation, sanctioned by the Charity Commission,[73] described by The Independent as the UK's most prominent climate science denial campaign group.[74] Bob Ward the ESRC Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy at the London School of Economics and Political Science has said that the Global Warming Policy Foundation does not disclose its funding and that Moore or his allies at the Foundation do "not declare their affiliation to the Foundation when promoting climate change denial" and that "Moore's many articles for 'The Daily Telegraph' about climate change do not mention his connection".[75]

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 March 27, 2022, 4:21 p.m. No.15958864   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1938 >>4048


UNDER FIRE Call for Glasgow Uni tutor to be axed after branding Ukraine invasion a ‘panto’


Alice Walker


15:54, 26 Mar 2022


A TOP Scots Uni has faced calls to sack a tutor who reportedly branded Russia's invasion of Ukraine a "panto".


The University of Glasgow has faced calls to sack Dr Alan McManus over the reported comments.


Dr McManus, an associate tutor in the School of Education, is reportedly under investigation by the uni for spreading conspiracy theories about coronavirus and Ukraine, according to The Times.


Dr Joanna Szostek, a political communication lecturer, has called for McManus to be sacked.


She told The Times she believes the university should "no longer employ" him.


Szotec told the paper she would “would personally be quite concerned about someone who expresses those kind of views, conspiracy theories, and apparent indifference to the suffering of Ukrainians, holding a teaching role”.


The lecturer went on to say she feels McManus' views do not reflect the values of Glasgow Uni.


The Times reported McManus has made comments describing the Ukrainian traffic cone on the Duke of Wellington statue as "hideous crochet propaganda" and that he would be learning Russian to protest against "biased" reporting of the Russian invasion.


It was also reported he claimed he would be watching Russian films and having Russian food to protest against "mainstream media" misinformation.


The paper reported McManus is a supporter of anti-COVID vaccine group White Rose and made the alleged comments on the group's messaging board.


It was reported he also made comments supporting a conspiracy theory that the war in Ukraine is being managed by powerful individuals to set up a "New World Order".


He reportedly replied to claims the conflict was "engineered" saying: “I’m so glad someone has said this. It makes perfect sense. It’s a panto!”


It was also reported that McManus said he was not a supporter of Russian President Vladimir Putin.


Both Dr Alan McManus and the University of Glasgow have been approached for comment by the Scottish Sun.


Laughable, but big, big love to Dr Alan McManus for the temerity to have individual thought processes who won't bend to corrupt government dictat.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 March 27, 2022, 4:30 p.m. No.15958922   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4382 >>4427 >>4511 >>4048


Judges anger over SNP's 'soft-touch' push to keep MORE criminals out of prison


Under the plans, Justice Secretary Keith Brown wants more 'credible' alternatives to jailing offenders.


Top judges in Scotland have slated controversial SNP plans to free criminals from jail after serving only a third of their sentence.


The SNP-led Scottish Government recently consulted on the plans to make criminals on shorter sentences eligible for early release.


As part of the plans, those on sentences of four years or fewer could be eligible for early release after only a third of their sentence.


Meanwhile, those on longer sentences could get Parole Board hearings to consider their release after serving the same period.


But the Senators of the College of Justice warned the “proposals raise profound questions concerning the impact on public confidence in the criminal justice system.”


The judges panel who oversee Scotland’s highest criminal and civil courts, warned that Scots would be left confused to the length of time served behind bars and the sentence passed in the courts.


“He was brought to justice thanks to a thorough and complex investigation by police and our expert prosecutors.


“The Crown is committed to the fair and effective prosecution of sexual offences, whenever the crimes occurred, and I would encourage anyone who has been the victim of similar offending to come forward and seek support.”


King initially made headlines six years ago when he was jailed for the sexual abuse of young girls.


Dana Fowley was one of the victims and she later went on to write a book called 'How could she?' about what happened.


Her mother Caroline Dunsmore was sentenced to 12 years in 2007 in a separate case for her role in the abuse.


Scottish Conservative Shadow Justice Secretary Jamie Greene: “This is a real insult to the victims who suffered at the hands of this monster. It is yet another example of the SNP’s soft-touch justice system prioritising criminals instead of victims.


“It is little wonder that one of his victims has slammed this lenient sentence after everything they have been through.


“Cases like this are exactly why the Scottish Conservatives have announced plans to give people the power to call on the Lord Advocate to review sentences which are too soft. That can help restore confidence in our justice system and ensure victims will always be the priority.”


The nerve of some Judges eh? Conspire to deny Justice for 14 years and then try to take the moral high ground over their accomplices in the cover up of decades (AT LEAST) of crimes against little kids: sexual, mental, emotional, physical abuse, medical experiment use for orphaned and disabled kids. Why not speak out on this and the Judge participation in this?

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 March 29, 2022, 12:39 p.m. No.15971417   🗄️.is 🔗kun





29 Mar 2022





Freedom Walker

574 subscribers

Carlisle was the venue for the English & Scottish Freedom Movement to join hands across the border and make a stand!


Music : Oli Pop & Joystar

Song : “Hold The Line”

****Like what we do? Please Support the Channel at :



Another wee protest I guess you'd call it at Carlisle. Good tune.



Claire Evans, whistleblower nurse :

Neanie Scott :

Unity News Network :

British Lions :


Filmed 26th March 2022 in Carlisle, Cumbria, England

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 April 1, 2022, 3:05 p.m. No.15992504   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4036


John Swinney tests positive for covid after 'avoiding virus for two years'


The Deputy First Minister will not be in parliament for today's covid statement after testing positive for the virus.


by Peter Davidson

10:16, 30 Mar 2022


John Swinney has announced he has tested positive for coronavirus and will now be self-isolating.


The Deputy First Minister and Minister for Covid Recovery revealed earlier today that he had managed to avoid catching the virus for two years.


In a tweet announcing his diagnosis Swinney said he will attempt to work if he is feeling better.


The SNP minister tweeted: "After two years of avoiding #Covid_19 I tested positive this morning.


"I will be self-isolating in accordance with the rules and will try to engage with @scotparl business if I feel better than I do just now."


The Cabinet Secretary for Justice Keith Brown has also announced he has tested for the virus.


Like Swinney he took a test this morning and returned a positive result.


He tweeted Swinney saying: "Be safe John, and hopefully you’ll be better soon. Like you I’ve avoided it for two years until I had a positive test this morning. Thank goodness for Zoom!"


It comes as Nicola Sturgeon is set to announce later today if the rules around the wearing of masks in some public places will be dropped.


The First Minister met with her cabinet to discuss the measures that were kept in place following the last review.


The number of patients in hospitals with recently confirmed covid has reached a new record high, with 2,383 people requiring care, up 23 on the previous day, according to latest Scottish Government figures.


There was a drop in the number of patients requiring intensive care which fell to 20, down one on the day before.


Scotland has recorded 39 coronavirus-linked deaths and 9,311 new cases in the past 24 hours, figures published on Tuesday showed.


It means the total number of people who have died within 28 days of testing positive for the virus has risen to 11,359.


So far 4,353,178 people have received their first dose of a Covid-19 vaccination, 4,092,407 have received their second dose, and have 3,450,121 received a third dose or booster.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 April 8, 2022, 3:29 p.m. No.16038304   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>As an advocate, he practised principally in agricultural law


Odd don't you think, that a Judge specialising in Agricultural Law should have the power to prevent a public inquiry in to the abuse of children for a period of 14 years.


I'm seriously scratching my fucking head over this. How the fuck can an agricultural lawyer hold sway over such an inquiry?


>Preceded as Lord Justice Clerk AND Lord President of the Court of Session


>and Lord Justice General by none other than Lord Cullen


>Also succeeded in same positions by Lord Carloway


It's almost like they breed these fuckers for a particular job isn't it? Almost makes you wonder what kind of pish this wee Carloway CUNT is involved in? What will he be expected to cover up? His two Queen appointed predecessors were involved in the cover up of child abuse, in the case of Cullen he covered it up for a century, but only AFTER another fake "public" inquiry. Gill would never have even allowed an inquiry based on his knowledge of Agricultural Law. Aye right, he covered it up to protect his pals and possibly Cullen himself from being outed as child abusing CUNTS. There was plenty of them Fairbairn, Watt, Henderson….there must be plenty more, most of the ones mentioned are dead already and some by the time that Lordy CUNT started covering up by denying an inquiry.


How odd would it be to find Cullen's daughter on the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry (SCAI) after him preventing all of the evidence of the Dunblane inquiry from public eyes for 100 years?


This whole country is run by the most corrupted creatures and the vast majority fucking obeys them like slaves!


Scotland, you are a fucking embarrassment. I kid you not.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 April 11, 2022, 8:51 a.m. No.16054382   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4427 >>4511


>“He was brought to justice thanks to a thorough and complex investigation by police and our expert prosecutors.


>“The Crown is committed to the fair and effective prosecution of sexual offences, whenever the crimes occurred, and I would encourage anyone who has been the victim of similar offending to come forward and seek support.”


>King initially made headlines six years ago when he was jailed for the sexual abuse of young girls.


>Dana Fowley was one of the victims and she later went on to write a book called 'How could she?' about what happened.


>Her mother Caroline Dunsmore was sentenced to 12 years in 2007 in a separate case for her role in the abuse.


>Scottish Conservative Shadow Justice Secretary Jamie Greene: “This is a real insult to the victims who suffered at the hands of this monster. It is yet another example of the SNP’s soft-touch justice system prioritising criminals instead of victims.


>“It is little wonder that one of his victims has slammed this lenient sentence after everything they have been through.


>“Cases like this are exactly why the Scottish Conservatives have announced plans to give people the power to call on the Lord Advocate to review sentences which are too soft. That can help restore confidence in our justice system and ensure victims will always be the priority.”


>The nerve of some Judges eh? Conspire to deny Justice for 14 years and then try to take the moral high ground over their accomplices in the cover up of decades (AT LEAST) of crimes against little kids: sexual, mental, emotional, physical abuse, medical experiment use for orphaned and disabled kids. Why not speak out on this and the Judge participation in this?



Apologies, I must have accidentally copied from 2 different articles when submitting the above post.


The text in green above is from this article:


……and not the article which was originally posted and headlined.


I'll post the remaining text from the original post. It's fair to say I can be a useless CUNT at times.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 April 11, 2022, 9 a.m. No.16054427   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4048





Judges anger over SNP's 'soft-touch' push to keep MORE criminals out of prison


Under the plans, Justice Secretary Keith Brown wants more 'credible' alternatives to jailing offenders.


Top judges in Scotland have slated controversial SNP plans to free criminals from jail after serving only a third of their sentence.


The SNP-led Scottish Government recently consulted on the plans to make criminals on shorter sentences eligible for early release.


As part of the plans, those on sentences of four years or fewer could be eligible for early release after only a third of their sentence.


Meanwhile, those on longer sentences could get Parole Board hearings to consider their release after serving the same period.


But the Senators of the College of Justice warned the “proposals raise profound questions concerning the impact on public confidence in the criminal justice system.”


The judges panel who oversee Scotland’s highest criminal and civil courts, warned that Scots would be left confused to the length of time served behind bars and the sentence passed in the courts.


They added in a submission to a public consultation: “These proposals raise profound questions concerning the impact on public confidence in the criminal justice system and, if implemented, will require the public to be provided with the clearest explanation as to what will seem to many to be a remarkable difference between the sentence imposed and the time spent in custody.


“We are concerned such a fundamental change should be suggested in the absence of research into, or analysis of, processes of rehabilitation which currently operate, their effectiveness, or that which it is contemplated might be available in any future structure.”


Other stakeholders ranging from victim support charities to police bosses also raised concerns.


David Hamilton, chairman of the Scottish Police Federation, said: “The early release of prisoners would be a mistake.


“Without adequate additional funding we will be transferring the management, risk and rehabilitation of offenders from the prison service to an under resourced police service.”


Victim Support Scotland stressed that freeing criminals earlier would be "alarming" for victims of crime.


They added: “We have heard of too many instances where our justice system does more harm than good to people affected by crime.”


Scottish Tory justice spokesman Jamie Greene said: “The latest SNP soft-touch justice scheme would mean prisoners being let back into the community after serving a fraction of their sentence.”


The Scottish Government is currently examining responses to the public consultation on the subject which closed last month.


It comes amid anger over cases where killers had been freed part way through their jail term, including Jason Graham.


Jason Graham had changed his surname to Evans before murdering pensioner Esther Brown.


He was a registered sex offender with 23 previous convictions and caged for 19 years for the murder of Glasgow pensioner Ms Brown.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 April 11, 2022, 9:20 a.m. No.16054511   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4033 >>4048




Scotland's soft-touch justice slammed by victim as sex abuser walks away with 'easy sentence'


A survivor has slammed the Scottish justice system after abuser William King received only six years despite causing "significant psychological suffering"


A survivor of sex abuse has slammed the SNP's soft-touch justice system which they say has allowed their abuser to escape with an 'easy sentence.'


Notorious sex offender William King received a six-year sentence for praying on two girls and a boy in Edinburgh and Dalgety Bay in Fife between 1982 and 2000.


King, a former Royal Navy sailor, was sentenced to six years at the High Court in Glasgow on Monday despite the judge describing the victim's statements as 'particularly poignant.'


One woman who was targeted for years by the 57-year-old called the sentence a "slap in the face for everyone who has waited years" for justice.


The victim, who spoke to the Daily Record, said: "Some have waited 40 years for this day and although the police did an amazing job along with the PF staff we feel slapped in the teeth and insulted by this very unjust sentence for an already convicted sex offender.


"I'm confused that the judge can give him such an easy sentence after he was found guilty."


Beast King had earlier been convicted of a total of three charges of lewd and libidinous behaviour towards the youngsters.


He had previously been jailed for five years in 2016 in a high profile abuse case, in which a victim waived her right to anonymity to speak publicly of her ordeal.


The woman added: "He is a predator who didn’t 'groom' his chosen children, he just took what he wanted from us.


"Some of us for years and some once but once is one time too many for an adult to take such a liberty of taking a child’s innocence.


"He didn’t care about the level of sexual abuse he inflicted on us all nor did he care how these actions would affect us into adulthood.


"He was methodical in all his actions and then he give rewards and gestures for complicity. It is disgusting.


"What kind of justice system allows a predator to appeal their sentence but not the victim? This is wrong."


Judge Alison Stirling told the court on Monday victim impact statement from one of the girls King abused was "particularly poignant".


This victim had also described "significant psychological suffering".


King, who was also put on the sex offenders register indefinitely, had been found guilty following an earlier trial in Stirling.


Procurator Fiscal for High Court Sexual Offences Fraser Gibson said: “William King’s victims demonstrated great bravery and composure throughout the prosecution process and I hope the sentence imposed today provides some resolution for them.


“He was brought to justice thanks to a thorough and complex investigation by police and our expert prosecutors.


“The Crown is committed to the fair and effective prosecution of sexual offences, whenever the crimes occurred, and I would encourage anyone who has been the victim of similar offending to come forward and seek support.”


King initially made headlines six years ago when he was jailed for the sexual abuse of young girls.


Dana Fowley was one of the victims and she later went on to write a book called 'How could she?' about what happened.


Her mother Caroline Dunsmore was sentenced to 12 years in 2007 in a separate case for her role in the abuse.


Scottish Conservative Shadow Justice Secretary Jamie Greene: “This is a real insult to the victims who suffered at the hands of this monster. It is yet another example of the SNP’s soft-touch justice system prioritising criminals instead of victims.


“It is little wonder that one of his victims has slammed this lenient sentence after everything they have been through.


“Cases like this are exactly why the Scottish Conservatives have announced plans to give people the power to call on the Lord Advocate to review sentences which are too soft. That can help restore confidence in our justice system and ensure victims will always be the priority.”

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 April 11, 2022, 9:24 a.m. No.16054535   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1238


Yes the writing is on the wall for the SNP, the people can see their lies and deceptions.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 April 11, 2022, 9:39 a.m. No.16054614   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1201 >>1218 >>4033


7 years ago

Sins of Our Fathers - BBC Scotland


The shocking truth of physical and sexual abuse in one of Scotland's most prestigious Catholic boarding schools.

Mark Daly uncovers the hidden story of Fort Augustus Abbey, the Catholic monks who ran it, and exposes those who turned a blind eye to the horrors within. He hears of stories of abuse that spanned decades and took him to the other side of the world to confront those responsible.


Unable to embed video, please use above URL

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 April 12, 2022, 9 a.m. No.16060709   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1431










Attached pages 16-19 of Case study no' 6 of the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry (SCAI).


Pages 34-37 of the pdf file


Please ignore the red ink on page 18, my pink highlighter pen gave up the ghost and I used a red permanent marker on page 19 which bled through the page.


Final attached page is a reminder of John Halley's public statement which he also has as a pinned tweet on his twitter account.




[2021] CSOH 35



In Petition of





Chair of the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry



Released APRIL 1st 2021………..very appropriately I reckon, because it's a fucking joke.


Inquiry judge right to issue media ban, Court of Session hears


By Andrew Picken

BBC Scotland News




27 January 2021


Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry judge had no power to ban media, court rules


By Andrew Picken

BBC Scotland News




23 February


A senior judge was acting beyond her powers to prevent the BBC from fully reporting a £2.6m legal claim against Scotland's child abuse inquiry, an appeal court has ruled.


Lady Smith, chairwoman of the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry (SCAI), passed orders stopping detail of an employment tribunal claim being reported.


A judicial review of the orders brought by the BBC backed Lady Smith's move.


But the appeal court has now ruled she "had no power" to make the orders.


The SCAI said it was considering its position in light of the court's decision but added the restriction orders were issued to "prevent the imminent disclosure of confidential inquiry information into the public domain".


How utterly, utterly absurd that anyone can prevent ANY information from reaching the public in a PUBLIC INQUIRY?

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 April 13, 2022, 11:52 a.m. No.16068918   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4048



The Spectator

156K subscribers

'Poor planning, wilful waste and absence of accountability have characterised so many episodes in the SNP’s 15 years in power', James Heale writes of Nicola Sturgeon's government in this week's magazine.


To discuss Sturgeon's secret state, Kate Andrews is joined by Jackie Baillie, deputy leader of the Scottish Labour party, and James Heale, The Spectator's diary editor.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 April 17, 2022, 12:22 p.m. No.16094430   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4036



Millions of covid vaccine doses set to be manufactured in Scotland after new jab approved


Plans to hire 200 workers at the Livingston plant were put into question last year after Boris Johnson pulled the plug on a £1billion contract to buy 100million doses of the vaccine.


Millions of Covid-19 vaccine doses are set to be manufactured in Scotland after a new jab was approved for use in the UK by regulators.


Scientists hope Livingston based Valneva’s jab will be more effective against different variants because it contains a whole copy of the virus.


Plans to hire 200 staff at the Scottish plant were thrown into doubt last year after Boris Johnson pulled the plug on a £1billion contract to buy 100million doses.


But jobs were saved after the Sunday Mail highlighted the scandal and the Scottish Government stepped in with a £20million grant.


Dr June Raine, chief executive of the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), said the approval followed “a rigorous review of the safety, quality and effectiveness of this vaccine”.


It is hoped the ­Valneva’s Livingston base can go on to play a key role in developing and mass producing the vaccines for future pandemics.


CEO Thomas Lingelbach said: “We are extremely pleased with this new authorisation and would like to thank the MHRA for their trust and confidence.


“This is the only inactivated whole virus Covid-19 vaccine approved in the UK and this authorisation could pave the way for the availability of an alternative vaccine solution for the UK population.


“I would like to personally thank all the people who have been supporting us in this endeavour and our internal teams for all their hard work.”


Health Secretary Sajid Javid angered the company last September when he pulled out of an order for 100million doses, telling Parliament the vaccine “would not get approval”.


The move was later criticised by Dame Kate Bingham, the former chairwoman of the UK’s vaccine taskforce.


She said the decision was not only a blow to international pandemic efforts, but would dampen the UK’s resilience to future disease outbreaks.


The Scottish Government stepped in and provided £20million funding to secure the Scottish Valneva base.


In trials, blood results from volunteers who received the Valneva jab had high levels of neutralising antibodies against the pandemic virus.


The Scottish Government welcomed the approval.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 April 17, 2022, 1:57 p.m. No.16094952   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4956 >>5281 >>4048


Children living in Nicola ­Sturgeon’s constituency are poorest in the UK as investigation reveals poverty rate at 69 per cent


Govanhill West – part of the First ­Minister’s Glasgow Southside seat – has a child poverty rate of 69 per cent.


Children living in Nicola ­Sturgeon’s constituency are the poorest in the UK.


Govanhill West – part of the First ­Minister’s Glasgow Southside seat – has a child poverty rate of 69 per cent.


That’s the worst in both Scotland and the UK, an investigation by the Sunday Mail has found.


It’s followed by ­neighbouring Govanhill East on 58 per cent – the second worst Scots area.


Margo Uprichard, chief executive of Govanhill-based charity the Louise Project, which helps struggling ­ families, said: “Poverty is endemic in Govanhill.


“Over the course of this year, people who are already in­­ ­poverty are going to suffer greatly. We are not in the eye of the storm yet but it is coming.


“We have always had families in crisis in Govanhill but the poverty is going to get worse.”


Three other parts of ­Sturgeon’s constituency were in the 10 worst areas – ­Strathbungo in third, ­Pollokshaws East, fifth, and Pollokshaws West in 10th.


The investigation has also highlighted a massive gap in poverty rates. The lowest child poverty areas were Murrayfield in ­Edinburgh, and St Andrews, at one per cent each.


In Dean Village, ­Edinburgh, home to the First Minister’s ­official ­residence in Charlotte Square, only four per cent are below the poverty line.


The Sunday Mail worked with our in-house Reach PLC Data Unit to analyse figures from the Office for National ­Statistics, ­published for all areas of the UK.


It showed 175,009 kids in ­Scotland were below the ­breadline in March last year, up from 158,781 in March 2015 – or one in seven in Scotland.


Other poverty-hit areas were ­Dalmarnock, ­Scotstoun and ­Carnwadric in Glasgow, Ladywell in Motherwell and ­Aberdeen East.


Sixty-one per cent – 107,507 – of kids living in poverty last year in Scotland had at least one working parent. ­Scottish Labour spokesperson for social justice and ­security,


Pam Duncan-Glancy, said: “What a damning ­indictment of the SNP’s record on child poverty this is. After 15 years in government, child poverty is still rising – even in the FM’s own constituency.”


part 1

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 April 17, 2022, 1:57 p.m. No.16094956   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4048



……part 2



Scottish Lib Dem leader Alex Cole-Hamilton said: “Politicians are supposed to stand up for the area that elected them.


“On the basis of these figures, the First Minister’s constituents have reason to be doubly aggrieved. They are being failed by their local representative and by the leader of the country.


“It is scandalous that, after 15 years of SNP governance, the number of people in poverty is on the rise.”


Charities have warned child ­poverty is likely to worsen with soaring food and energy costs and the axing of the £20 increase in Universal Credit last October.


John Dickie, director of the Child ­Poverty Action Group, said: “It is worrying that many of the children affected have full-time working parents. This shows many jobs are failing to pay a living wage.”


The Poverty Alliance, which represents 350 groups across Scotland, said the ­figures were a shameful injustice. ­Director Peter Kelly, added: “No child should have their life chances restricted and restrained simply because of where they were born.”


Imran Hussain, head of policy and campaigns at Action for Children, said: “Unless the Government chooses to shield them now by protecting benefits from rising inflation, it will fail on its manifesto pledge to cut child poverty and millions of families will continue to face years of miserable hardship.”


Mary Glasgow, chief executive of the charity Children 1st, said: “It has become almost impossible for many families to make ends meet.”


In February we revealed how thousands of children were also made homeless in the pandemic. At one stage, 7900 were living in ­temporary accommodation.


Glasgow Southside has been ­represented by Sturgeon since its creation in 2011.


A UK Government spokesman said it is supporting families. He added: “This includes putting an average of £1000 more per year into the pockets of working ­families via changes to Universal Credit, cutting fuel duty and helping households with their energy bills through our ­£9.1billion Energy Bills Rebate.”


A Scottish Government spokesman said: “Tackling child poverty is our national mission and we are helping to lift thousands of children out of poverty in Scotland within our limited powers.”


He added its Tackling Child ­Poverty Delivery Plan “is backed by new ­investment of £113million on top of ­funding already allocated”.


The figures are estimates based on the number of children living in families whose income is less than 60 per cent of the average income as of March 31, 2021, from the Department for Work and ­Pensions and population figures for ­mid-2020 from the ONS.

Victor's story


A dad of two from Govanhill has told how he is battling to keep his family’s heads above water as prices rise.


Victor Surmij, 29, has lived in the area for 10 years after moving from his native Slovakia.


He and partner Diana Dimeterova, 24, have seen their weekly food bill rise from £62 to £90 in just a few months.


Victor also fears he won’t be able to afford his power bill with recent price rises and is cutting back on his use of gas and electricity.


He runs his own ­bakery business in East Kilbride and is able to provide family, including sons Michael, four, and Victor, two, with fresh bread and other bakery items which helps him save cash on groceries.


But he fears for many others living in Govanhill on low incomes who are finding it hard to feed their children.


Victor said: “I know of parents who can’t afford to give their ­children simple things like chocolate as a treat.


“There is no doubt things will get worse for people here as prices go up. There is a lot of ­poverty and ­unemployment in Govanhill and they struggle to put food on the table.” Another local resident, Livia Rat, 38, who has three children, aged 18, six and one, says it is a daily struggle to feed her family.


Livia, who moved to Scotland from Romania three years ago, said: “I do not work and my husband has a job with a car valet. The price of food and heating is going up all the time.


“We just manage to get by but worry that things could get worse.”

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 April 17, 2022, 2:52 p.m. No.16095281   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7967 >>4036



Nicola Sturgeon reported to Police Scotland for breaking own Covid face mask rules


The First Minister was caught on camera at an East Kilbride barber shop not wearing a face mask, while urging Scots to keep wearing them even after the legal requirement to do so is lifted


Nicola Sturgeon has been reported to Police Scotland for breaking her own Covid face mask rules while out campaigning ahead of the council elections.


The First Minister paid a visit to Iconic Gents Hair in East Kilbride on Saturday where she was videoed shaving a customer's beard.


However, another social media video has emerged which shows Ms Sturgeon mingling with punters and staff members while maskless indoors.


This goes against the current face covering laws in Scotland which says that people must wear face masks indoors at public settings, like hairdressers and shopping centres.


Although her official video she posted to her Twitter she was wearing one, another clip has surfaced which shows her breaking her own rules.


Twitter user Jane Lax, a former treasurer of the Moray Conservative Association, shared this on social media and revealed that she has reported the incident to Police Scotland.


She wrote: "I've had enough of this disdain and sheer arrogance of Nicola Sturgeon. Someone has to report her to Police Scotland and as the opposition parties aren't holding her to account, it will have to be little old me."


Ms Sturgeon was interviewed while on the campaign trail on Saturday where she urged Scots to carry on wearing face coverings despite the legal mandate coming to an end on Easter Monday.


She said she was "confident" that this would happen.


Other critics have pointed out that in the video she shared on Twitter, most of the customers in the barber shop were not wearing a face mask either and were congregating around the First Minister.


Alba Party general secretary Chris McEleny pointed this out on social media as he wrote: "Hi @nicolasturgeon is the legal requirement, set by you, to wear face masks in barbers, hairdressers, beauty therapists, tattoo shops etc exempt if you’re there to make sure everyone is safe from coronavirus?"


He added: "As we’re pretending Covid has gone away, we can just ignore that it’s a requirement by law to wear a mask in hair salons, beauty & nail parlours, tattoo studios & any other indoor close contact service setting. We can assume the FM knows all these people are breaking the law then."


Scotland is the only country in the UK still to have a mask mandate despite rising Covid cases, with the rules being extended for a month, ending on Easter Monday.


The official Scottish Government guidance states: "By law, everyone age 12 and over must wear a face covering in most indoor public places in Scotland."


Scottish Conservative Shadow Health Secretary Dr Sandesh Gulhane MSP said: “The video clearly shows Nicola Sturgeon isn’t practicing what she preaches on facemasks.


“She’s happy virtue signalling for official photos but behind closed doors it’s clear she doesn’t believe in her own rules so why should anyone else.


“This is blatant hypocrisy from the First Minister who has now shown her true colours.


“The public, who have been under these legal Covid restrictions for over two years, deserve an apology for this rule break.”


The Scottish Express has been the only major news outlet to report on repeated breaches of the mask rules by Ms Sturgeon and other senior Nationalist ministers.


In February, we revealed photos taken at a Sturgeon family birthday party in November where the First Minister and were fellow guests were without masks.


In March, the SNP leader was pictured without a face covering yet again while posing for photos with visitors at the Scottish Parliament… just days before she extended the mask rules.


We also told how Health Secretary Humza Yousaf posed without a mask in a school classroom despite Scotland's older pupils enduring face coverings during lessons for most of the pandemic.


Police Scotland confirmed the incident at the barbers had been reported to them, with a spokeswoman saying: "We can confirm that we have received a complaint which is currently being assessed.”


A SNP spokesman said: "The First Minister was invited into the barbers during an outdoor visit on the street. Within a few seconds, she realised she hadn't put her mask back on and immediately put it on."

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 April 17, 2022, 3:08 p.m. No.16095380   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4048


DRUG SCANDAL Epilepsy drug that left 20,000 babies disabled in UK is STILL being prescribed to pregnant mums despite warnings


Britta Zeltmann


0:21, 17 Apr 2022


AN epilepsy drug which left thousands of babies disabled in the UK is STILL being prescribed to pregnant mums, an investigation has found.


Sodium valproate has caused autism, learning difficulties and physical deformities in up to 20,000 babies in Britain.


The drug, which carries significant risks to unborn children, was given to women with epilepsy for four decades without proper warnings.


It has left families up and down the UK suffering the consequences, with some saying they still receive no information leaflets with their medication.


But despite a 2020 criticising the failure to inform women about the dangers, doctors are still not properly warning women of the risks, The Sunday Times reports.


According to the latest data, published in March, sodium valproate was prescribed to 247 pregnant women between April 2018 and September 2021.


It means around six babies are being born in the UK every month having been exposed to the drug.


An investigation by The Sunday Times found the medication is still being dished out to women in plain packets with the information leaflets missing, or with stickers over the warnings.


The government is also refusing to compensate those affected, despite an independent review by Baroness Cumberlege concluding in 2020 that families should be given financial help.


Catherine McNamara said her son Sebastian was born with malformed hands and other disabilities after she was prescribed the drug during her pregnancy in 2011.


She told The Times she had asked about the safety of the drug because her two older children had learning difficulties and autism.


Ms McNamara explained: “I went to the GP and said, ‘I’ve two children with quite severe learning difficulties and autism, is there any chance it could be to do with my tablets?


"The GP said no, just keep taking the tablets, everything will be fine. My consultant said the same.”


All three of her children have since been confirmed as valproate victims.


The Times also found sodium valproate is still being sent out by pharmacists without legally required patient information leaflets.


Patricia Alexander, whose two children Amélie, 12, and Joseph, 21, were both affected by sodium valproate after she was told it was safe to take while pregnant, still receives the drug in packets with no safety leaflets.


I went to the GP and said, ‘I’ve two children with quite severe learning difficulties and autism, is there any chance it could be to do with my tablets?


The GP said no, just keep taking the tablets, everything will be fine.


Catherine McNamaraVictim


“There is nothing in the box but 22 tablets,” she said. “The fact I am getting the boxes like this means others are as well.”


Medical regulators in the UK were first warned of the possible dangers of the drug in 1973, but provided no patient warnings and did not commission any longer term studies into the risks.


The Department of Health and Social Care has acknowledged the matter of the drugs still being handed out in plain packaging without the appropriate warnings.


It also launched a consultation in November to recommend sodium valproate is always dispensed in the original manufacturer’s packaging “to support increased patient safety” — but the government has not yet responded.


An NHS England spokesman said it had set up an expert group to help halve the use of sodium valproate by women who can get pregnant, and warned thousands of women and girls as young as 12 of the risks.


Dr Alison Cave, chief safety officer for the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) also said all women on the drug were now required to sign annual risk-acknowledgement forms together with their healthcare professional “as their circumstances regarding the risk of pregnancy may change”.


But the medicines regulator has admitted warnings are still not getting through.


The Department of Health and Social Care said: “Patient safety is a priority and we take all reports and inquiries on this matter extremely seriously.


“As set out in our response, we have accepted the majority of the recommendations in Baroness Cumberlege’s report.


"We want to improve the future safety of medicines and medical devices – ensuring they are used in line with the latest evidence of best practice — and there are wider forms of redress available for those who need it.”


Sodium valproate is still a safe and effective drug for epilepsy sufferers.


These patients should not stop taking it without discussing with their doctor first.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 April 19, 2022, 1:56 p.m. No.16107967   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4036



Hypocrisy 'not a powerful enough word' to describe Nicola Sturgeon says Neil Oliver



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‘Hypocrisy is not a powerful enough word to describe what’s going on with Nicola Sturgeon.’


Neil Oliver reacts to Nicola Sturgeon being accused of breaking Scottish Covid rules.


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Click here for the latest Covid-19 guidance from the World Health Organisation ►…


Click here for the latest NHS information on COVID-19 vaccines…

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 April 25, 2022, 11:20 a.m. No.16151238   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7702



Here's a selection of the comments in response to tthe video


paul scott

paul scott

7 days ago

This needs a speedy investigation asap as 2 years has passed and only 50 jobs provided not 2000 someone has had their greedy fingers in the till and how are the SNP and Sturgeon really involved and who benefited from this misuse of public funds .Boris Johnson needs to fast track an investigation by the SFO immediately to stop any more paperwork going missing




7 days ago

this channel doesnt get enough credit, its great lol and very informative




7 days ago

This woman is the worst thing to happen to Scotland, once the land of legends.


derek bamber

derek bamber

7 days ago

I remember commenting on this in detail about 1 year ago, based upon many years experience of mergers and acquisitions plus business development. My jobs guess was 50 - 60! The SNP team that evaluates such things must be very stupid or dishonest!


duane marshall

duane marshall

7 days ago

A hunting estate 114000 acres , didn't she say she was stopping this sort of thing 🤔


Toto M

Toto M

7 days ago

So much evidence of miss management and abuse of power by the SNP but not a sole ever held to account. This in itself is further sign of how wrong the SNP governance is. I’m a Scot living in Scotland and I dream of the day the SNP government is toppled.




7 days ago

What we need is a 16 year old MSP to sort it out.


Christopher Franklin

Christopher Franklin

7 days ago

The result of placing a narcissistic ideologue in charge of a country …… great video!


Bill Muir

Bill Muir

7 days ago

When will we ever learn? This has to stop, surely one day Sturgeon and the SNP will have to be held accountable.


Frank Jamieson

Frank Jamieson

7 days ago

And I thought the £300 Million for 200 jobs building the (unfinished) ferries was bad, silly me. That's nearly a BILLION POUNDS the SNP has wasted on less than 300 jobs.




7 days ago

This is one of the effects of having a load of Parish councilors (SNP) trying to run the wonderful country of Scotland. They have guile, yes but competence, management skills

and savvy. NO.

Boot them out ladies and gentlemen of the electorate. Scotland and the Scottish people deserve much much better.




7 days ago

Brace yourselves for the Nat trolls. Once they’ve been told by Nicola what to say. Keep up the great work Mercurius! #SNPout #SecretSturgeon #ResignSturgeon




The numbers at the end of each comment is the number of likes, or thumbs up.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 April 30, 2022, 3:19 p.m. No.16184864   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4868 >>0535 >>4036


Care home Covid ruling could prompt Scottish legal cases


Families who lost loved ones to Covid-19 in Scottish care homes are considering legal action following a ruling in England.


UK government policies on discharging untested patients from hospital at the start of the Covid pandemic were ruled unlawful at the High Court in London.


The case applied to England but could "open floodgates" of cases in Scotland, one bereaved relative warned.


The Scottish government said it would "examine the findings in detail".


A spokesman said ministers took decisions based on the best scientific and clinical evidence they had to keep people in care homes "as safe as possible".


In the early days of the pandemic more than half of the elderly hospital patients discharged to nearly 200 Scottish care homes had not been tested for Covid.


Last year First Minister Nicola Sturgeon accepted that the practice had cost lives, and said: "We got some things wrong and I feel the responsibility of that every single day."


Lawyer Aamer Anwar, who is acting for families bereaved by Covid, said they would look into what legal action could be taken as a result of the ruling in England.


He said there were 3,774 Covid-19 deaths in Scotland's care homes up to the end of March 2021, which "operated as petri dish for the spread of the Covid-19 virus".


"Care homes repeatedly breached the human rights of their elderly residents as infected patients were transferred from hospitals without any thought for the risk of infection rapidly spreading to other residents," he said.


The lawyer also raised concerns that the Scottish public inquiry into the handling of the pandemic, led by Lady Poole, could "attempt to avoid scrutiny" of care homes.


"We will be considering in Scotland what further legal action can be taken against those responsible for the preventable deaths that took place in care homes," he added.


"We will be raising these issues with Lady Poole, the Scottish government, but also with the Lord Advocate Dorothy Bain QC to ask her to advise the families we represent why her inquiry into deaths in care homes is taking so long, and whether charges of corporate homicide will now follow."


Dr Cath Gardner and Fay Harris took Public Health England and the health secretary, then Matt Hancock, to court after they both lost their fathers early in the pandemic.


They said there had been failures in protecting care home residents like their fathers and brought the legal challenge.


In their judgement, Lord Justice Bean and Mr Justice Garnham found the decisions of the then health secretary to make and maintain a series of policies contained in documents issued on 17 and 19 March and 2 April 2020 were unlawful.


They ruled this was because the drafters of those documents failed to take into account the risk to elderly and vulnerable residents from non-symptomatic transmission which had been highlighted by Sir Patrick Vallance in a radio interview as early as 13 March.


Jo Barrie's mother Nancy Lovering was discharged from Perth Royal Infirmary, where she had been treated for a chest infection, to Ancaster House Care Home in Crieff in mid-March 2020. She was not tested for coronavirus.


The 88-year-old completed a 14-day quarantine period but then, four days after being allowed into the residence's public areas, her family was informed of an outbreak in the home.


Mrs Lovering became ill and died in hospital.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 April 30, 2022, 3:20 p.m. No.16184868   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4036





Data released last year revealed that 13 hospital patients were discharged to Ancaster House between March and May 2020. At least one patient was untested, and at least one other was discharged despite testing positive for coronavirus.


Ms Barrie told BBC Scotland the High Court ruling for England came as a "bolt out of the blue" with a "mixture of sadness and relief".


"I felt all along that what they did wasn't right and I was powerless to do anything about it."


She said she was now considering taking legal action and felt the verdict in England would prompt similar action in Scotland.


"My initial reaction was 'wow'," she said. "This could really open the floodgates. I think it gives hopes to all groups who've persevered."

'Compelling judgement'


Dr Donald Macaskill, chief executive of Scottish Care, which represents care homes, told BBC Radio Scotland's Lunchtime Live programme the High Court judgement was a "really significant ruling".


He said the it showed that at the start of the pandemic the Department of Health and UK ministers had prioritised the NHS to such an extent that "they did not give due attention to the knowledge that all of us had" about the risk asymptomatic people posed when they were admitted into care homes without testing.


"It is a very sad judgement for the families and relatives and friends of those who died, but it's a very compelling judgement to enable us to examine the actions that were taken at the start," he said.


The Scottish inquiry would have to consider the hospital discharge policy for untested patients going into care homes and the ability of those residences to support individuals who were asymptomatic and were therefore thought not to pose a risk to other residents, Dr Macaskill said.


He added: "The priority was 'we must protect the NHS' and I think across the UK the consequences of that was a discharge of individuals because of a fear that hospitals would be overrun."

Protection through vaccination


A government spokesman said its "priority throughout the pandemic has been to save lives".


"We have sought to take the best decisions, based on the best scientific and clinical evidence that we have had at any given time, to keep people in our care homes as safe as possible," he said. "That is why in order to protect our care home residents, we have continued to prioritise the oldest first to receive protection through vaccination since the rollout began in January 2021."


Scotland's public inquiry into the handling of the Covid pandemic will scrutinise decisions that were taken over the course of the crisis.


The government said the inquiry would include "the issue of discharge to care homes".


A spokesperson for the inquiry said work had been taking place to get the right systems and staff in place to support its work, and Lady Poole had already met groups including bereaved families.


"The inquiry is independent of government and will carry out a fair, open and thorough investigation," she added.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 May 1, 2022, 2:08 p.m. No.16190535   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0538 >>4048 >>1809



Sturgeon faces court – SNP could be dragged before judge after landmark ruling


NICOLA STURGEON'S SNP faces being dragged into court after the High Court ruled the UK Government policies on discharging hospital patients into care homes at the start of the coronavirus pandemic were "unlawful".

By Rebecca Perring

Thu, Apr 28, 2022


Grieving families of Scottish victims are said to considering taking legal action against the Scottish Government after the landmark ruling in London. The SNP and health officials were accused of making "exactly the same catastrophic mistakes that led to the loss of life" in a damning statement by a lawyer representing victim's families.


Speaking for campaign group Scottish Bereaved Families for Justice, solicitor Aamer Anwar warned: "We will be considering in Scotland what further legal action can be taken against those responsible for the preventable deaths that took place in care homes.”


He accused SNP ministers of “an attempt to avoid scrutiny of this issue and thus avoid responsibility”, revealing that "very little" has happened with a public inquiry in Scotland.


It comes after Ms Sturgeon admitted mistakes were made in the way 3,000 elderly people were discharged from hospital to care homes in the first three months of the coronavirus pandemic.


Ms Sturgeon admitted with "hindsight" she agreed with Health Secretary Jeane Freeman's view that this was a mistake.


When the pandemic hit in early 2020, patients were rapidly discharged into care homes without testing, despite the risk of asymptomatic transmission, with UK Government documents showing there was no requirement for this until mid-April.


Ms Freeman had previously said: "We didn't take the right precautions to make sure that older people leaving hospital going into care homes were as safe as they could be and that was a mistake."


And in an interview with BBC Scotland, Ms Sturgeon was asked if she agreed, saying: "Looking back on that now, with the knowledge we have now and with the benefit of hindsight, yes."


In a statement, Mr Anwar said: “In January 2022 our legal team and the bereaved relatives met with Lady Poole who asked to hear their stories. At the meeting, they felt rushed and felt a lack of empathy. A number of relatives were lost to Covid19 acquired from hospitals as well as care homes.


“The relatives left the meeting feeling disappointed that the Scottish Inquiry might not investigate these deaths as Crown Office and the UK Inquiry will be.


"In over three months the families feel that very little has happened in Scotland and this is deeply disappointing, whilst it appears that the UK inquiry is moving apace.


“This is not what the relatives campaigned for, nor was it what they were promised by the Scottish Government and Deputy First Minister John Swinney.


“There now appears to be an attempt to avoid scrutiny of this issue and thus avoid responsibility, following today’s High Court decision, that cannot be allowed to happen in Scotland.


“We will be considering in Scotland what further legal action can be taken against those responsible for the preventable deaths that took place in care homes.


“We will be raising these issues with Lady Poole, the Scottish Government but also with the Lord Advocate Dorothy Bain QC, to ask her to advise the families we represent why her inquiry into deaths in care homes is taking so long, and whether charges of corporate homicide will now follow.”

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 May 1, 2022, 2:09 p.m. No.16190538   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4048






An Inquiry spokesperson said: “Following Lady Poole’s appointment in December, 2021, the main focus has been to get the right people and systems in place to support its work. The quality of the inquiry’s investigations and resulting recommendations depends on the inquiry having infrastructure to enable it to do its job. Because it is an independent inquiry, those systems have to be set up from scratch.


“That process is on-going and additional staff are being appointed to build the inquiry team to a level which reflects of scale of a pandemic which has affected all of the Scottish population. In its establishment period, the inquiry’s focus of necessity is building processes which will enable it to function efficiently and deliver its recommendations as quickly as possible.


"Lady Poole has already met a number of different organisations representing those affected by the pandemic, including bereaved families in January 2022. These meetings have been extremely important and informative and will help shape the Inquiry’s investigations in the months ahead.


“The Inquiry is independent of Government and will carry out a fair, open and thorough investigation.”


It comes after two women took legal action after their fathers died from Covid-19 - Cathy Gardner, whose father Michael Gibson died, and Fay Harris, whose father Donald died - partially succeeded in their claims against the Government on Wednesday.


Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said he wanted to "renew my apologies and sympathies", adding: "The thing we didn't know in particular was that Covid could be transmitted asymptomatically in the way that it was and that was something that I wish we had known more about at the time."


However, the risks of asymptomatic transmission had been highlighted by figures including the Government's chief scientific adviser for England, Sir Patrick Vallance, who said this was "quite likely" as early as March 13.


Varying levels of risk had also been outlined in papers from late January, the ruling said, adding that it is not suggested that ministers "should themselves have been keeping on top of the emerging science", but this would be expected of scientists advising Government


Lord Justice Bean and Mr Justice Garnham concluded that policies contained in documents released in March and early April 2020 were unlawful because they failed to take into account the risk to elderly and vulnerable residents from non-symptomatic transmission of the virus.


They said that despite "growing awareness" of the risk of asymptomatic transmission, there was no evidence that Mr Hancock or anyone advising him addressed the issue of this risk to care home residents in England, so it was "not an example of a political judgment on a finely balanced issue".


The judges said: "Those drafting the March Discharge Policy and the April Admissions Guidance simply failed to take into account the highly relevant consideration of the risk to elderly and vulnerable residents from asymptomatic transmission."


A Scottish Government spokesman said: “First and foremost our thoughts are with every single family who has lost a loved one during the course of the Pandemic.


“We are aware of the ruling at the High Court of England and Wales regarding decisions made by the UK Secretary of State for Health and Social Care and we will examine the findings in detail.


“The Scottish Government’s priority throughout the pandemic has been to save lives and we have sought to take the best decisions, based on the best scientific and clinical evidence that we have had at any given time, to keep people in our care homes as safe as possible.


“That is why in order to protect our care home residents, we have continued to prioritise the oldest first to receive protection through vaccination since the rollout began in January 2021.


“Scottish Ministers established an independent Scottish COVID-19 public inquiry on 14 December 2021. The purpose of the inquiry is to provide scrutiny and answers to the questions people have about the handling of the pandemic, and to learn lessons. In the published Terms of Reference for the Public Inquiry, the Government has included the issue of discharge to care homes."

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 May 8, 2022, 10:59 a.m. No.16235811   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4048


'dangerous & ignorant' SNP MSP slammed after saying some hospital clinics ‘push abortion’


Craig Paton


11:48, 8 May 2022


An SNP MSP has drawn criticism for saying clinics "push abortion without laying out the pros and cons".


John Mason, who represents Glasgow Shettleston, has been criticised in recent weeks for his defence of anti-abortion "vigils" that have sprung up at Glasgow hospitals.


In an email to campaign group Back Off Scotland, which seeks to implement buffer zones around abortion providers to push such vigils further away from patients, Mr Mason said he had attended one of the events to speak to the people there, and went on to say he believed abortion was "seldom essential or vital".


At some of the vigils, activists can be seen holding signs saying "women do regret abortion", among other slogans.


On Saturday, Mr Mason, while engaging on Twitter around the subject, said: "Surely these signs are very gentle and offering help?


"I do not see anything hateful or harassing about these signs."


When asked if he believed the women seeking an abortion should be asked how they feel, he added: "Yes absolutely.


"That is the key.


"But the concern is that the clinics are not always asking the women how they feel.


"Some clinics seem to be pushing abortion without laying out the pros and cons."


The issue has come to the fore in recent months, resulting in Scottish Greens MSP Gillian Mackay seeking to legislate at Holyrood for buffer zones, as well as Nicola Sturgeon and women's health minister Maree Todd being urged to act.


The First Minister has repeatedly condemned the vigils, urging protesters instead to come to parliament to voice their opposition to abortion, and has set up a working group to assess the legal viability of buffer zones.


Lucy Grieve, the co-founder and director of Back Off Scotland, said: "John Mason's false claims are incredibly dangerous and ignorant.


"This is the same elected official that admitted attending anti-choice protests at Scottish hospitals.


"He clearly has no idea what goes on during an abortion, and his comments are offensive to abortion providers and their patients."


Scottish Labour Deputy leader Jackie Baillie went on to describe the comments from Mr Mason as "baseless".


"This is an insult to all the women who've had to make this difficult decision and all the hardworking NHS staff who've supported them through it," she said.


"Women have a right to access abortion, and they should be able to do so without harassment and intimidation.


"Nicola Sturgeon has given plenty of warm words on this but no action, it is time for her to show the leadership needed and introduce buffer zones, as well as stopping her MSPs spreading damaging falsehoods."

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 May 10, 2022, 7:40 a.m. No.16247702   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4821




Their corruption is right in your face but the whole of Scotland is totally apathetic. What will it take to shake Scotland into action?

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 May 11, 2022, 3:52 p.m. No.16256851   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4048


FERRY FIASCO John Swinney revealed as cabinet minister who agreed to doomed £97m ferries contract


Rachel Watson


19:57, 11 May 2022


DEPUTY First Minister John Swinney has been revealed as the cabinet minister who gave the final nod to a doomed £97 million ferries contract against expert advice.


The SNP chief agreed to the deal after then Transport Minister Derek Mackay backed it in 2015, new documents show.


Ministers faced further questions over the saga - which has now cost taxpayers at least £250m - after they suggested the release of “missing” paperwork had drawn a line under the matter.


Opposition parties claimed the emails apparently found by the government did not answer questions from public auditors about why the deal was handed to Ferguson shipyard against the advice of the taxpayer-owned ferries body, Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited.


Ministers approved the deal with Ferguson Marine for two new ferries to be delivered in 2017. However, neither vessel is finished and the price has continued to soar.


A report by Auditor General Stephen Boyle said there was “no documented evidence to confirm why Scottish ministers were willing to accept the risks of awarding the contract to FMEL, despite CMAL’s concerns”.


But, yesterday during a debate at Holyrood Transport Minister Jenny Gilruth brandished papers claiming the “missing” documents had been found.


She said an email chain had been discovered because it had been “retained by someone” in government “by chance”.


Ms Gilruth claimed the documents contained “irrefutable documentary evidence” that Mr Mackay had signed off the contract.


However, the newly published emails show it was Mr Swinney, then Finance Secretary, who officials went to after Mr Mackay backed the deal.


In the exchanges in October 2015, it states a call was due to take place with Mr Swinney and in the “absence of banana skins” the contract would go-ahead.


Follow up emails said: “Just finished by call with DFM. He now understands the background and that Mr Mackay has cleared the proposal. So the way is clear to award.”


A statement from the government said Mr Swinney was “briefed” about Mr Mackay’s decision.


Scottish Labour transport spokesman Neil Bibby, accused the SNP of being in a “quagmire of spin and cover up”.


He said: “It is a disgrace that this document was not given to Audit Scotland originally. It begs the question what other information has been kept from them and the public.


“We still don’t have a shred of information about why this decision was made, and now these documents show that it was cleared by John Swinney.”


Ms Gilruth said the email was discovered at noon yesterday adding: “This email destroys the opposition’s ridiculous conspiracy theories that another minister made this decision and it destroys their unfolded speculation that there was a ministerial direction.”


Scottish Tory transport spokesman Graham Simpson said: “The missing document we and the Scottish public are seeking is one that tells us why the SNP awarded it to Ferguson, given they were expressly advised not to.”


Scottish Lib Dem economy spokesman Willie Rennie said a public inquiry is “now urgent”.


He added: “It’s difficult to believe that the SNP happened to find this apparently critical document just before the debate on ferries. The document makes matters worse as it still doesn’t explain why the decision was made to ignore CMAL.”


Sources last night claimed Mr Mackay’s emails show that the contract was signed off because he was happy with the mitigations put in place - which were previously seen by Audit Scotland.


The spending watchdog Audit Scotland said: “The email confirms that ministers approved the award of the FMEL contract.


“But htere remains insufficient documentary evidence to explain wht the decision was made to proceed with the contract, given the significant risks and concerns raised by CMAL.”

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 May 14, 2022, 1:21 p.m. No.16274679   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4818 >>4048 >>4369



I think this is the whole of this little series on one vid. Sadly, not a word about the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry (SCAI).


9 minutes of domestic SNP FAILURE

2,454 views 12 May 2022 As Nicola Sturgeon is off on a taxpayer-funded USA trip, we thought we'd bring all the failures she's leaving at home into a 9 minute marathon.



Anonymous ID: 9f1779 May 14, 2022, 1:53 p.m. No.16274818   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4820 >>4048



>As Nicola Sturgeon is off on a taxpayer-funded USA trip, we thought we'd bring all the failures she's leaving at home into a 9 minute marathon.


Nicola Sturgeon to promote Scotland's global aims in US ahead of Indyref2


By Tom Gordon

Scottish Political Editor


NICOLA Sturgeon is to visit the United States next week as she promotes her Government's thinking on international affairs ahead of her planned independence referendum.


The First Minister will meet business leaders and politicians to underline “Scotland’s key interests in global issues”.


Critics accused her of using public money to "grandstand about separation" and neglecting domestic problems to "take the SNP’s obsession on tour”.


The Scottish Government today published a Global Affairs Framework setting out the “values, principles and priorities” behind its work “to become more active internationally”.


It says Scotland will focus on “global citizenship, maintaining close relations with the EU, gender equality, and respect for human rights”.


The Framework also covers Ms Sturgeon's plans for independence.


It says: “The principles of this Global Affairs Framework will apply regardless of Scotland’s constitutional position but clearly the contribution that Scotland could make, and the benefits it could receive, would be significantly enhanced with the powers of independence rather than devolution.


“The Scottish Government’s prospectus for enhanced international relations as an independent state will be published in the run-up to the independence referendum.”


It also states an independent Scotland would return to the EU, but does not say if this would be done through a second EU referendum.


It says: “We believe that rejoining the EU at the earliest opportunity as an independent country represents the best future for Scotland.


"In the meantime, we will maintain alignment where possible and practical with EU legislation, standards, policies and programmes.”


The Framework also attacks “the UK Government’s disastrous and chaotic Brexit”, and reflects on the impacts of Covid, the climate crisis and the war in Ukraine.


It does not mention the SNP's desire to remove nuclear weapons from Scotland after independence, potentially disarming one of the three Nato nuclear powers.


Ms Sturgeon has said she wants to hold Indyref2 next year, but Boris Johnson has refused to give Holyrood the power to do so.


The First Minister has said she will put a Referendum Bill through Holyrood regardless, but it is almost certain to be challenged at the UK Supreme Court and probably overturned.


The Scottish Government said Ms Sturgeon would take part in “a range of engagements focused on the interlinked issues of climate, energy security and the war in Ukraine” in America, “including a keynote speech at the Brookings Institution in Washington DC”.


She will also meet US Congressional groups and “discuss ways to create a greener, fairer and more equitable economy with executives of companies operating across the Atlantic”.


She said: “The Covid-19 pandemic and the climate and biodiversity emergencies prove in the starkest possible way that we live in an interconnected world and it is more important than ever that Scotland plays its part. The crisis in Ukraine underlines how interconnected these challenges are, and all countries have a role to play in meeting them.


“We are determined that Scotland continues to be a good global citizen, making a constructive contribution to addressing global challenges such as climate change.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 May 14, 2022, 1:54 p.m. No.16274820   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4048






“Our international activity creates opportunities at home, broadens our horizons, attracts high-quality investment and ultimately benefits our people - no more evident than in Scotland’s long standing relationship and strong trade ties with the USA, which this visit will build upon further.


“By being open and connected and making a positive contribution internationally, we give ourselves the greatest possible chance of building a successful country. In this way we can make a contribution to the world that is welcomed, valued and helps us all.”


Tory MSP Donald Cameron said: “Just a few days after the local elections and Nicola Sturgeon has already abandoned local issues to jet off on an ‘indy tour’ to the United States.


“The vast majority of Scots don’t want a referendum on Nicola Sturgeon’s timeline, yet instead of focusing on the issues Scots really care about the First Minister would rather promote independence abroad at the taxpayer’s expense.


“The Scottish public will be outraged to see the First Minister taking her eye off the ball so soon after local elections – not to mention furious at this waste of taxpayer money in the middle of a cost-of-living crisis.


“Nicola Sturgeon should be focusing on tackling her government’s woeful record here at home, instead of taking the SNP’s obsession with independence on tour.”


Pamela Nash, chief executive of Scotland in Union, said: “As part of the UK we are members of the G7 and the UN Security Council, which would both be lost if we break up the UK.


“Our global influence would be dramatically diminished, jeopardising our efforts to promote peace and tackle climate change.


“And even though many of us still wish we were in the EU, the fact is that our trade with the rest of the UK is worth more than every country in the EU combined.


“Nicola Sturgeon should not use her foreign trips to grandstand about separation, which is supported by a minority of people in Scotland.”

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 May 17, 2022, 7:37 a.m. No.16291391   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1395 >>4033


Investigation launched after woman claims police were involved in child abuse in Glasgow


Sky News investigated organised sexual abuse in the city and spoke to one young woman who claimed she had recognised an officer who sexually abused her as a child because he was the same man who sometimes picked her up and took her home after she went missing.


Jason Farrell

Home editor. Monday 16 May 2022


Police in Scotland say they are investigating allegations that two of their own officers were involved in a child abuse ring in Glasgow in 2014.


It comes after Sky News investigated organised sexual abuse in the city and spoke to one young woman who claimed she had recognised an officer who sexually abused her as a child because he was the same man who sometimes picked her up and took her home after she went missing.


Data examined by Sky News also show a huge gulf between the number of children referred for help as victims of modern slavery, compared to the number of attempted prosecutions for the crime.


Toni Louise, now 22, has waived her anonymity to tell her story.


She says she was groomed and sold for sex by a man she thought was her boyfriend.


The first time he told her to have sex with another man she was 12 years old.


She said: "One day he was like 'I need you to do something for me. And well you don't really have a choice in it'."


"I was kind of like, 'I don't really want to do this'. And he was like, 'It's too late now. I've already told him that you're gonna do it'. And that was the first time that I was sold for money."


Toni Louise said she started to go truant from school.


"At first it was only like once or twice a week that I would have to leave school. And then it got to like every day. It got to the point where I wasn't even making it up to school. He was picking me up at the end of my mum's street."


Sold to up to '30 men a day'


She says she was sold to up to 30 men a day, to people of all nationalities and from all walks of life including, she claims, two police officers.


Challenged on how she knew they were police officers, she replied: "Because some of them were the ones that took me home, when I've been reported missing. So, I've seen them in their uniform."


She says one officer who abused her several times over a six-month period even had a conversation with her mother in the kitchen after dropping her back home.


According to her account, the fact that he was one of her abusers was never mentioned during the car journeys.


She said: "I think work mode is different to 'I'm going to rape a child' mode like it was never acknowledged."


Toni Louise eventually escaped her situation, but says when she first reported it to the police she was told: "You've got an active imagination for a wee girl haven't you?"


Initially, she did not report the allegations referring to the police officers for fear it would not be believed.


But numerous alleged crimes against her have been logged by Glasgow police including 29 rapes. There was an investigation but, despite one person being charged, it did not reach court.


'She was very thin, very small'

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 May 17, 2022, 7:37 a.m. No.16291395   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4033






Toni Louise has now reported the alleged incidents involving police officers and in a statement, Police Scotland said: "A new report of child exploitation involving police officers from 2014 was received by Police Scotland on 9 May 2022.


"This report is now being investigated by specialist officers from our National Sexual Crimes Unit and we are unable to comment further at this stage.


"We would like to reassure anyone who has been a victim of sexual crime that time is no bar to reporting and all allegations will be fully investigated, regardless of the identity of the perpetrator."


Twenty years ago the charity Barnardo's first suggested around 100 children were being sold for sex in Glasgow. Over the years concerns have resurfaced especially, around the area of Govanhill.


When Sky News first began investigating the story three years ago a local sex worker, "Beth", said she saw a child being sold for sex in one of Glasgow's poorest suburbs.


She told Sky News: "She looked about 13, 14, if that. She was very thin, very small. I could see that she was definitely working. So, I went over to her and said, 'are you alright?' and she just didn't want to talk to me and stepped back from me as if she was scared of me. I said, 'are you working?'


"And this man came out from absolutely nowhere, absolutely nowhere, and said 'she's fine. Is there a problem?' and I said 'no, just wondering if she's well' and he said, 'she's fine.' I said, 'are you with her then?' and he just said, 'yeah I'm her uncle.'"


Abused from the age of eight


Another alleged victim, speaking anonymously, told Sky News that she was abused from the age of eight, initially by a local shopkeeper.


She said: "They were giving me drink at a young age. And like juice, ice cream, 'cause we didn't have a lot. Didn't have money for ice cream."


Children's treats turned to drugs and what began as one individual's sexual abuse in the back of the shop became regular exploitation by groups of men, in properties across Govanhill. One of the properties was on the same street where Toni Louise says she was regularly abused, although the two women have never met.


Male child victims of modern slavery are mostly involved in criminality such as selling drugs, with girls most often sold for sex.


Sky News analysis of national data in Scotland found that in three years, 349 children have been given a "reasonable grounds" decision under the national referral mechanism (MRM) as being victims of modern slavery. Yet, data over that period shows only eight attempted prosecutions - and not one conviction.


The picture is no better across the rest of the country. In the United Kingdom, there have been over 18,000 minors who have received "reasonable grounds" decisions by the NRM between 2016 and 2021.


Yet over the same period, the Crown Prosecution Service completed just 185 modern slavery-related prosecutions involving a child victim - with a 51% conviction rate.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 May 19, 2022, 4:39 p.m. No.16306696   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6710 >>6718


MI5 agent used secret status to terrorise girlfriend


By Daniel De Simone & Sira Thierij


An MI5 spy used his status to terrorise his partner before moving abroad to continue intelligence work while under investigation, the BBC has found.


A video shows the man threatening to kill the woman and attacking her with a machete.


The foreign national cannot be named, despite evidence he is a threat to women, after the government took the BBC to court to block publication.


Evidence shows that he is a right-wing extremist with a violent past.


In an unprecedented legal battle, the corporation argued that women had a right to know his identity and it would protect potential victims from harm.


But the BBC successfully resisted the government's attempt to stop publication of the wide-ranging investigation.

Short presentational grey line


Beth, a British national, met the agent on a dating site. The couple went on to live together in the UK.


At first, she says, he was "charming". They appeared to have a lot in common.


But over time, he was revealed to be a misogynist and extremist, obsessed with violence and cruelty. Beth - not her real name - says he sexually assaulted her, and was also abusive and coercive.


She says he used his position with the British security services to terrorise her.


"He had complete control. I was a shadow of who I am now," she says.


As the relationship became more abusive, Beth's mental health deteriorated.


"At the end of the relationship he dictated my every waking hour - where I went, who I saw, how I worked, what I did at work, what I wore."


X made her "feel absolutely worthless" and used "the fact that I had mental health problems to bully me and to make me feel more vulnerable".


He collected weapons and made her watch terrorist videos of executions and murders, she says.


"There was so much psychological terror from him to me, that ultimately culminated in me having a breakdown, because I was so afraid of everything - because of how he'd made me think, the people that he was involved with, and the people who he worked for."


She says X told her that he worked as a paid informant for the British security services - an agent or covert human intelligence source (CHIS), to use the formal term - infiltrating extremist networks. She was aware that he was having meetings with his handlers, receiving money, and being given equipment.


Initially, she said, he kept his real name hidden from her. Our investigation has established that X spent years working as a CHIS for MI5, using several aliases.


The security service runs agents in terrorist networks, informants who secretly work with their handlers, MI5 officers. Controversial powers authorise its agents to commit crimes as part of their cover, but only to access life-saving intelligence, disrupt more serious crime, or ensure an agent's safety.


But this should not cover actions in their private lives.


She says he told her she wouldn't be able to report his behaviour because of his status.


"It meant that I couldn't speak out about any of his behaviour towards me, any of the violence I went through, sexual or physical, because he had men in high places who always had his back, who would intervene and who would actively kill me, if I spoke out."


X was paid to inform on networks of right-wing extremists, but evidence we've seen shows his own alarming views are genuine.


Beth says X praised various white supremacist mass murderers and stated his intent to commit similar acts.


At home, his violence was directed towards Beth. In one video, the MI5 agent is seen attacking her with a machete.


The incident was filmed by Beth on her mobile phone. In the lead-up to the attack, she is heard voicing concern about being killed and saying his treatment of her was unacceptable.


X states he will kill her, leaves the room, and returns holding a machete - which he then raises above her head.


When she is heard telling him the film could be handed to police, X launches an attack with the weapon and his fists. The video cuts out amid her screams.


She manages to fight him off, but he tried to attack her again hours later with a knife, attempting to cut her throat. She says she bit his hand in order to stop him.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 May 19, 2022, 4:40 p.m. No.16306703   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6710 >>6718



Police visited their home after the attack, but our investigation has uncovered serious issues with the response.


X was arrested, charged with assaulting Beth and appeared in court. However, while he was at court, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) dropped the case.


Beth says X returned to the property and continued to mistreat her.


The police did not take a full statement from Beth or obtain the video of her being attacked. The CPS quickly discontinued the prosecution.


The police force concerned and the CPS insist the case was discontinued due to lack of evidence.


After returning home, Beth says X claimed the security services would support him and that she was "nothing".


A separate video, covertly filmed by Beth, captured exchanges in which X suggested she might get killed for asking too many questions.


In the video, Beth asks if he will be the one to kill her. His reply implies that he had almost done just that during a previous violent episode.


Lounging smugly on a sofa, he continues: "It's constantly in me. This murderous thing is always in me…. I always imagine how I bludgeon someone to death… It's always been me…. I've been doing it since I was like six… I'm overly aggressive, I know that myself."

Short presentational grey line


The couple would not remain together for much longer - X threw Beth out of their property and disappeared while another investigation against him was ongoing.


During a search of the home after the machete attack, local police officers had discovered extremist material - including X's personal Nazi paraphernalia.


The BBC has seen a police log showing the evidence found by officers, such as a private diary in which X had written about killing "Jews". He had also written about killing Beth.


Local officers called in counter-terror detectives, who in turn seized various items. A terrorism investigation into X ensued, but he left the UK while it was ongoing.


Within weeks of him leaving, Beth had a mental breakdown and was hospitalised.


While she was there, items of hers that had also been seized by counter terror officers were returned to a member of her family by a man who did not identify himself. The relative assumed the man was an associate of X. Neither Beth nor her family knew of the terrorism investigation.


The family were disturbed by this visit - concerned about how the stranger knew the address and came to have Beth's possessions.


We have established the visitor was an MI5 officer. Material seized by a police investigation, under a police warrant, had been given to MI5.


The highly unusual move is consistent with interference in a criminal process by the security service. X's own items were also handed by police to MI5, it is understood.


Counter terror police say no criminality was identified during their enquiries, but have apologised for the fact Beth's possessions were not passed directly to her.


Following her release from hospital, Beth complained to the local police force, asking why the case was dropped, why her property was taken, and why it was returned by a stranger.


Police took a year to interview her, but have since claimed there is nothing to look into as everything was investigated previously. It was not.


During the course of a complaint process with the police, Beth was told the force did not hold information about her property being seized but could see from "notes" that some property had been taken and returned to X. Police said they did not seize any items as part of their own investigation, and were "unable to advise when or why these were taken".


This was untrue, as the police force concerned was responsible for calling in counter terror officers.


The police claim that property had been returned to X was also untrue - the material had been given to MI5.


We have established that, after X disappeared, he moved abroad and began working for a foreign intelligence agency.


But X also has a history of appalling abuse in that country - with his extremist and violent behaviour long predating him becoming an MI5 agent.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 May 19, 2022, 4:43 p.m. No.16306718   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>>16306696 (You)


>>16306703 (You)




We located and spoke to a former partner in the same foreign country. Her account of X's behaviour is equally alarming as Beth's. The two women have never met or communicated.


Ruth - not her real name - says X seemed normal at first, but he eventually began abusing and terrorising her.


He also threatened her life and that of her child.


"He said he would be able to kill me and my daughter, too, and then put our bodies somewhere and no-one would ever know who I am."


Fearing for her safety, she sought help from a medical organisation and was taken to a refuge. The trauma had left her unable to even speak at the time, and she was admitted to hospital.


"I was psychologically broken, really broken," she says.


"I kept wondering why he changed so much, but he once told me that this is his true face and that he'd been acting the whole time."


We tracked down a professional who had helped care for Ruth. He corroborated her account and described the events as perhaps the most disturbing he has ever encountered.


He remembered a notebook in which X had set out his desire to kill. Ruth separately described the same item, saying it contained fantasies involving "blood, bones, flesh. Human flesh. Eating children's flesh".


And he threatened to kill and sexually abuse female children known to Ruth. He would later make the same threats to Beth.


Police in the foreign country were made aware of X and the threat he posed.


In a disturbing echo of the way he later abused his MI5 connection, X had used the spectre of a criminal organisation to which he was linked to terrify Ruth, telling her its members could have her killed.


X eventually disappeared, leaving her only his financial debts.


We've found he subsequently spent years in Britain using her name, as a way of hiding his real identity, while in the pay of MI5.


"I think it's not fair and I'm angry," Ruth says. "I'm very hurt. I feel cheated. You can't have trust. There is no justice."


Our investigation found evidence independent of both women that corroborates their descriptions of X.


We obtained writings in the which X boasted about severely sexually exploiting women - using language that is too offensive to repeat.


In other writings, he expressed approval for a young girl being raped and murdered.


He openly joined a site, looking for British women, under an alias used for his MI5 work. Consistent with this, Beth says he had described searching online for women to exploit.


Given the BBC was able to establish that X had a history of violence and abuse, M15 should, similarly, have been aware.


Last year a serving police officer grossly exploited his position to coerce, rape and murder Sarah Everard.


There was overwhelming public concern - also voiced by government ministers - about how such a tragedy could have occurred, as well as about the state's wider response to violence against women and girls.


An inquiry into her death has been announced, with the home secretary saying it "will shine a light on the failings that allowed a serving police officer to abuse his power in such a horrific manner and make recommendations for change within policing".


The warning signs displayed by X are stark. Both of the women we interviewed think he is capable of murder.


But, when we put our findings about X to the government, it took us to the High Court, trying to stop this story being made public.


The court legally prevented us from naming X, because of an apparent risk to him from other extremists.


The government said it "will not comment on security or intelligence", but the court order is "aimed at protecting national security and avoiding a real and immediate risk to life, safety and privacy."


However, the BBC wanted to identify X so that women he is in contact with already, or those who meet him in future, could be warned.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 May 23, 2022, 3:47 p.m. No.16329209   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Fettes in talks on payout for abuse suffered by pupils


Marcello Mega

Monday May 23 2022


Fettes College, Edinburgh, is poised to pay a seven-figure sum in compensation for the sexual and physical abuse suffered by some former pupils.


The leading private school — which counts Sir Tony Blair, the former prime minister, and the actress Tilda Swinton among its alumni — made a public apology to victims at the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry and is negotiating the size of awards for assaults described as “shocking and truly life-changing”.


Apologies, have no subscription to the Times…..if anyone is able to post the whole story I'd be very appreciative, have not read the whole story myself.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 May 26, 2022, 6:08 a.m. No.16344305   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6595



Thanks, I probably don't remember often to say this baker. Very much appreciated nonetheless.


Scottish teenagers are being quizzed on their sexuality and gender identity when they apply for a free bus pass in latest 'intrusive' SNP scheme


By Graham Grant, Home Affairs Editor For The Scottish Daily Mail


24 January 2022


Youngsters aged over 16 are being asked if they are gay, straight or bisexual

They are also quizzed about their gender as part of the detailed questionnaire

SNP accused of being 'obsessed' with grilling children over sexual preferences


Teenagers are being questioned about their sexuality when they apply for free bus passes in the latest 'intrusive' SNP scheme.


Youngsters aged over 16 are being asked if they are gay, straight or bisexual in a survey – with the chance of winning up to £250 of shopping vouchers.


They are also quizzed about their gender, with an option to state that they are 'non-binary' as part of a detailed questionnaire.


The £132million scheme offers free travel to all people in Scotland aged 22 or under in a bid to encourage them to use public transport.


The disclosure comes amid a row over a schools survey that asked S4 to S6 pupils about their sexual experiences in a 'census' of their health and wellbeing.


The Transport Scotland survey has sparked a backlash from parents and campaigners.


Simon Calvert of the Christian Institute, which has almost 10,000 members in Scotland, said: 'The Scottish Government seems obsessed with asking intrusive questions and collecting sensitive personal information.


'Rather than hoovering up sensitive personal data and appealing to some special interest groups while ignoring others, surely they should just focus on ensuring everybody gets better public services?'


SNP ministers hope the scheme will prevent youngsters from having to turn down potential job opportunities or college places because of where they live.


Youngsters who complete the 'short travel survey' have 'a chance to win' up to £250 in shopping vouchers. The sexuality question asks: 'Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation?' Answers include: straight/heterosexual, gay or lesbian, bisexual, other (please specify), or prefer not to say'.


On gender, recipients are asked: 'What gender are you?' The possible answers are: male, female, trans, non-binary, other, or 'prefer not to say'.


The survey has been sent out by local authorities to people who applied for the bus pass. A link to it has also been widely distributed online, including on the website of youth organisation Young Scot.


In some cases, the email has been sent to parents who applied on behalf of their children.


A parent in Argyll and Bute, who forwarded the email to the Mail, said: 'Why on earth are they interested in such intimate details – it's just a bus pass. It is very sinister.'


The email says: 'We would be grateful if parents/guardians of younger children (ie those aged five-15), or young people aged 12-21 themselves, could complete this short travel survey.'


Wellside Research and consultancy Stantec have been commissioned to conduct the survey.


The email states that 'all data will be treated confidentially and anonymously'.


It adds: 'To allow for changes to be identified, Transport Scotland may also share anonymised data with other research partners in the future.'


The row comes as schoolchildren are quizzed about their sexual habits under a separate scheme One of the school survey questions – aimed at pupils in S4 and S6 – asks: 'People have varying degrees of sexual experience. How much, if any, sexual experience have you had?'


Commenting on the bus pass survey, Dr Stuart Waiton, a sociology lecturer at Abertay University in Dundee, said there was currently 'a strange, almost fetish-like concern' with LGBT issues within government.


A Catholic Church spokesman said: 'It is surely time for the Government and its agencies to stop obsessing over young people's sexuality.'


A Transport Scotland spokesman said: 'The question on sexual orientation applies only to young people aged 16 and over and there is an option not to answer.


'We want to understand if there are any barriers for young people from protected characteristics accessing public transport.


'Our initial research identified LGBTQ+ young people might be less inclined to use the bus for fear of homophobic and transphobic harassment.'

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 May 26, 2022, 1:06 p.m. No.16346595   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Why DOES the SNP seem so obsessed with the sex lives of our teenagers?


Commentary by JO BISSET, parents' campaigner


After the two years Scottish children have endured, you would think the SNP-Green Government might want to think about making things better for them.


That could involve a cast-iron guarantee that schools will never close again, the lifting of face mask rules in class or fresh investment in sport and arts facilities.


If our leaders were feeling ambitious, they could even aspire to restoring Scotland's reputation as a world leader in education, an accolade that has been allowed to slip shamefully far in recent decades.


Instead, the issue this Government appears to want to be defined by is the grilling of children about their sexual preferences and experiences.


The deceptively dubbed 'health and wellbeing' survey has rightly been panned by parents and politicians across the board.


Even SNP-run local authorities are refusing to issue it to children in their area, in clear defiance of their national masters.


Now we learn that a seemingly innocuous survey on teenagers' use of bus passes is being used to probe the private lives of our young people.


Parents are wondering why the Scottish Government has become so obsessed about this topic. They think it is sinister, unnecessary and haven't been given anything resembling a reasonable explanation for why it is happening.


Having led a parents' group during a period where Scotland's children have been treated appallingly at the altar of corona-virus restrictions, I have seen a fair few upset and desperate families at the very end of their tether.


I didn't think anything could match the anger which was caused by the cancellation of exams for two consecutive years, the sporadic and catastrophic closure of schools for months on end, or the treatment of disabled and deaf children for whom a compulsory face mask was humiliating and exclusionary.


But these needless sex-based quizzes have come pretty close. It's not a political issue either – parents on every side of Scotland's constitutional and political divide share equal levels of disdain for this peculiar development.


The official line that gay and lesbian young people may be put off using public transport seems insincere and unconvincing.


And as we're seeing all too often with politicians through this pandemic, it's clearly a 'one rule for us, another one for everyone else' approach.


After all, when challenged in a Freedom of Information request, senior government figures declined to answer the very questions being posed to youngsters.


Too sensitive for them, but seemingly fair game for schoolboys and girls across the country. The latest revelations merely mirror a wider trend which is troubling mums and dads across Scotland.


Even parents of children in the early stages of primary school have raised concerns that there is too much sexual education being injected into the curriculum at too young an age – although no one is saying there's not a place for such lessons in the curriculum full stop.


Recently, the Scottish Government finally admitted that the closure of the country's schools did more harm than good to young people.


Ministers conceded that the wider educational, developmental and social harms caused 'are becoming more of a concern than the immediate health harms, particularly for children and young people'. Thousands of parents across Scotland could have told them this 18 months ago. We did, and were branded 'cranks' in the process.


Don't be surprised if Scottish Government ministers belatedly reach the same conclusion about these intrusive and utterly unwanted sex surveys.


They should do us all a favour by withdrawing them right now and focusing instead on actual topics of education such as literacy, numeracy, sciences and languages. That's an agenda we could all get behind, and one which will actually support our young people when they need and deserve it the most.


n Jo Bisset is an organiser for parents' group UFT Scotland

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 May 27, 2022, 1:26 p.m. No.16352218   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2597


The Balmoral Hotel Incident is the kind of bizarre rumour that Nicola Sturgeon could quash by being more open


Hundreds of people on social media are openly discussing an outlandish conspiracy theory about the First Minister. But is the SNP's culture of secrecy creating an environment for such rumours to flourish?


ByBen BorlandEditor


I was idly scrolling through Twitter at the weekend when I saw a hashtag called the "Balmoral Hotel Incident" was trending.


Intrigued, I began to investigate further - was this something our weekend news reporters needed to know about, perhaps a hostage-taking or police stand-off in Edinburgh's most famous hotel?


No, as it turned out it was in relation to a bizarre, outlandish and entirely unfounded rumour about Nicola Sturgeon and her private life.


It was also, I must admit, one I had never heard before - but it seems as though lots of people out there in cyberspace on both sides of the independence debate are well aware of the claims.


Mhairi Hunter, the erstwhile SNP councillor in Glasgow and Ms Sturgeon's campaign organiser in Glasgow Southside, was among those discussing the hashtag.


She tweeted on Sunday morning: "This Balmoral Hotel stuff is proper Q Anon level hysteria. It is never going to be in the papers, guys, because every single part of it is made up."


This was followed by a flurry of replies, including her view that "people should know it's just a lot of nonsense from weird fantasists".


She also said the rumour had "grown arms and legs", adding: "I would love for someone to trace it back to its origin & see how it developed. It would be an interesting study of social media mythmaking."


This was not the first scurrilous rumour about the First Minister that I've seen on social media, however.


And it is not just online; I have often had conversations with people entirely unconnected to politics or journalism where they have asked me why X, Y or Z story has never appeared in the newspapers.


Ms Sturgeon herself is clearly well aware of the scuttlebutt.


She told the Sunday Times in February 2020: "This sort of exotic double life that I'm supposedly leading is a damn sight more interesting than the actual life I’m leading.


"It does not have a scintilla of truth or basis in reality. It is just so completely off the wall."


But why are these rumours appearing in the first place?


Well, perhaps it would help matters if the First Minister was less restrictive about granting access for the Scottish press.


The recent SNP local election campaign launch in Govanhill where journalists were told not to attend was a case in point.


I can't remember the last interview Ms Sturgeon granted to a news outlet north of the Border that wasn't entirely friendly to her political views.


Yes, she often appears on TV but the broadcasters in Scotland are very sympathetic… and those in London often have their own agenda which is more focused on Westminster.


And she was a daily fixture on our screens during the pandemic, although the subject matter strictly related to Covid-19 and even hostile questions burnished her image as a national leader during a time of crisis.


Ms Hunter describes the rumours as "Q Anon level hysteria" although it must be said the content is far more mundane than the gibberish spouted by Q and his/her followers.


Still, many in the USA believe the false information that flourished online during the Donald Trump presidency was fuelled by a lack of trust in the White House.


There is clearly a parallel with the SNP's Scotland here, at a time when vital documents about a national scandal can go missing and then reappear as if by magic.


The culture of secrecy fostered by Ms Sturgeon and her ministers is unprecedented in the devolved era, with even the Auditor General struggling to get hold of accurate information.


The First Minister and her team even managed to misconstrue - whether deliberately or not - the content of her talks with the US deputy secretary of state recently.


Many people simply do not trust the SNP administration to tell the truth and it is in this febrile atmosphere that conspiracy theories can take hold.


Writing in the New York Times, Shira Ovide said: "Nature abhors a vacuum, and the internet turns a vacuum into conspiracies. All of us have a role to play in not contributing to misinformation, but experts and people in positions of power shoulder even more responsibility for not creating the conditions for bogus information to go wild."


And it is the trust vacuum at the heart of Holyrood politics that is at least partly to blame for these crazy theories that appear online.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 May 27, 2022, 2:49 p.m. No.16352597   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7581



The "bizarre rumour"……..


Wee Nippy Isn't Off With COVID: Naw, She's Off Until Bumps and Bruises Disappear



Anonymous ID: 9f1779 June 8, 2022, 8:24 a.m. No.16414369   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2190











Secrets and Lies

22,382 views 29 May 2022 Scotland is a country being run into the ground by a nationalist administration based on secrets and lies. How much worse will it get under the hopeless SNP?

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 June 13, 2022, 5:40 p.m. No.16442190   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The solution is right in your face…..




How the fuck do you people think they finance all of these infringements on your rights??

Where the fuck do you think they get the money, the magic fucking money tree?

I despair at the "roll over and die" mentality of Scotland.

Stand up and put an end to the arseholes who are destroying your country and selling it to the highest bidders….this is your fucking country you CUNTS, take it back, ignore all legislation and pay no more tax. You see no personal or community benefit from your blood, sweat and tears….all is syphoned away by liars and thieves with an unhealthy attitude toward kids.


Scared of the common cold enough for 2 fucking years to hide behind a wee mask at the dictat of self proclaimed authorities. Higher and higher taxes to pay for all their corruption, and the millions of undocumented and illegal immigrants (mostly young men of fighting age) who've never contributed a coin toward the lands your forefathers built for you.


Scotland, you are a fucking disgrace to your ancestors.

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 June 15, 2022, 7:30 a.m. No.16450360   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0367



Scottish child abuse 'jumping through hoops' to receive compensation


Survivors of institutional child abuse are being forced to "jump through hoops" to receive government compensation, according to a campaigner.


Chris Daly, who spent time in a children's home run by the Sisters of Nazareth Catholic order, said the scheme was overly bureaucratic with little support offered to claimants.


He said a shortage of case workers was also leading to pursuers facing long delays.


Applications for the Scottish Government's Redress Scheme opened in December.


Those eligible can apply to request an apology and payments ranging from £10,000 up to £100,000.


A number of institutions are contributing financially to the scheme including; Barnardo's, The Sisters of Nazareth and NHS Scotland boards.


Deputy First Minister John Swinney said earlier this year that the government had not anticipated the volume of applications it had received and was recruiting additional case workers.


Mr Daly, who is assisting five survivors with claims as well as pursuing his own, said the government should have been better prepared given that a pilot scheme was launched in 2019.


He said: "An advance payment scheme was set up for elderly people and those who are terminally ill and rightly so.


"That was seen as a pilot, it opened in April 2019 and closed the day the proper scheme opened.


"You would think that any issues would have been ironed out.


"It's very complex.


"If you are looking for a higher amount [than £10,000], you really are having to jump through hoops.


"Applicants must obtain proof that they were resident in an institution, which involves a subject access request to the organisation or local authority or health board asking them to release personal records.


"Many people don't know what that is and are struggling to navigate the system."


He said none of the five applications he was assisting on had been assigned a case worker months after submitting all the relevant documents.


"The timescale was supposed to be something like eight weeks," said Mr Daly, 58, who set up In Care Abuse Survivors and lives in Bridge of Allan.


"The cases can't progress to the decision makers until a case worker has been allocated. "


"The communication with applicants has been really poor."

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 June 15, 2022, 7:32 a.m. No.16450367   🗄️.is 🔗kun






He said the system for submitting documents electronically was "full of glitches" and said his own claim had been delayed because his case worker left the scheme.


In response, the Scottish Government said it had made changes to the system to allow applications to progress before a case worker is allocated and said it was increasing the support offered to claimants.


Mr Daly provided evidence at the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry, which is currently hearing evidence relating to the abuse of children in foster care.


Last September, the Scottish Government apologised "unreservedly" for what was described as a "woeful and wholly avoidable" 13-year delay in setting up the public inquiry.


Lady Anne Smith, who is charing the inquiry, said the government "failed to grasp" the survivors' need for justice.


Mr Daly said he was placed in children's homes from the age of four or five with time also spent in residential schools.


He told the inquiry that children at Nazareth House in Aberdeen were beaten during the night if they wet the bed and were made to feel worthless by the nuns.


In his witness statement he recalled being locked in a mortuary for elderly nuns who had died as a punishment.


Mr Daly praised the Irish government for swift action to compensate survivors after former Taoiseach Bertie Ahern's apology in 1999.


"By 2002, there was the Residential Institutions Redress Act," he said.


"Lady Smith said there was a marked lack of urgency [in Scotland] and that justice delayed was justice denied because in the time period of 20 years or so many survivors had died without seeing justice.


"So when you consider that the Irish government could turn that around within a couple of years. It's a failure of different administrations."


A spokeswoman for the Scottish Government said: "Whilst priority is given to applicants with a terminal illness and those over 68 years of age, changes are being made to increase contact and support to all applicants.


“Initial contact with an applicant takes place within six weeks of application receipt.


"In response to feedback received, the operating model has been altered to ensure that applications can be progressed from this point prior to applicants having a caseworker allocated.


"In response to a higher than anticipated number of incomplete applications received recruitment of additional caseworkers is underway to further improve the experiences of those engaging with the scheme.


“Support is available to applicants at each stage of the process, and feedback on their experiences encouraged, to ensure that the Scheme remains robust and credible and operates efficiently with survivors at the heart at all times.”

Anonymous ID: 9f1779 June 23, 2022, 6:19 p.m. No.16497454   🗄️.is 🔗kun


A Message To The People. Lots of Love, The People ~ Magna Carta

99 views 13 Jun 2022 ⁣15th June sees the 807th anniversary of the creation of the most famous document in the world.

The famous Security Clause was inserted to protect people from future tyranny.

This clause has been put into force - yet the Monarchy and her Parliaments have carried on as if nothing happened, ordering the media and all Crown organisations to do the same. So you have no idea it even exists!

But it does. It is our key out of the mess that we all know is happening in this world.

It is our protection to STOP Schwab/Soros/Gates and their band of "Yes" men, in their tracks.

Join Us.

Together we can lawfully implement our Constitution and restore the Rule of Law, initiating criminal proceedings against ALL who have plotted to cull or otherwise enslave us and capture control of the whole world.

You want Nuremberg II? Instead of watching and waiting for it to happen…MAKE IT HAPPEN!




Anonymous ID: 9f1779 June 24, 2022, 2:43 p.m. No.16503394   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Top Scots lawyer accused of sexually abusing woman when she was a child


ByConnor Gordon

24 JUN 2022


The now 50-year-old victim said advocate John Watt groped her in bed during a lawyers’ party at a property in Edinburgh.


A woman has told a trial she was sexually abused by a top lawyer as a child.


The 50-year-old said advocate John Watt groped her in bed during a lawyers’ party at a property in ­ Edinburgh city centre.


She told the jury that at one social gathering she had been asleep in bed before being woken by Watt at the bedroom door.


Prosecutor Katy Harper asked what happened and the witness replied: “I think he said something about being cold or tired … and got into bed, my bed.


“As I was lying there he put his hand down my pyjama bottoms, I was facing away from the door.”


The woman said she told her parents and did not see Watt, from Glasgow, again.


He denies using lewd, ­indecent and libidinous practices on the witness between 1978 and 1983.


Watt is accused of raping another girl aged seven to 11 between 1973 and 1978 at an address in the west end of the city.


Watt has lodged a special defence incriminating deceased solicitor Richard Watt.


John Watt is also accused of indecent practices with a 12-year-old boy between 1973 and 1987 in Leith, and indecent assault between 1978 and 1983 on a girl aged nine to 14 in ­ Edinburgh.


The trial at the High Court in Glasgow continues.


The woman told the court in evidence that she was aware of Watt being a member of the Faculty of Advocates.


She stated that he attended social gatherings at the property in Edinburgh city centre with other guests such as advocate Lawrence Nisbet and deceased lawyer Bill Fotheringham.


The woman claimed at one social gathering she went to bed and was asleep before being woke up by Watt at the bedroom door.


She said: “He appeared to be taking his shoes off as if he was going to get undressed or something.”


Prosecutor Katy Harper asked what happened and the witness replied: “I think he said something about being cold or tired…and got into bed, my bed.


“As I was lying there he put his hand down my pyjama bottoms, I was facing away from the door.”


It was then the woman told the jury that Watt touched her inappropriately with his hand.


The woman stated that Watt then left the room.


Miss Harper asked what was going through her mind.


The woman said: “I knew it wasn’t right but I have a lawyer…in bed, you think something is happening which is not right.”


The woman claimed that she later informed her parents and that she did not see Watt again in person after the alleged incident.


Donald Findlay QC, defending, quizzed the witness about the time of the incident in which she claimed that there was light in the room.


Mr Findlay said: “If John came to your room at that time in the morning, he would have had a lot to drink?”


The witness replied: “Possibly.”


The trial stated at the High Court in Glasgow continues.