Anonymous ID: 10b6a2 Sept. 1, 2021, 11:37 a.m. No.14503862   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3871

Biden Pledges $60 Million in Military Aid to Ukraine


The weapons package includes Javelin anti-tank missiles and small arms


The Biden administration has pledged to provide Ukraine with an additional $60 million in military aid ahead of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s first face-to-face meeting with Biden, which is scheduled for Wednesday.


The weapons package includes Javelin anti-tank missiles, small arms, ammunition, and first aid kits. Earlier this year, the Pentagon approved a $125 million aid package for Ukraine that included two armed Mark VI patrol boats.


Congress approved a total of $275 million in lethal aid for Ukraine for the 2021 fiscal year, so more packages could be approved this year. Since the US-backed coup in Ukraine in 2014, the US has provided Kyiv with over $2 billion in military aid, stoking tensions with Moscow.


In a notification on the new $60 million aid package, the Biden administration said it was necessary due to “Russia’s buildup along the Ukrainian border.” Russia’s military movements in the region are in part due to the increase in US and NATO naval activity in the Black Sea, but to Washington, Russia is always viewed as the “aggressor.”


Tensions were high in the region earlier in the year due to a flare-up of violence in Ukraine’s eastern Donbas region, a war that was sparked by the 2014 coup, in which some members of the Biden administration played an integral role.

Anonymous ID: 10b6a2 Sept. 1, 2021, 11:38 a.m. No.14503868   🗄️.is 🔗kun

5 Missing After Navy Helicopter Crashes Off California


SAN DIEGO — Five people were missing after a U.S. Navy helicopter crashed Tuesday in the ocean off Southern California during a routine flight from an aircraft carrier, military officials said.


A search and rescue operation was launched after the MH-60S helicopter crashed around 4:30 p.m. about 60 nautical miles off San Diego, the Navy's U.S. Pacific Fleet said in an initial statement.


Officials later said that one crewmember had been rescued and “search efforts continue for five additional crewmembers.”


The crash happened while the aircraft was “conducting routine flight operations,” according to the Navy. It had been aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln.


“Search and rescue operations are ongoing with multiple Coast Guard and Navy air and surface assets,” the tweet said.


No other details were immediately available.


The MH-60S is a versatile aircraft that typically carries a crew of about four and is used in missions including combat support, humanitarian disaster relief and search and rescue.

Anonymous ID: 10b6a2 Sept. 1, 2021, 11:41 a.m. No.14503900   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Justice Department begins requiring federal agents wear body cameras


Department officials said the program begins with agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.



The Justice Department said Wednesday that law enforcement personnel within the agency will begin wearing body cameras.


The department said the usage of the cameras is the first phase of its Body-Worn Camera Program and that the devices will be worn during "pre-planned law enforcement operations."


Department officials said the program begins with agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Phoenix and Detroit field divisions.


They also said that over the next several weeks the Drug Enforcement Administration, Federal Bureau of Investigation and U.S. Marshals Service will begin the first phase of the body-camera programs.


The department said it plans to "rely upon Congress to secure the necessary funding to equip agents nationwide."

Anonymous ID: 10b6a2 Sept. 1, 2021, 11:46 a.m. No.14503929   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Army Displaces Soldiers To Facilities WITHOUT A/C At Ft. McCoy, WI To House Up To 2-3,000 Afghans Brought In By Biden


As in the days of the usurper, Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah, the same thing is happening today under the illegitimate criminal in the People’s White House, China Joe Biden. More foreigners are being flown into cities in the united States at taxpayer expense and now we have images that show they are kicking US soldiers out of barracks and housing Afghans, and that number could go up to 2-3,000 Afghans housed at Ft. McCoy, Wisconsin while US soldiers would be housed without air conditioning.My source on the ground at Ft. McCoy sent me the following message, “They displaced Army soldiers to put the refugees here Ft McCoy WI. Sorry the pics are not good, we were ordered not to go near them. The barracks immediately became slums. They barricaded the refugees to contain them they are giving them free healthcare free education to the children three square meals every day and a stipend.”


“We were ordered by the Ft, McCoy garrison commander Col. Michael Poss to stay out of the Afghan refugee gated areas and their Defac,” he added.


And yet, the Biden administration is not getting all the Americans out and leaving billions in equipment in Afghanistan? This is high treason by the Biden administration and the Pentagon. Their mask is off and they are traitors right out in the open against the People of the united States, no doubt about it.

Anonymous ID: 10b6a2 Sept. 1, 2021, 11:49 a.m. No.14503943   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3949

US-Made Armored Vehicles Supplied To Afghan Government Forces Spotted In Iran


On September 1, Iranian sources shared photos showing at least ten US-made Humvee armored vehicles being transported on the Semnan-Garmsar highway in northern Iran.


The armored vehicles, which bear the markings of the now-defunct Afghan government forces, were loaded on the back of trucks with Iranian military license plates. The convoy reportedly took off from the northeastern Iranian city of Mashhad.


Some observers speculated that the Humvees were taken from Afghan troops who fled from western Afghanistan to Iran in order to avoid being captured by the Taliban between July and August.


Nevertheless, the Iranian “Military Articles” channel on Telegram, which was among the first to share photos of the Humvees, claimed that they were “bought” from the Taliban.


These armored vehicles will likely enter service with the Iranian Armed Forces, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps or be sent to Tehran’s allies in the Middle East.


While taking over Afghanistan in the last few months, Taliban fighters seized billions-worth of military equipment, including hundreds of Humvees, which were supplied by the US to Afghan government forces.


According to the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, the US supplied a total of 1,178 Humvee armored vehicles to Afghan government forces with a cost of $275,580,902 between April of 2020 and July of 2021 only.


#UPDATE A Black Hawk helicopter flew circles over the Taliban's spiritual heartland of #Kandahar in southern Afghanistan Wednesday while below fighters stood on captured Humvees as the Islamists paraded their plundered US military hardware


— AFP News Agency (@AFP) September 1, 2021


Most of the equipment supplied by the US to Afghan government forces fell into the hands of the Taliban, the de-facto rulers of Afghanistan. The remaining equipment ended up in a way or another in Afghanistan’s neighboring countries, mainly Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Iran, or with the Afghan resistance in the Panjshir Valley.


US forces and their Afghan proxies sabotaged or destroys loads of military equipment, including aircraft, in Kabul airport before completing their withdrawal on August 30.