Anonymous ID: a7d84f May 17, 2018, 6:25 p.m. No.1450957   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>1450557 lb

>>1450013 lb

Yes. Owl is Lilith//Minerva/Moloch/Fallen Angel "gods," woman's cult, child sacrifice. Rules through total power (bishops, heads of state). In bible: 'unclean birds' are demons. Referenced a lot. Think W of owl, two crossed Xs. XX women's chromosomes.


Goat is Baphomet/Pan/Nephilim/Titans, the men's/hermaphrodite cult, sodomy and debauch. Rules through total license (pawns, useful idiots). The "Y" in Q's prev drops, as in Y chromosome. Hollywood uses lots of baphomet imagery. And as we know, trannies abound these days.


>>1449784 lb

Yes there is also other symbolism that means different things to different peoples (everyone finds inspiration from the same cues in nature), over the years they blur/merge.


>>1449991 lb

Yes, roths see themselves as rulers, so the Moloch cult. The baphomets are the servants.

Anonymous ID: a7d84f May 17, 2018, 7:05 p.m. No.1451449   🗄️.is 🔗kun






No, we true Hebrews are of Shem, Hittites (ancient Jew line) are of Cain.


Not saying that matters because splitting hairs over "religion" matters, but because we're in the middle of a blood fued thousands of years old. The seed of the serpent (Fallen Angel, Lility/Cain, Hittite, Edomite) vs. Seed of the Woman (Adam/Eve).


Bloodlines matter. (((They))) are playing for keeps. Have been for a very long time.