benis baker
>Is there a way to add it to a larger script?
put it into a function and call the function in your browser settings. JS runs in the browser.
>crayola version
install greasemonky
search greasemonkey tutorial
learn how to run your own scripts in your browser
>how does having a virus make bacteria spontaneously appear?
first you have to understand that there are no virus's without bacteria.
>The star will gorge itself on clay
clay are the weak, uninitiated and living in fear. clay is forged by fire and hardened by darkness where it can find the light.
>I like the solar flare idea. good possibility
<A killer bolt will shine in the night, but will not kill
night is often a representation of what is not seen. Lightning/Bolt have historically referred to a projectile.
Could be read as:
>A deadly strike is sent forth from an unseen place, but does not kill anyone
ie: Co(n)vid
>When all the blinders are removed
The Imagination is the most precious resource in existence.
>banning abortions accelerates dysgenic breeding
I would argue the inverse is true.
Now girls/women know that abortion is an option and therefore, are looser with their morals and bodies given that they have a safety-net. If you take away their safety-nets, they will be forced to make good decisions. Many girls get pregnant knowing this and for one reason or another, decide against getting an abortion whereas if that wasn't an option at all, not only would she have taken a more conservative approach to banging it out with Johnny, he would have also been more cautious.
>since our maker
Our maker is Their maker.
Your perspective aligns with your benefit or detriment.
There are only winners and losers.
Get hard. Your enemies have gone through a lot more shit than you have and are much tougher.
>I believe our children are the most precious resource
what about retards? (srs question)
>When do you expect the men to start making some good decisions
I don't and neither should (you)
>low IQ correlates with the inability of thinking ahead
That's why us snowniggers make up the majority of the worlds geniuses. That aside, I would still think the safety-net removal could make a lot of sheboons second guess that night with tyrone.
Each is responsible for everything that happens to them, good and bad. No "other" has ever come to save any population. Ever. When a mass of people accept the fault starts and ends with personal responsibility, that population will excel in all aspects. What is created in the temple is reflected in the world.