Last Bread
Because they have had enough of Afghanistan :)
i'm the America you've always known, but wont be now
From the root of Jesse, Sarah will rise now, you know her as Ivanka
Last Bread
Because they have had enough of Afghanistan :)
i'm the America you've always known, but wont be now
From the root of Jesse, Sarah will rise now, you know her as Ivanka
Do not double me right now
A rock will stand on Seven hills
"I shall make jerusalem like a rock"
Jerusalem has seven hills on the West side
Thats moi
The bear would be Dan S cav ino
The ravens will starve
Star V, which is in the mirror E = V
Two voices is the double U
The dome of the rock caught fire at the same time Notre Dame did, Notre Dame, Black Lady
i am both/was both
American Idol tv show
All you need is love, we are bakin' here, bread or 3 groges Dam
I do not kill, star wars
Largest island in the world, Australia
3 Gorges Dam
Think bigger
and i am not lawless, you probably wish i was
i am an Eagle anon, not a haw
Thats where i lived for a long time Eaglehawk, who do you think Dan has been communicatin' with ?
Here we have the Wedgetailed Eagle
Now i am not married to anyone, decertified as they wanted