Anonymous ID: 872dbe May 17, 2018, 7:35 p.m. No.1451829   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1999



The photo of the plane is X.png


The top story on Drudge right now is the story of the leaked video from Google's X project:


"The video was made in late 2016 by Nick Foster, the head of design at X (formerly Google X), and a co-founder of the Near Future Laboratory. The video, shared internally within Google, imagines a future of total data collection, where Google helps nudge users into alignment with their goals, custom-prints personalized devices to collect more data, and even guides the behavior of entire populations to solve global problems like poverty and disease."


It's Google's project for collecting every piece of data about us and ultimately modifying our behavior based on what it knows about us.


The video and article creeped me out: