When Do The Taliban Get Nukes To Achieve Their Worldwide Caliphate?
by Charles "Sam" Faddis September 1, 2021
As the Taliban and their terrorist allies settle into their new caliphate, there is every reason to think that they will pick up where they left off in 2001 when U.S. forces rolled in and occupied the country. That will include the quest to develop true weapons of mass destruction capability and, in particular, to acquire a nuclear weapon.
The opportunities to do so seem boundless. The Chinese – eager to solidify their relationship with the Taliban and to exert ever greater pressure on the Indians – may simply hand the Taliban a functioning weapon. More likely we may simply see a resumption of the kind of contacts that led us to the UTN situation in the fall of 2001. Pakistani nuclear scientists or military officers with strong jihadist tendencies may simply take matters into their own hands and either build the Taliban an atomic bomb or turn over a fully functioning device from Pakistani stockpiles.
The rationale for such an action would be the same provided by Bashir. The Pakistani bomb is not really the possession of any single nation. It properly belongs to the entire Islamic community worldwide and should be made available to it. In this view, Islamabad did not build a bomb simply to protect itself. It built nuclear weapons as part of its religious duty to ensure the triumph of Islam and the establishment of a worldwide caliphate.
Once in possession of a nuclear weapon Islamic extremists in Afghanistan will find almost boundless opportunities to use it against the United States. They may choose to employ it against an American base abroad. They may decide to move it into the United States and detonate it here.
Our ports are awash in containers being shipped here from all over the globe. Efforts to screen these containers for weapons of mass destruction remain woefully incomplete at best. At present, our southern border is essentially nonexistent. Drug cartels move tons of product here without interference. A single nuclear weapon could easily make it across what is now an imaginary line on a map.
In Washington, Biden – and the band of incompetents he calls a cabinet – continue to peddle the fiction that we are dealing with a new, “pragmatic” Taliban. In Kabul, they did not get that memo. They are picking up where they left off, and almost certainly that means the quest for nuclear weapons has already begun.