> EBake from the future
Damn, ebakes….if we weren't constantly under attack, I would think there was nothing nefarious going on! kek Thanks DS shillsters for restoring my belief there is EVIL!
> EBake from the future
Damn, ebakes….if we weren't constantly under attack, I would think there was nothing nefarious going on! kek Thanks DS shillsters for restoring my belief there is EVIL!
oh me gosh…you owe me a new monitor mister! Not allowed to be this funny! Ever. kek
>CNN Live: Acosta
'nuff said…don't believe anything that comes out of his lying corrupt mouth.
>>14520465 – I don't see nothing here that says
>>14520453 – Dan Scavino tweet…
The following is a 'brief' glimpse into a well-wrtitten, LONG-ass dissertation on China military invation into America…happening now.
Chinese UN Peacekeeping Forces Are Now Training at Camp Grayling In Michigan
Submitted by Dave Hodges on Thursday, September 2, 2021 - 13:12.
At the behest of the United Nations, the Chinese military has crossed our northern border and are currently in Michigan. They are occupying an area called Camp Grayling.
The MSM Admits What the Independent Media Has Been Telling an Igrnorant America for Years
Before you marginalize this bold statement about the Chinese/UN troops operating in Michigan, you might actually want to consider some hard core, irrefutable evidence from our past. Let's start with the mainstream media and Fox News in 2017. From Fox News:
Please allow me to spell this out very clearly. The Deep State has succeeded in lining up unlimited funding and willing participants in bringing holy hell to America. It has already started. Now, our government has sold us out and has agreed to let the blue helmets take over this country on a set of contrived consequences promulgated by the left.
The UN Takeover of America Has Already Been Rehearsed Under the 2015-2016 Obama Administration
While some of you were busy watching CNN, this is what happened under your noses during the two years of Jade Helm drills (ie JH 15 and JH 16).
Three nights ago, I received a cryptic text from Paul Preston and it read "the invasion is on." Paul reported that he had sources that stated that members of the Chinese military had crossed our northern border with Canada.
Two days later, a member of the Michigan National Guard, who reached out to me about his 2015 concerns regarding the activities at Camp Grayling, contacted me to state the following:
The players are in place and they are awaiting their predetermined signal. The plan is simple, yet comprehensive and relentless. The subversive groups plan to create as much chaos as possible. The stage has been set for UN intervention. Gun confiscation confiscation will be the first order of business following a series of false flag attacks. Ask yourself, what do you think they are going to do the members of the Independent Media? Gun confiscation will be followed by FEMA camp incarceration for "at risk people". This is something that I know a fair amount about and will be discussing this aspect at length over the next few days.
The Matrix is getting turned off; those asleep will be awakened 💬 New Majestic 12 Telegram posts
Sep 4, 2021
Don't always follow everything that MAJIC EYES QNLY interprets, but found this one interesting….considering President Trump has cancer (supposedly)!
Without the poisons forced into our life and lives, there would be no retardation!
meh…the choice to play is always up to you; judgement is for God.
You know what else happened when I employed the image JS script! The whole board is crisper, meaning the text isn't as blurred out as it had been. I am so impressed. Did anyone else notice this?
jealousy is evil