Its all the heads, its the P above the five families that control the world and the companies that own all media. The DOJ allowed this anti-trust in media when the broke up Ma bell in thd 80s pr 90s, bell was an ant in size to these companies; but the DOJ allowed this. The cancer is inside our government, allowing any of these consolidations is exactly why Amazon has desimated all small business in the US and the world. and even our pentagon are working with ths two biggest abusers of thevpeople Microsoft and Amazon.
Its almost like ths media will never be destroyed until this government structure is destroyed. But of media is destroyed first then that puts acreal damper on the corruption.
Every level of gov is corrupt down to the town level, thats why the school boards can get away with BS.
But youre right their are master planners that need to be exposed and removed first. The media takes their orders from those that own them, all governments take their orders.
destroy the head of the head of the snake now and let the shit hit the fucking fan.
Q was so right and brilliant, now its times to release the CURES, NOW! The cure for humanity starts first with never let them be programmed again.
One thing is for sure, if the media (including TV, radio, etc.) are shut down, their can no more broadcasting or programming! And people will awaken on a mass scale!
I intentionally turned off the TV two weeks after the election in 2017. the angst, anger, depression, fear and all out attack on my sanity was noticeable. Within three fucking days, all of the demons, entities torturing me from the Htz and sound of the TV noise dissipated. At that point, i said to myself OMG i feel so much better. Ive never gone back. Whatever they did after the election, the powers that be ramped up the poisonous Htz or programming the were projecting.
No wonder 100s of 1000s of people including children are committing suicide.
I think they realized during Trumps four years, when millions were turning off the media, because they lost control of the masses; and they had to do this plandemic, of course it was always in their plan.
Ultimately I go back to the original post of anon, if the media is not destroyed (if the P and five families have no mouthpiece), billions on this planet will not survive.