Anonymous ID: 4150d3 Sept. 4, 2021, 7:43 a.m. No.14519206   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9416 >>9503

Trump loyalists Michael Flynn and MyPillow CEO Michael Lindell team up with anti-vaxx doctors for 'health and freedom' tour to spread pandemic disinformation, report says


A group of Donald Trump loyalists and anti-vaxx doctors are embarking on a series of events across the US to fuel disinformation about the election and pandemic, a report from The Guardian says.


The "ReAwaken America" tour, which features high-profile Trump allies including Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, and Lin Wood, has already held events in states including Florida and Michigan and has upcoming events scheduled in Colorado and Texas.


The events, dubbed by organizers as "health and freedom" conferences, have been orchestrated by Clay Clark, a conservative podcast host.


The events come as COVID-19 cases are sharply rising across the country as it battles with the more contagious Delta variant and Republican states attempt to pass laws restricting voting rights.


At one of the events in July, Trump donor and MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell falsely claimed that in the 2020 election, Donald Trump won 80 million votes and Joe Biden received less than 68 million.


Donald Trump actually received 74 million votes in the election, and Joe Biden won with more than 81 million votes.


Former national security adviser Michael Flynn, who was pardoned by Donald Trump last year after pleading guilty to lying to the FBI about conversations with the Russian ambassador, said he was participating in the tour to criticize pandemic safety measures, which he called "COVID craziness."


Flynn, who regularly appears at events that perpetuate conspiracy theories, including QAnon, previously said that COVID-19 was fabricated to distract from the 2020 election.


The tour also features appearances from vaccine skeptic doctors, including Stella Immanuel, who gained notoriety last year after claiming that sex dreams involving demons cause illnesses and alien DNA were used in medications.


Another doctor billed to speak at the conference is Scott Jensen, a Minnesota politician running for governor.


Jenson was previously a candidate for PolitiFact's "lie of the year" after he falsely claimed that doctors were overcounting COVID-19 patients to receive more funding.


Lawyer Gerry Hebert, who spent over two decades handling voting rights at the Justice Department, told the Guardian that the tour was perpetuating lies about the 2020 election being stolen, despite numerous failed court cases and recounts.


"Lies and disinformation campaigns can kill both our fellow Americans and our democracy, and this ReAwaken America tour seems designed to accentuate these problems," Hebert told the paper.


"I'm actually embarrassed by the fact that there are doctors fully into this craziness," Irwin Redlener, who leads Columbia University's Pandemic Resource and Recovery Initiative, told The Guardian.


Experts told the newspaper that these events were promoting Trump surrogates ahead of the midterms next year and the 2024 presidential election.


Tickets for the events range from $250 for general admission or $500 for VIP. Pastors are eligible for half-price tickets.

Anonymous ID: 4150d3 Sept. 4, 2021, 9:08 a.m. No.14519636   🗄️.is 🔗kun


[H]uman [A]nimal [I]nterface


Strengthening global health security at the human-animal interface

75% of emerging pathogens are of zoonotic nature. Progress towards global health security requires a greater focus on the interface between humans and animals and a strong collaboration between the human health and the animal health sectors.


WHO works together with international organizations and national institutions in charge of animal health to improve the rapid detection of emerging pathogens and to ensure coordination in rapid control measures. By strengthening the contribution of the veterinary sector in the implementation of the IHR (2005), WHO and its partners propose guidance, methods, and tools to jointly review synergies and gaps in the coordination between the two sectors and to support countries in the operationalization of a multisectoral, One Health approach for global health security.



Emerging infectious diseases, most of which are considered zoonotic in origin, continue to exact a significant toll on society. The origins of major human infectious diseases are reviewed and the factors underlying disease emergence explored. Anthropogenic changes, largely in land use and agriculture, are implicated in the apparent increased frequency of emergence and re-emergence of zoonoses in recent decades. Special emphasis is placed on the pathogen with likely the greatest zoonotic potential, influenzavirus A.


Zeroing in on Zoonoses

Influenza, plague, and Lyme disease are classic examples of zoonoses—diseases that circulate in livestock and wildlife, as well as in humans. When a pathogen transfers among multiple hosts, the dynamics of circulation, transmission, and outbreak are complex. Lloyd-Smith et al. (p. 1362) review the use of analytical mathematical tools, particularly modeling, in the development of control policies and research agendas. Significant gaps are highlighted in analytical efforts during spillover transmission from animals into humans. Moreover, the tendency has been to focus on pathogens with simpler life cycles and of immediate global urgency, such as influenza, whereas insect-transmitted pathogens with complex, multihost life cycles are less well understood.


Few infectious diseases are entirely human-specific: Most human pathogens also circulate in animals or else originated in nonhuman hosts. Influenza, plague, and trypanosomiasis are classic examples of zoonotic infections that transmit from animals to humans. The multihost ecology of zoonoses leads to complex dynamics, and analytical tools, such as mathematical modeling, are vital to the development of effective control policies and research agendas. Much attention has focused on modeling pathogens with simpler life cycles and immediate global urgency, such as influenza and severe acute respiratory syndrome. Meanwhile, vector-transmitted, chronic, and protozoan infections have been neglected, as have crucial processes such as cross-species transmission. Progress in understanding and combating zoonoses requires a new generation of models that addresses a broader set of pathogen life histories and integrates across host species and scientific disciplines.

Anonymous ID: 4150d3 Sept. 4, 2021, 10:23 a.m. No.14519875   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9903

TikTok Users and Coders Flood Texas Abortion Site with Fake Tips


After a Texas law restricting abortion went into effect Wednesday, the state’s largest anti-abortion group publicized a website that invited citizens to inform on the law’s violators.


The website,, which was set up by the group Texas Right to Life, was designed to help carry out the new law. That’s because the law places enforcement not in the hands of state officials but with private citizens, who are deputized to sue anyone who performs or aids an abortion in violation of the law.


Tips about the law’s potential offenders quickly flooded into the website, which features an online form so people can anonymously submit reports of those who are illegally obtaining or facilitating abortions.


But some of the tips were a little unexpected.


Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who was a leading proponent of the abortion law, was a violator, according to some of the tips. The fictional characters from Marvel’s Avengers were also apparently seeking abortions, the reports said. Other tips did not point to individuals but instead contained copies of the entire script to the 2007 animated film “Bee Movie.”


The reports, which were obviously bogus, were the work of activists on TikTok, programmers, and Twitter and Reddit users who said they wanted to ensnarl the site’s administrators in fabricated data.


Their digital dissent was part of a wave of reaction against the Texas law, which bans most abortions after about six weeks of pregnancy and makes the state the most restrictive in the nation in terms of access to abortion services. President Joe Biden on Thursday said the situation “unleashes unconstitutional chaos” against women.


On TikTok, a developer with the alias Sean Black said he had developed a script that automatically generated fake reports to the site. After the site tried to block him, the developer released a shortcut that allowed anyone with an iPhone or iPad to automatically create a fake report using a randomly generated Texas ZIP code.


“What if somebody very technical, very handsome, set up a bot that automatically sent the request to their website,” the developer said on TikTok. “Oh wait. It was me. I did that.”


The developer, who declined to provide his real name for fear of retaliation, said in an interview that more than 7,200 people had clicked on his script and more than 8,450 people had clicked on the shortcut as of Thursday afternoon, based on data from Linktree, a service that helps people manage their website content. The shortcut was reported earlier by Vice.


On GitHub, a website for sharing and collaborating on software code, another programmer, Jonathan Díaz, released a script and posted a link Thursday to a new app, Pro-Life Buster, which allowed people to automatically spam the Texas website with “bogus tips.” The developer wrote that the script was a way to push back against the law because it was “no one’s business to know about people’s abortions.”


By Thursday evening, the app showed that 1,000 new reports had been shared.


Díaz said the app existed to flood the site with authentic-looking, but fabricated, data. “The goal is to waste these people’s time and resources so that they wake up and realize this effort is not worth their time,” he said Friday.


These techniques, known as “hacktivism,” have become increasingly prevalent. Last year, TikTok teens and fans of Korean pop music inundated a rally website for former President Donald Trump with fake registrations — and then never showed up, leaving thousands of seats conspicuously empty. Anonymous, the loose hacking collective, has protested policies from the Vatican, the CIA and others by flooding their websites with junk traffic to try to force them offline.


Kim Schwartz, a spokeswoman for Texas Right to Life, denied the group’s website had been overwhelmed with false reports.


“We knew this would happen and we were prepared,” she said. “Activists have been trying to spam and take down the site for a week and failed.”


Others on Twitter called for a boycott of GoDaddy, the company that hosts the Texas Right to Life tip site. They said the site violated GoDaddy’s rules that prohibit customers from collecting or harvesting nonpublic information about anyone without their “prior written consent.”


GoDaddy said late Thursday that it had given Texas Right to Life 24 hours to find a new hosting provider before cutting off service.


“We have informed they have 24 hours to move to another provider for violating our terms of service,” Dan C. Race, a GoDaddy spokesperson, said in an email.


Full article

Anonymous ID: 4150d3 Sept. 4, 2021, 10:33 a.m. No.14519912   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9919 >>9924 >>9939

Where are all these evil assholes getting the children?

How come that never gets released?


Pete Buttigieg, husband introduce their 2 new babies in family photo


Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who made history as the first openly gay Cabinet member to be confirmed by the Senate, and husband Chasten Buttigieg are officially fathers – twice over.


After announcing last month that the two were expanding their family, the former 2020 Democratic presidential candidate and South Bend, Indiana, mayor, officially introduced the couple's new babies, sharing a black-and-white photo on social media of him and his husband each cradling a newborn in a hospital bed.

