There seem to be natural substances that may help with spike protein exposure, whether that is via getting "the virus", via getting the "vaccine", and/or being exposed to anyone shedding/transmitting.
NAC (FDA soon to ban)
Bromelain (pineapple core)
Mike Adams of Natural News suggested home remedies using sources of shikimic acid and/or suramin (not sure which is source of what, but Mike had articles on this subject). This would be star anise, fennel, and certain pine needles. He is a food scientist and has recommendations on making your own extracts. I, however, simply got some star anise from the health food store and started chewing a bit from time to time. I also bought anise extract and started adding it to my coffee. I haven't done the pine needle tea but I have found a species of pine in my area that I believe is safe to use (white pine).
I watched a video on The HighWire yesterday that had an interview with Dr. Zelenko. He mentioned using zinc ionophores to get zinc into cells which interrupts ALL viral replication. The ionophores would be things like ivermectin and HCQ. However some natural substances do this too, including quercetin, and EGCG (from green tea, but can be purchased as a supplement).
I watch my status of Vitamin D3 (from sunlight and from high quality cod liver oil), Vitamin C, and zinc.