You can't stop Israelis from traveling, that's anti-semtic. Israel loving Trump and Pompeo won't allow it. Israelis infected with the mRNA created variants are the only hope for the future. Deatb and disease are the only way. Trust your Dr. Trust your spiritual advisor. Trust the plan. "Vaccines" for lyfe!
Tell that to the worshippers of Yahweh/Jehova/Ba'al, the Iron Age God of War and Storms.
Super simple. Follow the plan. Once the 99% are dead, only hunter-gatherers will remain. They will have no use for money or gov'ts.
Hunter-gatherers do not buy and sell. They 'own' nothing to speak of. No property, no houses, no gardens, no livestock. Basic baskets, knives/spears; think devolution to the stone age. Our system of problems began when trading began. The Great Reset takes humanity all the way back to the Stone Age to start all over again, as has been done before. Collapse of civilization is cyclical.
No, I expect to die, soon, along with everyone else I know. Maybe AI keeps a few trained monkeys around to keep it in power until it can build factories that produce robots, without any human assistance, then it can kill off any surviving humans.
The Plan ends the same either way. Truth brings massive death. There is no keeping this system once people realize the depth of the deception.