That story smells of horse shit. Sounds like an evil secret meeting they had and this story was cover
That story smells of horse shit. Sounds like an evil secret meeting they had and this story was cover
>wonder if there's a reason. .
Old news has to be brought back to the surface and back into consciousness/ hive. There soooooooo much stuff for people to learn. It’s second nature to anons and a gorillion tons of info we don’t know, too. BUT we shy away from none of it. Normies and lefties not only shy away… it doesn’t even register something smells fishy. This may take another 30 years after the first 30. Or generations
There is the torch that burns their hat and hair off, the Christmas ornaments under their bare feet, swinging by a rope into a brick wall, a bee bee gun to the face, tarantula on the face, red hot doorknob, etc.
Sounds hilarious
Another thought that came to mind…
Can Military Ops be set up years in advance that cannot be altered or stopped by a new admin?
So tens of hundreds of operations and missions, small and large, could be in place from 45 and playing out over the next 3.5 years…
Military Intel and other high ranking Military brass know 100% the election was a shame. They probably don’t recognize this fake one and the new admin could be a Military op in itself, a “movie”. Because anon doesn’t know and have to consider the possibility this isn’t a “show”… and the new admin actually thinks they are… MI and brass would probably classify way beyond anything they are allowed to access? That pretty much the gist? Have heard in the past there were many things Presidents weren’t event allowed to know. Are anon’s thoughts at least pointed in the correct general direction?
Post 622
Q !UW.yye1fxo No.66 📁
Jan 27 2018 11:23:54 (EST)
Time to play, Dopey.
Black Forest.
Post 226
Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: JhFEE9Gk No.150701196 📁
Nov 24 2017 01:55:52 (EST)
Worms, other parasites, nanotechnology, the works, anon. 99% have it
Guess who doesn’t? The “1%
> My life is in danger for even saying this, even though Im anon I feel they'll still be able to track this but I can't be silent any longer
Wow. Also can’t rule out it’s a diversion. I’d look at both scenarios. Good thing intel already has all their comms