Anonymous ID: cbf22f May 17, 2018, 7:26 p.m. No.1451709   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1716 >>1725 >>1814 >>1955

Catholic Christian anon with a theory:

Q is saying Mother Nature is the Pope’s protector. The owl is a literal protector. Because the owl is part of Nature (symbolic in that way as well - God loves metaphors).


Q has been trying to bring down the Church for centuries - every time, thwarted. Little wins here and there, but no kill shots. And oftentimes it is an act of Nature that thwarts Q’s plans.


Q has been trying to get a Pope in who would make a heretical statement while speaking infallibly regarding Church doctrine (most don’t understand the restrictions of papal infallibility), but no dice. Thought they were close w Francis… did you clowns know he has seen the actual bread turned flesh with his own eyes!? And you thought you could lead him astray? Lulz


You clowns think you can stamp out Christ and His Bride!?


It is the Virgin Queen Mother Mary who will be crushing your head with her heel.


Go home Q clowns. It has been written. You have been successful with this current campaign, but “success” is fleeting. True success is living your life in a way so as to be prepared for living with God in Heaven for all eternity. You cannot create Heaven on earth - no matter your technology.


Nature wins. God is in nature and nature is in God. Your smartest computers will be nothing in comparison. If the singularity comes to be, whatever monstrosity is born of it will eventually be smart enough to realize it is nothing compared to the almighty God and it will give up. Give up now and give yourselves over to Christ. There is still time.