Follow me on this…Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream"….
Well I do too…It's a "pipe dream", but a dream none the less.
Imagine with me for a moment…
It's 2022. All are assembled in the Capitol chamber for the annual SOTU address. Everyone is there.
The little bald dude [the Chamberlain] positions himself as he usually does in the isle, and announces…
"Madam Speaker" [Pelosi]…
The President of the United States!
The Presidential music strikes up, the big double doors open…and in walks…President Donald J. Trump!
Everyone in the room looses their shit, all Depends are full.
The House comes down in chaos. You can't hear a thing over the noise
of shock and surprise.
All Dems stand with jaws agape, some have to sit down, the shock being too much.
MSM goes nuts.
Liberals go into mental meltdown.
National leaders stare at their television screeds in aghast!
A shot has been volleyed around the world with its reverb is being physically felt by all.
Jim needs to fix this damn board [I so miss bewbs]…
Then the world would be right once more.