Bombs away
Honestly though, i need another ring, even that wont work as that is Lord o (f) the rings
Probably should have thought things through a little more before you abandond me to the not so tender mercies of, well, everyone
Bombs away
Honestly though, i need another ring, even that wont work as that is Lord o (f) the rings
Probably should have thought things through a little more before you abandond me to the not so tender mercies of, well, everyone
What you believe dictates your 'life' anon
People believe what they are told, so they will experience what they believe
Watch the video
Mirrors anon, like a kaleidoscope
Sea to shining Sea
North pole south pole if you will
That is the black box of Saturn
You can want a million things anon, you dont always get what you want, especially when it comes to matters of the heart, you cant control how other people feel.
i fell in love with a star, who does that ?
Sauce anon