Customize Formatting in Options, top right, fellow oldfag
>cant believe none of you so-called autists havent picked up that the 'News' "STORIES" are written by supposedly different sites by 'people' with the same name
we autists know it, but pointing it out gets you called a division shill or moloch-worhipper by the pipul pushing gatekeepers
my pleasure fren, don't let the shills and free speech haters get you down!
Fantastic theory, except that Q specifically said it was not the Nazi World Order in one of his posts.
see >>14513025 for the reference.
Noahide World Order.
Did you get that from World of Warcraft?
So the [controllers] aren't satanists/billionaire jews after all?
I better pluck my lying eyes out, because they offend me.
Have you got a photo?
A convenient push of anons away from exploring Noahide World Order, (for our satanist/jewish billionaire overlords)
>So Hitler was a puppet of the controlling families of the NWO?
>618840 (Q reposts an anon question, indicating affirmative)
And WHO are the "controlling families of the NWO?"
And WHO are the "controlling families of the NWO?"
(one of Q's early posts)
And what is their background?
Pure or crypto- ?
Convenient for shills.
Bullshit, you are the shill.
'Noahide has been bandied around for forever on CBTS and 8.
What is your solution then for the meaning of the NWO if it isn't Noahide World Order?
โฆcricketsโฆ I thought so.
If (((you))) have been trying to implement something like Noahide Laws for thousands of years, then 31 years+ is comparitively "soon".
The deception runs deep into history and ties into Satanism via the Talmud.
If normal people continue to be "asleep"/more occupied with making a living than seeing through the lies, then the beatings will continue until morale improves.
Normies are not "stupid Noahide souls who think they are free" to make a living.
They are conned and trapped just like the rest of us, and just haven't woken up to the evil yet.
That's the job of every true anon here today and on past boards- wake up the normies.
Free Speech- use yours or lose it.
Yes, you are right.
Divide and Conquer.
Problem. Reaction. Solution.
Red and Blue.
Then while we proles are distracted, the controllers can loot our national wealth for their own benefit.
>Shock and Awe
Perhaps that is what is going on right now in front of our eyes- the cognitive dissonance of the crazy news cycle and the prevailing cancel culture will wake up the "normies"
That, and memes.
The Nazi movement and WW2 helped move the world closer to a NWO (I think Noahide World Order), because of the establishment of the UN and then the founding of the nation state of Israel, which was needed to pregress Revelations.
Similar to how WW1 led to the Palestine Mandate and the formation of the League of Nations (failed forerunner of the UN).
He is stating the truth re the plan to controll the different races and the world.
There are plenty of videos on Youtube those who profess to be Jewish talk about the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan, race-mixing/dilution for starters.
Don't gatekeep Free Speech.
ah, the hoax?
It pays forever, that one.
What of Holomodor, the planned starvation of 7-8 million Ukranians by Stalin's Jewish-dominated Soviet government?
Not much is heard of that, or the Armenian Genocide etc ,etc, or the 60m others who died in WW2โฆ
We fight the NWO and our planned extermination until we win, with help or not.'
No surrender.
Double Truth.
You go to time-out for that truth.
Whose Nobility?
What background do these families truly come from?
Hint: Jews, Crypto-Jews and Satanists
It's a gatekeeper.
These are forbidden topics.
''We fight the NWO and our planned extermination until we win, with help or not.''
No surrender.
The Judas Goat/gatekeeper leads you to slaughter/away from the truth.
You will know the Truth when you hear it.
Yes, no exaggeration.