Liberals are the biggest bullies around.
They hate anyone who isn't Liberal.
possibly as many as 23 million (Jews and their minions)
Wait until their minions wake up.
>Everyone who voted for Joe Biden
All 23 million of them who were actually stupid enough to vote for Biden.
Transgenders are just attention whores.
The Bushes are evil, but we didn't know that back then.
People who actually voted for Biden had a lot more access to information and resources than people who voted for Bush. But they chose to just listen to Communist News Network to tell them how to vote.
Amish people are awesome.
They know how to take care of themselves and they know how to teach their own children.
What if the banks told all gay people that they couldn't bank there because they are gay? Or take any of the other Liberal special interest groups.
Jesus went to the synagogues to read and discuss the holy books/scrolls that had been written by the prophets. The prophets who had prophesized about Him.
He also observed all of the "real" Jewish holidays that God ordered the Israelites to observe, which were set up to prepare them for the coming of the Promised Messiah.
The New Testament church was people meeting at each other's houses to sing hymns and to pray and to discuss the holy writings.
Churches nowadays are too organized and political. And a lot of them are big theatrical productions. Churches need to get back to basics. Small meeting houses like the puritans used to have. Have the preacher live there and pay property taxes just like everyone else. No special tax exempt stuff, because that just invites corruption.
Yes. I love outdoor services if weather permits it.
Sometimes campgrounds even have a little area set up with some benches for outdoor services.
no, not Bible camp. Just regular old family campgrounds, like at State and National parks.
They can be used for the Park Rangers to give little educational talks about nature and stuff. Then on Sundays they have a little worship service there. Maybe not anymore, but they used to when I was a kid in the 1970s. Maybe Liberals put the kibosh on it. Probably used for gay weddings or something equally as weird now,
Paul Ryan is a RINO sellout.