Anonymous ID: da7db3 May 17, 2018, 7:55 p.m. No.1452088   🗄️.is 🔗kun

My internet went out right @ 10:20pm….right as I was reading Q's Owl Pope drops & took screen shots. Our house uses internet for TV (Hulu Live), computers, iPhone surfing…So I switched to my iphone 3G/LTE would & it would not connect!


WTF just happened!?! My whole communication system went down! My home phone would not even work!


Internet connection just came back on is why I can post now! I really want to say this is a coincidence…but..yeah!


Anyway, my take on the OWL- Minerva/Moloch (Bull/Owl) are seen as one (lovers) & are worshipped as Gods (of Lucifer)…they all connect.


Who is their MASTER? Who is the EYE at the top of the pyramid that is getting fed?


Awake yet?