While listening to a prophet the other day, I had the sense that God was speaking through her to anons. She(Amanda Grace) said there would be a big shakeup in leadership of congress due to wire transfers being outed. A company deep under the HOOD, known for doing good, was behind the wire transfers. In her message from God, Amanda specified HOOD, all capitals.
Just spit balling here, my 1st thought concerning HOOD, I thought of Mount Hood. But, could be Fort Hood. Under the HOOD of a car, so auto company. Or a textile company, clothing company(hoodie). Or maybe the company has neighborHOOD in their name.
You guys that dig, this is huge. God said the info concerning this brings it all down. He said before searching to pray and seek God to know how to put it all together.
Amanda Grace was on Elijah Streams, YT, yesterday. I may have forgotten a couple important clues.
Happy digging. Hope you find the info God says is there.