Oldfag here. I have long felt the need to make this comment. I don’t think that any of the things we are seeing are for the benefit of normies…yet. It’s great if they suddenly “get it,” but consider the idea that ALL that we are seeing (alt media regarding the loss of freedoms, new outspoken docs with vaxx info, election information [particularly fraud details] and god knows so much more) are for the benefit of patriots, conservatives, and libertarian types. You may be thinking why in the world would this group need to learn any of this? As it is the brainwashed normies that need to gain an understanding of what those in charge are doing to our country and the rest of the world. Yes, I get it. I am a big believer in “You are watching a movie.” There are many conservatives, libertarians, and patriots in general who may not be where we are, or who have the understanding that we have here on this board. They STILL have to be SHOWN how corrupt things really are and have to also be ignited to stand for a great awakening on EVERYTHING. Why do you think that the “lessons” being learned from things have been for conservatives? What did the “left” learn from watching our election be stolen pretty much on camera? Nothing. They are in a Utopia right now and learning very little because everything is going their way. Normies don’t care because nothing is in their way. Whose way is it not going? OURS! Do you really think that any of this is for “normies” right now? If patriots et al don’t care about the election fraud what makes think normies would? Or a Biden loving lunatic? The plan to use a show in order to ignite a great awakening is for everyone. However, IT STARTS WITH US because there is no base to carry it all through the movie if our country’s most patriotic don’t care. Yes, of course in general conservatives cared about the budget, immigration, indoctrination in schools….but how many cared enough to question whether Joe Blow the Republican congressperson down the street was really looking out for their interest? How many STILL (and this blows my mind) went out and voted in DA races after what we were JUST shown? How many were loosing their minds over propaganda on CNN and went right out and got this vaccine without question. The point is to learn to question EVERYTHING because those you trust the most… right? What is being done has been being done. We needed an exaggerated way of bringing it forward for people to make the connection.The more you're embedded in THEIR system, the harder the fall. WWG1WGA. Literally. Much love to all of us going through this nightmare.