Anon sees the scare event as nukes in the air. Then the ayyyys swoop in and stabilize the warheads.
Doesn't Cernovitch say Biden specifically signed drone warrants against the civilians? Or were they just staying at the same dive and became collateral damage.
If the former, anon would like the sauce for Cernovitch's claim
>"Their" goal is to jab the children next no matter what
Saw Fauci drooling when he spoke of how he would vaccinate separate age groups all the way to 6 months old. What a sick man!
Thank you for the description. Anon feels like anon knows a little of how it feels to be blind.
Your mom makes mean dad jokes
Jesus didn't pressure anyone to go into a manmade structure to worship god. He only went to church to whip some greedy jews.
Ah. Sensationalistic posturing by Cern. Clickbait in the most powerful free-speech form.
Trips of God Check'd. Amen to that other sauce. God's creation(outdoors) makes the most sense to be around in order to feel closer to God.
Ah. Bible camp. Too bad it would almost always be cut short by lice outbreaks. They'd jump from the bird's feathers back then.
Anon srceenied this on the 25th. Not sure why this went to Fb.