Anonymous ID: 2e1e97 Aug. 31, 2021, 11:22 a.m. No.14498197   🗄️.is 🔗kun

LIN WOOD, as usual , has a point:

Lin Wood Does anyone know if Marjorie Taylor Greene has started traveling all over the State of Georgia working to get a full forensic audit of the GA 2020 vote???


The gimmick of “Impeach Biden” is just that - a PR gimmick based on the position that this character Biden was actually elected President.


I am terribly disappointed in Majorie. I used to support her. I no longer do.


Marjorie called me a few months ago in the middle of a luncheon of the Myrtle Beach Republican Women’s Club I think she was taken aback when I told everyone it as MTG on the phone and they started cheering her. Turns out she was calling to tell me she had replaced me as her attorney in a defamation case. She could not convey the message then due to the crowd. She had a lawyer call me later with the news. I am fine with her decision as I guess I was too controversial for Marjorie since I was fighting for Trump to FIX 2020 and she was NOT.


Her failure to FIGHT BACK to FIX2020 has revealed to me that she is a RINO Republican or worse. I wish Marjorie Taylor Greene good luck!

How do you spell O-N-E T-E-R-M??? Asking for a friend. Aug 31 at 13:56


Juts llike that Covington Sandmann kid (chynaTurtle's "intern"), anyone afraid of the TRUTH getting out (so that they may remain "cozy"), is certainly quick to abandon Lin Wood.

These people are bought & paid for, and only good for GRANDSTANDING.