Does anyone have my Bannon "Hey hey hang hay…" meme handy?
My phone's at the repair shop.
Does anyone have my Bannon "Hey hey hang hay…" meme handy?
My phone's at the repair shop.
Trucker update - friend of mine drives trucks for coke. in 2 weeks, 2 trucks have broken down on the highway. So far neither fixed. They just give him another one.
They are running out of working trucks.
You piece of shit…warm up the speculum first. I'm calling the BBB
I'm craving ham-flavored twinkies with taters, precious
Spanko Butter
3.5 years later and I haven't seen jackass fuck done to open new factories.
Bay of Leaf Pig Rinds get stuck in my teeth
Capital needs to be moved to the Midwest, which represents real America.
Yep, take your Breitbart, The Blaze, and Gateway Pundit links to FB. That'll convince them.
Deep State GITMO cell sink design just released.