Your mighty fine Adm, Rogers is a Halloween babe
I know, how do i stop (have to give up my power?)
Your mighty fine Adm, Rogers is a Halloween babe
I know, how do i stop (have to give up my power?)
Are you a love bot, or are you pickin' up on my rearrangement ?
I dont know if you're ready for the answer to that
I am Na, so you know, black
You see Weston at Christmas becomes We Christ on
But he died
my birthday 06/06
Known as the anti christ because i'm woman, Anti = Opposite
I was married to Chris when he was alive as a Kiwi, Key Wee, Queen you see
When the baker ghosts ?
Any how, not now, because he is dead :(
*Chris is, not Jesus
Dun wanna know do i Ron
Thankyou for bein' an organic love person