Anonymous ID: d6bc37 May 17, 2018, 7:37 p.m. No.1451857   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1881 >>1886 >>1893 >>1902 >>2144 >>2241 >>2265


Tried to redpill a Catholic friend of mine. Got like…75% there then hit a wall with the Church. Told him to look into how "saintly" the Popes have been over history, Borgia/Alexander VI being the most famous of all lecherous slime who have called the Vatican home. Truly amazing, "I don't believe you so I'm not gonna waste my time." Is that blind faith or willful ignorance? Both I suppose.

Anonymous ID: d6bc37 May 17, 2018, 7:47 p.m. No.1451982   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2025 >>2042 >>2114


After my dad passed away, I decided to go back to church. Baptized a Lutheran, attended church every Sunday until about age 14. I fucked up badly by picking a Methodist church that a bunch of family friends (who believe Clinton can do no wrong, God I was stupid) attend. The sermon included telling me to accept illegals into my country. Took every ounce of self-control to not get up and walk out or rip into the pastor after the service. Needless to say, it's back to staying home on Sundays.