Until somebody fixes the website I will not be able to see your images. Sucks to be you, But I'm enjoying not being inundates with porn and CP and gore and fuck you.
How long will a people suffer tyranny before they drag the scoundrels into the street and dispose of them? Stay tuned!
George Floyd is a counterfeiting operation exposed and the cover-up to conceal it.
>Michael Hayden
One of the rare instances where you can ascertain the religion of a general officer in the US military and look what I find.
Hayden graduated from North Catholic High School.
Keep going, you're only just scratching the surface.
But do remember that Biden, Pelosi and Roberts represent the heads of the three branches of the US government and all three are Catholics. Where are the Protestant majority in anything anymore?
Donald Trump attended Jesuit Fordham University.
The guns won't defend your liberty, YOU must defend your liberty.