>BREAKING: Mike Lindell is on patrol
>A COVID testing facility in Colorado reveals the con behind the panic
Poison Americans w/vax, save Immigrants w/Ivermectin–
"How long has CDC has been recommending “horse dewormer” for immigrants to the US? (to treat for nematodes)"
>wat else for win to show images?
go to options
User JS
var links = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('a'))
var imageLinks = links.filter(l =/.media.8kun.top./ig.test(l.href))
imageLinks.forEach(link ={
var n = Math.floor(Math.random() * 77777777777) + 1
var href = ${link.href.replaceAll("media.","sys.")}?n=${n}
var imgs = link.querySelectorAll('img')
imgs.forEach(i =i.src = href)
link.href = href
Without any spaces from what's already there and click
Works for JPG images but you have to refresh often– gl