Anonymous ID: d1b9d8 May 17, 2018, 7:46 p.m. No.1451964   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2011

>>1451412 (lb)


Well... I know that there are cannibals among us. I know that they rape, torture and eat children. I know that they sell their organs.

I know that they are trying to put poison into every single thing we eat, breath, touch, and drink. I know that they are trying shape our entire reality through the media, schools, corporations, and penal system.


The point where what I believe 100% ends, and where I begin to say "Maybe it's true, Maybe it's not" is at this question: Do these sickos ever feed us to creatures that are not of this world? Are any of our human-appearing politicians truly not of this world? Lastly do we humans ever interface with off-world entities (and I do believe off-world entities are involved) in the flesh, or only telepathically. In how many different capacities does the cabal serve these off-world entities. Has human DNA ever been altered by any of these entities?


I have some great info in this area, but it's hard to verify and there are numerous contradictions. When I try to answer these questions with a higher degree of certainty than I currently have, my digging invariably becomes a giant covfefe.


Maybe one day it will become more clear. This is not meant to be an E.T. slide.

Anonymous ID: d1b9d8 May 17, 2018, 8:03 p.m. No.1452177   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2191 >>2231 >>2272



Humans being re-incarnated ET's resonates with me. I will say this - if we are truly of this world and evolved from apes - then why after millions of years of evolution are we still unable to deal with the temperature extremes of this planet. Do you see any other species needing clothes to not freeze to death? Our need for tools and technology to survive this planet tells me it's not exactly our home world. And why are there still apes? Did they fall asleep during evolution class and forget to evolve?