>>14513537 PB
>Newgenics WORLD ORDER
Yep, I reckon this is a good de-code, as good as any other I have seen
Q stated it (NWO) was a sub-group of the Nazi's…well the Nazi's were big on eugenics and breeding out or exterminating the undesirables and sick/impure
Pretty much why the NWO wants to get rid of several billion of us to reach the magical 500 million figure
WEF elites along with Klaus Schwab and his transhumanism fantasy tie into this…..
A better Humanity, but first get rid of 7 billion useless eaters and shitters
Klaus Schwab is… literally… a mad German scientist
"Newgenics describes a broad range of medical, political and social practices related to ‘improving’ human kind on the one hand, and erasing disability and difference on the other."
>Some English student should do a paper on how 'is' and 'or' change context dramatically. Just two little letters.
how very curious
the same statement posted 2 seconds apart with 2 different ID's
what a "coincidence"
>This is a BOT
it's a regular bot, yeah
it sometimes gets up to 80 posts when it bread gobbles
>I like the Hedge
me too, for many years
I lurk there but never post
the best part of the Hedge are the comments section/I've learned much, just like I have here
Some very red pilled people on Zero Hedge
o7 anon