Anonymous ID: bed013 May 17, 2018, 6:47 p.m. No.1451250   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1295 >>1413



This is raw full-blown autism at work, anons, please bear with me.


Relevance of Caesars Palace in that pic?

Shania Twain.


She had a residency there some years ago (like Celine Dion).

Twain just recently said she would have voted for POTUS.

She caused a shit-storm, then recanted.

Go back to the LV massacre.

Pic related from /pol/ bread:

OP of that bread became known as Blackwateranon, who talked about the "VIP." Not necessarily related, but a good read.

I have never been able to confirm if Shania Twain was supposed to perform that night.

She was promoting an album at the time. It would have made sense for her to appear.

She apparently performed in Hyde Park back on Sept.10. Only show in England.

Her ex-husband and current husband likely have deep cabal connections.

Hot shot music producer:

Nestle executive based in Switzerland:


This all probably means jack-shit, but it's all too strange to be a total coincidence with what Q posted before.


Just a theory without a conclusion, don't ass-blast me kek.