Playing devil's advocate hereโฆ
Humanity believe that Earth is one of duality
Good vs Evil, correct?
Humans have the ability to evolve, but have been locked onto a prison planet, with let's say some bad greys and lizzies who lived underground in planet core and affiliated themselves to said leaders for technology in exchange for children, blood for food, etc.
If these species are millions of years old from a different galaxy, would they too not have evolved, found "Source" by now?
Why are only humans the only species held back from evolving or ascension to a different realm and stuck here?
Would fear and control humanity?
Be good or you go to Hell, many grew up with that narrative, programming through religion programming v1.0, good versus evil, right?
Even within human race, we have good humans and bad humans. People who rape, kill, torture people. We also have humans who live, know right from wrong and also understand basics of love and peace.
Could not the same be said on other races such as greys/lizzies and other species?
Programming and beliefs shape our daily choices, just as fear is used to control our everyday lives.
When people start asking the deeper questions, then a shift happens not only within, but outer consequences based on perceptions, lens viewed from and the programming installed.
People take care of their machines, computers, cells and devices, virus scans, malware, empty cache more so than the body they reside in.