Double Halo Green moon light
Kek is with us on this day
Double Halo Green moon light
Kek is with us on this day
Open Insubordination is an effective Counter Attack
Godspeed, Free thinker.
>Minor Correction
Government of Canada Announces Funding for COVID-19 Isolation Sitesin Ontario
More [F]antastical [F]akenews stories coming
Comments section
Ahhh ah Trump supporters Right wing; domestic terrorist; flat earth; anti-vax Conpiracy theoriest
Cost effective.
$471,750,000 to Forsencally Audit 3,142 counties.
Extpect a return of profit to be double that, good investment
Curious how close the city water supply is to thast Crash Site.
It. Is. Spreading.
Daboo77 update
\o/ We're back in Business.
Posting without a parachute, Died of COVID
Suspecting Alice is working with us, meow.
Fear the Mama Bear, She is that which keeps the Wolves at bay.
That's the Spirit Mate !!
Be a real shame if they took out the caging bolts.