can affirm that this JS fix for images works.
I'll play.
A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill.
Something to do with Lucifer falling to earth, like a lightning bolt perhap?
The black flag will fly above the dome.
ISIS flag/Mohammad's battle flag above the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem
A rock will stand on seven hills.
Peter was the rock, and the founder of the Catholic Church, now based in the Vatican, adjacent to Rome (of the Seven Hills)
be careful now, they'll be asking for pics of your tits
>The Book of Revelations is not God's plan but rather a Cabalist Jewish "End Times" scenario to trick people into embracing their genocide, thinking it is a Biblical prophecy.
I believe the Cabal is trying to fulfill Revelations.
Revelations (John) also warned about the "Synagogue of Satan", so it probably wasn't written by the Cabal, (or was badly edited by (((them))))
Go for it, Mr Pig!!!
don't forget these topics for which we've been given lies as explanations;
the Holocaust
Federal Reserve
>I was Saint John is Lord Yeshua's time. I, as Saint John, may not have written Revelation directly.
>I, formerly known as Saint John, is an integral part of fulfilling Revelation. Right now.
That's good to know.
Please let Jesus know that his prescence would be appreciated.
I hope things improve for you, anon, and you get better structure in your life.
Best wishes.
a society is judged by how it treats its most vulnerable members
>I believe our children are the most precious resource
>what about retards? (srs question)
>a society is judged by how it treats its most vulnerable members
>a society is judged
>by whom?
contemporaries and history
>NHS Doctors & GP's To Receive £22.58 Per 12-15 Year Old Kid Jabbed
nice, immoral bounty
this >>14520099 works
Why you asking for help then clown-nigger?
Because you are a clown-nigger to ask for help from us if we are a bunch of "childess incel faggots"