Tanks, naker.
>The only guns not smoking at this point are those in the lockers of U.S. citizens, and yet nothing ever "habbens". Nothing ever gets done about any of it.
Tards blow their load before the game is in sight.
Hunters are patient.
>Doing alright, trying to enjoy last few days of leave before I lose my job for mandatory vax.
Working for anyone who demands mandatory vax sounds like a losing propostion.
digits confirm
That's what frogs are for, anon.
>Theranos Fraud primer for those not paying attention as Elizabeth Holmes prepares to go to trial
TL:DR - She's going to blame it on getting pounded in the rear.
>My biz is likely toast in the next 30 days because not vaxxed employees will quit if my state forces mandate(pro tip they will) and no skilled replacementsโฆโฆ
Make it do a flip on the way out the door.
Sabotage can be a wonderful deterrent.
>be me
>not richfag
>want vehicle capable of towing
>garage size says 19' long
>pickup out of question
>decide on 13 year old SUV
>only decent one for sale looks fancy
>constantly get judged for having fancy new car.
>all anon wanted was something to tow with.
>Who cares what others think, really?
For most part, anon doesn't give AF, but seriously got judged as a materialistic moran by a guy worth $20+M
Anon is just a cheap bastard who wound up with a fancy looking car that'll cost ~8 cents/mIle to drive.