We need to search for the question and stop searching for the answer.
This is the place for justice? I must be at the wrong board. Thought this was a research board. I will leave now.
And here you are.
Never voting again. Why do something that is an absolute waste of time. Would rather be here with the shills.
Sure wish this board had like buttons. Would definitely give it a like.
Did my vote count anon? Riddle me that clown.
Give me a logical reason why I should vote? Please don't see because it will count.
Found a shill.
Yes anon. In approximately 336 hours. It's all coming out.
It's kind of like covid science. Keep moving the goal post. I have zero hope in mankind fixing the problem we are in. It will be divine intervention or some natural laws man has not observed to circumnavigate or pervert.
The hound is menstruating and her attitude is worse than anons wife during the cycle. Dog coms Q. This is a dog com. I need a 5:5 to proceed for the next two weeks.