Stop posting on this stupid website.
I like the CIA knowing what I'm up to.
Fascism and Communism is the same thing.
Socialism not much better.
Go to sleep.
It's the Catholics.
The Pope is a dope.
PROTESTANTISM is the only true religion.
And even they get greedy.
If a church asks you fore money run.
Jesus doesn't need your money.
Joe Walsh became a Christian then realised he had to be politically coerced to sell albums.
My pillow guy isn't a religion.
He's a retailer.
Q is Satan and got Biden elected.
Then you worship an Alzheimer's patient.
Same thing.
This forum was created by Pence to destroy Trump.
>Pence got Biden elected.
Pence worships Satan.
Thats how stupid Trump is.
Do not vote for Trump again.
Trump has no idea what it takes to be a politician.
People become politicians so they can rape children with no consuquenses.
Joe is the king of sex with children.
Trump never thought he would win.
Trump voted for Hillary.
Trump thought his speeches were ironic.
Trump was just trying to pay less taxes.
Biden is proof a retard can be president.
He's in the actors guild.
Q didn't fool any anon Q will burn in hell.
Q is Pence.
Pence is gay.
Pence voted for Biden.
Q is a Democrat.
This forum is stupid and should go away.
Q is Biden.
movies are created by retards.
Stop hating black people.
Q is Pence.
Blacks proved whites jew retarded.
Are retarded the Jews are awesome .
The Jews are the greatest people on the planet.
Jim Watkins hates Trump.
I destroyed the #1 guitar forum. I'll destroy this forum.