My friend's boss just frogmarched her to get a vaccine against her will. Halp pls frens
So check this nazi out.
Manager at the company has been terrorising his staff about getting vaxxed, you guys know the drill, all unvaxxed are evil, yadda yadda.
Normally I would just tell him to shut up but today 4 of his staff came to me to say he is coercing them to get it under threat of their job. Most told him to fuck off but of course like all bullies he then goes to prey on the weaker ones.
My friend unfortunately was weak and although she protested, said clearly she doesn't want it, he literally grabbed her by the arm and walked her to the vaxx station.
Long story short, she got it, "because she felt pressured and didn't want to lose her job."
My question to you wondrous people is, what action should we take? Clearly he has crossed a line and committed a criminal act.
We are going to report him to his superiors and wondering about filing a police complaint. Is there anything else we can do?