Fauci The Greatest Liar in Gov’t in History
September 1, 2021
In my entire career of dealing with governments around the world, NEVER in my 50 years have I EVER encounter such a bureaucrat that is such a blatant liar who is putting the entire health of humanity up at risk for it is IMPOSSIBLE to believe anything this pretend doctor Anthony Fauci who has not seen a patient since 1968. In fact, after completing his medical residency in 1968, Fauci immediately joined the National Institutes of Health (NIH) as a clinical associate. So he has never had a patient and has NEVER had to look into the eyes of someone. He is simply a professional liar and that is just amazing. Note, when world leaders and the Queen of England all gathered, there was no social distancing and no masks and they certainly did not quarantine for 2 weeks upon arriving. It is always two sets of rules (1) for the elite and (2) for us the Great Stupid Unwashed. He is now saying schools to mandate vaccines for children is a “good idea“ when the FDA has not approved this for children.
Fauci is pushing not just the Great Reset, but Gates’ entire agenda most likely not informing Biden that he is assisting a foreign entity in violation of every principle of law, yet they called Snowden a traitor. Fauci has been aiding the World Health Organization and the United Nations to actually take over the United States. The Gates and Rockefeller Foundations have funded the WHO is creating g COVID passports but the objective of this is to create a database and eventual DNA record of the entire world population. Gates has been doing that in India. He wants to violate all our human rights and illegally seize all our health records and is counting on Biden to do just that. Even the CIA has warned its employees about helping foreign entities. Moreover, it is now common knowledge that Bill Gates has major shares in both Pfizer & BioNTech, and he has been the primary funder of the MHRA.
Babylon Bee’s exposes on Fauci debating 17 versions of himself is precisely our problem. This guy is now the Medical Adviser to Biden and that says it all. We have an incompetent president being advised by an outright liar who constantly changes his statement pretending what he says is infallible science when NOTHING he says is ever anything more than the opinion of the moment when he is told what to say now. From the outset, masks were useless. He said that point-blank. All the studies from the 1918 Spanish Flu concluded masks were useless. A lawsuit has been filed against CDC and others on the ground that this is discrimination.
This man has exaggerated and misrepresented this entire pretend pandemic. Studies from Israel show that 50% of the people in the hospital have already been vaccinated. Countless reliable analyses outside the USA show that Fauci is simply lying about everything to further this Great Reset. He is not just taking money from Gates, but he appears in Schwab’s World Economic Forum video preaching communism that inequality is our biggest problem. Just as the United Nations would not allow any country to speak at the Climate Forum if they disagreed, this new age of censorship that exposes the lies and corruption being pushed by Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum is exactly how the communists acted to take over China and Russia. They would also just outright kill people who opposed them….