Same here.
Anyone have another work around for the images (on an IMAGE board, kek.)?
Is there another image server IP we need to add to hosts?
Same here.
Anyone have another work around for the images (on an IMAGE board, kek.)?
Is there another image server IP we need to add to hosts?
This was an interesting post (#944)
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: d91044 No.621887 📁
Mar 10 2018 21:26:30 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 3569c9 No.621807 📁
Mar 10 2018 21:22:56 (EST)
Anyone mention NWO referencingNatürliche Wirtschaftsordnung, the National Economic Order?
We went too deep.
Attempted a pullback.
Not ready.