I've bought 2. FIrst time I used the LFS6B code, because those guys are funny. Second time I used Warroom.
The king sized pillow is way too large for the way I sleep.
I've bought 2. FIrst time I used the LFS6B code, because those guys are funny. Second time I used Warroom.
The king sized pillow is way too large for the way I sleep.
The Catholics?
New study out this morning tracing Mast Cell hyperactivation to Covid, and I assume the spike protein since those gnarly skin disorders are becoming common in the Vaxxed.
Another piece of the puzzle showing immune hyperactivity caused but this shit.
Luckily there are quite a few herbal interventions we can use, especially against Interleukin - 6 and TLr-4 to block the hyperreaction.
If you aren't you should be taking a bioavailable Curcumin supplement every day.
Toll Like Receptor - 4 (TLR4, I'm sure you've seen me bring this up again) is a key player in Covid, Vaccine reactions, and pretty much most immune overreactions. TLR-4 revceptors in the sinuses are responsible for hayfever/allergic reaction.
Activation is a feed forward loop, which means activation triggers the first step in the loop which then perpetuates itself. In this situation, it also amplifies itself.
No surprise here that Quercetin is extremely effective at helping this:
You also want to give him BIOAVAILABLE Curcumin (Coquinol or the Life Extension one is good too), which in addition to a bunch of other things, blocks that TLR-4 cascade, stopping the loop.
Curcumin is a strong yellow color, but the main metabolite, Tetrahydrocurcumin, is white.
Quercetin isn't ideal either, but you can find both and dissolve them in plain old Isopropyl alcohol.
Put some on your hand and try rubbing into the affected area. Should help block overactivation as well as stabilizing those mast cells in his skin, and help quite a bit.
Hypothetically of course. Always talk to your doctor ::roll eyes::
Curcumin should be a staple for everyone, but it has close to ZERO water solubility. Solubility is important for absorption.
Be sure to get a modified product to improve solubility.
I'm not all in on the Graphene Oxide version, but I just came across this and found it interesting:
Graphene oxide (GO) Cationic polymer PDDA, nonionic PVP Pseudorabies
Virus, porcine epidemic diarrhea virus Vero cells, PK-15 cells
Negatively charged GO interacts with viruses prior to viral entry resulting in virus damage due to its single-layer structure and sharp edge
Now think about thisโฆif they are counting on GO to damage the virus by the sharp, single atomic layer (physical "knife" approach", then imagine the damage being done to organs, blood vessels, and neural tissue.
No, Orwell wrote Of Mice and Men. You are thinking about William Shakespeare, who wrote 1984.
Wow, the algorithm really is malfunctioning. Fix that shit, you crack me up sometimes.
Holy Fucking Shitโฆfirst Feinstein, now Wilcock. These things happen in 3s!
Wow, I saw this yesterday and thought y'all were just fucking around. It really IS Trumpf.
Feinstein choked on a Jew Ham sandwich, like Mama Cass.
HAs to be. Maybe it will piss him off enough to start pushing shit to happen.
Like Durham. Probably 2 more weeks.